Tuesday, February 7, 2017

And now this...

Greetings good citizen, as it has a thousand times in the past, does the scene unfolding in the nation's capitol make you wonder where are the 'adults'?

Much of what is happening wouldn't be if we had 'qualified candidates' IN THE FIRST PLACE!

In fact, why do you suppose we're saddled with a process that totally ignores qualifications over political, er, 'zealotry'?

This certainly isn't being done for the 'good of the country'.

Do ANY OF YOU use that block of cement between your ears for anything besides occasionally parking a hat on it?

No apologies, this crap has been going on FOR OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS...making the question 'is EVERYBODY BRAIN DEAD?' a valid issue!

Just as the 'smartest man who ever lived' didn't found a company and live the life of Crosius [Geez, don't brains = Money? Isn't that why HALF of you MEATHEADS voted for Trump?] The other half should steer clear of carnivals, the carny barkers will cannibalize 'em!

Naturally I'm not talking about YOU good citizen, you who had a ring planted through your nose at a very young age and were lead to your beliefs by those who had your 'very best' interests at heart. [How pathetic those very same people remain absolutely clueless what their own 'best interests' are?]

You at least recognize that something is screwy...and you marvel as to why NOBODY is doing anything about it.

If the system is broken why is NOBODY [except that whacko that lives across the street from you (GRIN)] trying to fix it? Isn't that what we send people to Washington [actually, fill-in-the-blank because it's ALL FUBAR!]

Which has to make you scratch your head and wonder...coincidence or collusion?

But I digress, at issue 'here and now' is 'competence'.

3/4's of El Trumpo's cabinet ISN'T [even remotely] qualified to perform the task they were APPOINTED to do, the appointment itself is 'political payback' and has NOTHING to do with the individual's abilities.

With this thought in mind, how do we determine a candidate is 'qualified' to run a nation...any 'leader', anywhere on the planet?

Well, we AREN'T QUALIFIED either!

THE PROCESS NEEDS TO BE THE FILTER! How screwy is it that our modern political thinking boils down to whether or not you think you could sit down and have a beer with the man running the country...

Perhaps the MAN part should be telling all by itself.

How competent do you think the president's new 'propaganda minister' is when he comes out against one of the most enlightened popes in history and publicly opines he's 'dangerously mis-guided'.

Which, ironically, speaks VOLUMES about the character of the man who has attached himself to the novice president.

Under A Simple Plan those 'qualified' to lead society will compete against one another via a series of tests that will not only reveal their problem solving abilities but their character as well.

I will once again point out that only 50% of the public turned out for the presidential election...largely because we can't use the ballot box to vote AGAINST the candidate(s) we DON'T WANT.

ADDING that option alone would have resulted in a 're-do'.

Worse, good citizen, repealing Citizens United will do nothing to overhaul the hollow 'two party' system because we all know there is only ONE [the other is 'faux' opposition, intended to make people BELIEVE they are being represented BUT they fold like empty boxes when the chips are down [whenever the people's rights are at stake.]

So it is good citizen, as we observe the 'circus' playing out in Washington, we can only shake our heads in disbelief that this is the 'best we can do'...

For those preparing to ram it up your backside, it's as good as it needs to be...YOU are sitting still for it!

Tired of being jerked around? Plant your butt and pour a cold one, then take every penny you can lay your hands on and go shopping for as much non-perishable food as you can buy...cuz it might be a long time before you can go shopping again.

Carbos may not be kind to your waistline but this is survival and carbos are CHEAP!

Put an end to this nonsense...wait. You're going to have to wait until support for an international strike builds. Doing it alone is suicide and a waste of resources YOU can't afford.

You'll KNOW when the time is right!

In the meantime, prepare!

If the world today seems somewhat bizarre it's because the infamous they have no intention of 'fixing' anything.

Things are as they want them and you are where they want you...anxious sbout whether or not you'll get next week's paycheck or if you'll be working next week!

Don't put up with it.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: What we are witnessing has all of the earmarks of a Libertarian takeover. Libbies are repellant to society and psychotic in their beliefs regarding extreme 'predatory capitalism'.

They are also the ultimate SLAVERS.

RESIST, the life you save may be your own!

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