Friday, February 17, 2017

The 'Mess' we call 'government...

Greetings good citizen, yesterday the latest 'Nitwit in Chief' proclaimed that he 'inherited a mess!'

How many of you are SHOCKED by this revelation?

How many of you think every president since Washington, [who had a REAL MESS on his hands since it had never been done before], thought the exact same thing?

This isn't a poll so the 'how many' part is purely rhetorical. Perhaps better to ask who thinks the government ISN'T 'A MESS?'

People allegedly sick of the 'same old, same old' elected Mr. Let's make it GREAT [again...] with absolutely ZERO explanation of what that empty phrase was supposed to mean?

To this day NOBODY has a freakin' clue what GREAT is supposed to look like but it sure sounded GOOD during the campaign against Ms. 'You Owe Me this!'

Like the War on Terra, nobody FIFTEEN YEARS LATER, has the FIRST CLUE what 'VICTORY' is supposed to look like!

Ironic how someone who campaigned on eliminating the Electoral College owes his presidency to that 'appointed' body.

More disturbing is how it [said college] came to be created in the first place. So fearful are they of being prosecuted...because that part hasn't changed!

And the clock is against them.

Their singular 'saving grace' is there is no 'organized resistance' stalking them...yet.

Lost? Uncertain who 'they' are in this particular case? Do I refer to the puppets or the puppeteers?

Both actually cuz one isn't going down without the other...

The puppeteers like to think they can just snip the strings and walk away but the ties that bind can't be cut! Follow the Money and the path leads back to THEM!

Forget the Kabuki Dance the media calls government, the criminals who actually run things pushed the limits beyond what was prudent and surprise, they are now in full retreat and considering martial law to bring the situation back under control!

More psycho-babble you think? Wouldn't be the first time the public has been 'beaten into submission'...although it will take a lot more than it took last time because the mindless mob is less 'controllable' than their 'god fearing' ancestors were!

[It's also beginning to look like they are preparing to give us a God Enema...where you'll have GOD shoved up your backside the hard way! A return of 'blasphemy equals death' sort of thing...which is only slightly removed from 'thought crime'.]

Orwell's '1984' is flying off the shelves as we watch, mesmerized by the surrealness that is enveloping us with it's 'Alternative facts' and STOP THINK/THOUGHT CRIME marching to the forefront of public awareness!

Now here comes some 'Change you can believe in!'

Is this what you meant when you were wiping you backside with the Constitution...and the Magna Carta?

Treaties that were intended to hold the powerful accountable are only enforceable if those charged with insuring adherence aren't suborned by those who would act contrary to the treaties!

YOU, today, right here and now...are living in a world without ANY of those 'ancient protections'! and the usurpers say you 'lost them' because you 'took them for granted'!

Like the term 'These things we hold to be 'self-evident' apparently aren't when they conflict with the wishes of the 'self-interested!'

For time out of mind, ever since the first 'head-man' made a pact with his soldiers to exploit the very people they 'saved' from being exploited/exterminated by competitors, have people sought 'the protection of government' and the rule of law to save them.

And repeatedly, invariably, they have FAILED.

You are living in yet another failed attempt to establish the 'rule of law' over the rule of tyrants.

But, ironically THAT isn't 'The Mess' El Trumpo is referring to!

It's the failed 'War on Terra' and the 'make 'em pay' healthcare plans that most people LIKE [because coverage isn't denied for 'pre-existing conditions'] that the new 'nitwit in chief is talking about.

Again, ironically, he made the 'immigration mess' all by himself.

Nevermind what I 'see', what is it that YOU see?

Have you chosen 'blindness' as the 'safest path' in this 'go along to get along' world?

When THEY give the word, YOU are going to die [most wretchedly] and it will be because YOU failed to ACT when you had a chance!

Face it good citizen, NOTHING can 'salvage' what passes for government today. It is not the 'rule of law' but by the decree of the One Percent!

Time to tear it down and start over!

I have ALREADY TOLD YOU what needs to be done! [STRIKE!] (See, even the immigrants got the message!)

I have also told you that a strike alone won't be enough. You have three days to take control of the supply lines or the riots will rage out of control...

Which is to say we need to do a lot of things quickly if we hope to restore the 'rule of law'.

Foolishly losing control of money was our [many times removed] 'grandparents mistake', something we mustn't repeat.

It is the ONLY path forward [if WE are to survive...]

But if it's just you...good luck with that!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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