Thursday, February 9, 2017

What's wrong with this picture?

Greetings good citizen, I came upon this article after yesterday's post and had yet another 'WTF' moment as millions are homeless and billions suffer from 'food insecurity'.

Is this something else we're [obviously] doing WRONG?

The 'pieces' are truly frightening as the 'mis-management' of our civilization moves into high gear. Take this news that farmers are being shortchanged for their produce [a vital necessity, more 'important' than oil!] and couple it with a whole generation that can't move out from under its parent's roof and where does that leave us?

Well, it means the f*ckers know that civilization is only nine meals deep (and for some reason they don't dare cut the supply lines yet...(although we might be a lot closer than anyone thinks.)

Crash the 'food market' and Helter Skelter begins, for real!

Why aren't these miscreants being prosecuted? Could they be part of the same gang of goons that repealed the ruling where if your going to call yourself an 'investment adviser', your RESPONSIBILITY is to the investor [and not YOURSELF!]

WTF good citizen!

Some of you may not get the connection between the 'Failure to launch' epidemic and the second 'farm crisis' that threatens to extinguish the independent farmer.

When there is only ONE SOURCE, that source will DICTATE PRICE...and if you can't afford it, TOUGH!

Is there a 'scion of wealth' out there right now, twiddling his thumbs as he contemplates the carnage that he intends to use to 'cleanse' the world of the 'surplus population'? [How SICK is it he honestly believes he's doing us 'a favor'?]

Those of little imagination [who only aspire to 'the world that was' one where THEY reign supreme!] need to be removed from the corridors of power BEFORE they shatter our best chance to move forward as a species!

YOU probably can't see it good citizen but we stand at a crossroads in one direction lies the future for us all and in the other lies debt driven slavery and extinction once the planet's resources are 'squandered' by the self-interested, upon the self-interested.

In that respect they DESERVE TO DIE HERE! But they have no right to take the rest of us with them...unless YOU let them.

Yup, it's YOUR FAILURE TO ACT that dooms our species to the hands of murderous fools.

How else do you interpret incompetence of this magnitude?

But look at who I'm asking? What's wrong with me? [If we figure that out then we'll learn why I write these mad letters to no-one, screaming warnings to the rocks and trees [while they're still here!]

I'd like to think I need warn no one that we are in serious trouble...and the 'unimaginative' are going to 'roll back' the social clock a thousand a 'simpler time' when protest was met with certain death rather than 'tolerance'. A time where the 'rabble' lived and died in the dirt because that was their lot in life.

Cruel as this sounds, it is a 'self-inflicted wound' caused by their 'inaction'.

If the 'self-interested' aren't rounded up and exiled what happens next is OUR FAULT. If we REFUSE to protect our interests, they [weirdly] can't be blamed for acting to protect theirs.

I'd say it sucks being me but right about now it looks like it sucks being anybody whose name is followed by 'got bucks'.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: It's NEVER too late to fight and you DON'T need a gun, you can do far more damage with a book of matches!

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