Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Are YOU 'middle Class'? [Dummy Test]

Greetings good citizen, coinciding with the Republican Revolution came a certain 'shame' in being 'working class'. Until the most recent election the words had disappeared from the political lexicon as the politicians focused their efforts on saving the 'middle class'.

Who, precisely, IS this group that 90% of us self-identify with?

People like 'simple' things...if the world were divided into 'Rich & Poor' most people would consider themselves 'in the middle' [largely because they have NO FREAKING CLUE what it takes to be considered RICH]

Is homeownership the dividing line between Middle Class and Poor?


Middle Class is 'reserved' for college educated professionals who earn their living from their degree.

Is it any wonder the Middle Class is 'disappearing'?

Once again we collide head on with the 'neck deep in STUPID phenomenon'.

Why is this happening? The culprit is 'modern education' which is designed to mislead rather than enlighten.

We have a whole crop of 'educators' that are dumber than a box of rocks!

Seriously, good citizen, the flaw goes back to and can be boiled down to 'failing to teach the basics'.

Should three quarters of you be ignorant as to the meaning of the word Liberty?

Not 'stupid student', we're looking at you Masters degree in 'education'...(or is that obsfuscation?)

Because today's 'educational objective' is not to learn how to think, the whole testing process is an exercise in 'remembering what you were taught' a.k.a. 'believe what I tell you' [or it will be marked wrong and you'll FAIL!]

We're not all going to be physicists so why does your degree rely on being able to perform complicated algebraic equations that even engineers don't encounter [regularly if at all?]

Is THAT 'teaching you to think?' [It is the complete teaches you NOT to think! Your ability to solve complicated (but useless) equations (using formulas you were hand fed) makes you THINK YOU'RE SMART yet you have NO FREAKING CLUE what the function of government is supposed to be!] WTF!

Short answer, NO! No irony should be lost on the fact IQ testing relies heavily on the ability to use mathematics effectively.

Life is fairly simple [something your self professed 'betters' don't want you thinking fact, they want you thinking about ANYTHING ELSE but how simple life really's the 'complications' that make life GOOD for them and SUCK for you.

Truly pathetic is how the educators themselves fail to detect the smoke being blown up their backside, that their 'curriculum' isn't worth the powder to blow it to hell from a practical standpoint.

Ever wonder why ET keeps it's distance? Because this place is a floating INSANE ASYLUM...stay off the planet and they can't hurt you!

But I digress.

But again, not too wildly. You see, the reason WHY MOST OF YOU 'MIS-IDENTIFY' as MIDDLE CLASS is because you weren't 'educated' to know what 'Middle class' really was. Worse, you were LIED TO by these same 'educators' to believe you lived in a CLASSLESS society.

[Which isn't entirely untrue, those running our society are a bunch of 'classless assh*les!' which is a different problem altogether..]

How sad is it that this bit of 'enlightenment' will bring absolutely zero results? You SHOULD BE 'mad as hell' and looking for the head of the local school board on a platter! But this sort of stuff is POLITICAL, the people who cut the teacher's paychecks are the same people you (supposedly) 'elect' to represent you.

Are ANY of you wondering just how deep this particular 'rabbit hole' is?

Well, it brings us back to the mystery of what became of the fellow who observed 'you can fill a persons head with a great deal of 'nonsense' and they are still capable of functioning adequately.'

Ever wonder what happened to THAT guy? Did they make him the 'Minister of Education' or are his remains still floating around on an iceberg somewhere?

How ironic is it that if you're not taught to think, you won't?

Much of what occurs is due to your 'blind acceptance'.

Imagine a world where EVERYBODY knew that one fact?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Yeah, I heard the 'crash' after I let you in on the fact you've been educated like a freaking mushroom [kept in the dark and fed bullshit!] but the time for 'kid gloves' is over.

Not EVERYBODY is going to survive this so the focus has shifted to 'saving the save-able'.

Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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