Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, religion universally teaches us that this life is what we use to 'pay' for (in most cases) our ETERNAL salvation.

Like 'original sin' we are faced with the conundrum of not knowing what we are being 'saved' from nor the reason why we need saving in the first place...much less the need to 'pay' for this salvation, considering we are all born BLAMELESS.

Yeah it's not until you receive 'religious training' that you even learn your 'immortal soul' was in peril of being shut out of a place you never knew existed [Heaven] for crimes that you personally had no hand in.

Did I mention that ALL religion is rooted in superstition and are a 'con' a particularly fractured class of humans uses to exercise power/control over the feeble.

In their defense, they will insist their followers 'need' the guidance and comfort that religion offers and to an extent it boggles the mind to imagine what might replace religion if it were extinguished. So needy is mankind [and it is a disease likely shared by most sentient creatures, the daunting prospect of aloneness is more than the 'self-aware' can handle.]

Leaves open the very frightening question of 'is God psycho? (because 'it' is truly 'alone'.) It is in this scenario that the 'godless' take comfort, better to be godless than be haunted by the prospect of an anchorless, rudderless psychopath randomly creating chaos and destroying it on a whim. Yeah, funny how even the 'all powerful' fantasy has limits.

Notice how neatly Evil fills the void of why does our opportunistic nature makes us commit selfish acts? We blame our own bad decisions on Evil so we have an 'excuse' for our indefensible behavior.

It also 'feeds' the need to be 'saved' from, well, ourselves.

Yup, no denying it, Evil exists and it stares back at you in the mirror every morning.

Perhaps that is why humans are so prone to schizophrenia, they are endlessly trying to split themselves in two by thinking there is an 'evil them' that is separate (rather than part of) themselves.

Sticky wicket here, eh? How do you save, well, humanity (not just yourself you selfish fool!) from YOU?

Why is it that religion fails (miserably) to teach that the evil we are trying to overcome is within ourselves?

Humans that fail to understand human nature succumb to their own mental weakness and become rabid Trump supporters.

While I point the finger at the Church the real blame falls on our refusal to think for ourselves, that is a weakness no 'belief system' can overcome.

Can't stress enough that STUPID is a 'self-inflicted wound.'

Don't be stupid, think for yourself and the first step towards defeating 'evil' is admitting that it comes from WITHIN!

Work hard and you will eventually overcome Trumpism!

Thanks once again for opening your mind, (Those of you that can still find the latch!)


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