Saturday, October 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I began Thursday's post with the opinion that intelligent bombers managed to elude capture for decades. Lucky for us the most recent would be assassin was basically representative of the typical Trump supporter.

This is a mirror, a chance for Trump supporters to see themselves as the rest of the world sees them, twisted, deranged and irrational.

The 'gut reaction' is to distance yourself and insist this guy is an 'aberration', maybe admit to be a teeny-tiny bit too patriotic but bomb thrower, never!

Nope, you don't get off that easy because THIS IS YOU. Take a good hard look at precisely WHAT you have been supporting. You've lost friends over your support for 'the belligerent right' but those were friends that were 'too soft' to take on the hardships that Trump's party has created!

That's right, you got sucked into the tribe Rush Limbaugh built that was founded on 'white victimhood' that produced Gay Marriage, transgender restroom privileges and the Me Too! movement...largely because you're (mostly) white and you're none too bright.

At the crux of the entire mess is the death of capitalism and fear over what will replace it. Those who owe their power to capitalism want to replace it with something much more brutal than predatory capitalism [so it will 'protect' them from prosecution for the crimes they committed under capitalism.] when the 'natural genesis' calls for a turning away from coercion and towards a model that rewards cooperation.

Um, we can't close our eyes and pretend systemic change will 'eliminate' those who will stop at NOTHING [Like the serial liar in the White House or the serial liar that built his 'base' so those people will 'removed' from society.]

Human nature is 'peculiar' in as much as our 'opportunist' nature will drive us towards supporting the wrong things so long as those supporting the wrong things are perceived to be 'winning'.

Well, Spanky's arrest is your wake up call. Numbnuts may pardon him but he won't be able to make it right nor will he 'SAVE' capitalism, that ship is sinking FAST.

The GLOBAL 'refugee crisis' is WORSENING! Pay the F attention!

We can head this thing off but only if we act swiftly to correct the excesses of the 'Billionaire Class' and their 'my way or the highway' attitude.

READ MY LIPS: It's NEVER been about R's and D's. It's ALWAYS been about the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS!

We can all see that 'the haves' are winning.

How STUPID do you have to be believe that 'supporting the winning side' will benefit you?


It is beyond astounding that so many of you believe the 1% can win against the rest of us.

All you have succeeded in doing is branding yourself 'untrustworthy'...and if you think we will forget...take a good look around and see how many 'forgot' the Civil War.

None are so screwed as those who screw themselves.

I know that most of Trump's base won't stop and read this [mostly because reading hurts their teeny tiny heads] so do I apologize to those of you who knew this already.

If anything, it is the 'key' to disassembling Trumps base, who, er, 'mistakenly' see themselves as 'crusaders for the American Way of life that they were taught by a Chevrolet commercial [redefining the terms shallow and insipid!]

Thanks for stopping by and letting me vent.


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