Sunday, October 7, 2018


Greetings good citizen, somewhat ironic to watch the nation being torn into multiple pieces because the feckless have pitted all sides against each other.

No unity means what THEY [no candy coating it, it is THE RICH] that control the public square and their media stokes the fires of rage burning across civilization.

What is the 'uniting factor' underneath all of the finger pointing and hatred?

Unresponsive and unaccountable Government Why would THE RICH foster such and environment? [Because earth's resources are dwindling rapidly so the 'grab' (legally locking up what was worth taking) became a 'it's now or never' as the planet's population multiplies out of control.

So sowing 'dissatisfaction' with the planet's governing system was crucial to completing the theft of what was soon to be 'outlawed' the very same people helping themselves to what belongs to us all as we watch our 'broken' government enrage both sides of the 'faux' political aisle but acting directly in conflict with the will of the people.

This is being done [by the feckless who have STOLEN everything they have] to convince the gullible that 'self government' is a 'bad idea' and doesn't work...BECAUSE IT CAN BE CORRUPTED.

Bad news here is the gullible will happily return to a system lead by a corrupt church that preaches 'forbearance and forgiveness' and that inequality between the royals and the rest is all part of 'HIS' plan.

This is how they intend to put the genie back in the bottle.

But first there will be conflict [the election cycle, made toxic by the Kavanagh appointment] will spark riots during the run up to the November mid-terms. If the polls haven't been burnt to cinders, the remaining ones will be used to force the will of the tyrants upon the 'unbelievers'.

Oh yeah, even if 99% of the nation's polls are made inaccessible 'they' will still pretend that 'America' voted and the results will astound all who hear them...because the f'n media will pretend like the protests are insignificant, even as the stations burn in real time! [That's how pissed off people will be.]

[Which is to point to the timing of the Kavanaugh appointment, this was no accident. The plan was to poison the already 'corrupt' well.]

All the while reminding people that this is 'our' system that the founders made 'for us'.

Ironically we have all witnessed how it performed flawlessly for the feckless all these centuries...and how that continues to do so to this day.

THe ONLY thing that changed is the 'men, both good and true' were removed from the corridors of power and the cloak of 'secrecy' did the rest because how can we have a secure nation if everybody knows what's going on?

Yeah, the Manhattan Project had a much larger scope than anybody imagined...but the whole world was at the royals mounted their quest to return God (as well as themselves) to the throne.

Not going to work and even though they have it all planned out it will still go sideways colossally. [Because today's feckless have zero restraint, an absolute necessity under a totalitarian model that the bought and paid for media has been preparing your for.]

So it is this will end in a near extinction level event as the ridiculously overarmed and mentally ill-equipped wannabes unleash forces they don't comprehend upon people too stupid to come in out of the rain.

Looks like a slam dunk from where they're standing but what is an empire with NO subjects to do the grunt work?

Stupid didn't think of that...they just 'assumed' some would survive and would gladly kiss their ass for a piece of bread.

Funny what you miss when you look in the mirror.

There is only ONE way this ends well and that is with the adoption of A Simple Plan, founded upon equality and sharing the bounty of collective efforts.

We have all been treated like vermin because some of us are.

Thanks once again for dropping by and opening your mind...the destruction of our civilization proceeds apace.


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