Greetings good citizen, looking at the 'performance' of my recent posts I 'think' I have spotted a 'trend'.
Trump fatigue.
While the 'shrill' [read conservo whackos] are frothing at the mouth in defense [chiefly of their whiteness] the majority of you are sick of the act and those who waste your time telling you what you already know.
Principally the system is broke and the tools to fix it don't exist on this side of the 'fence'.
Short of a vicious and violent strike [anything short of total mayhem will be studiously and completely IGNORED by the bought and paid for media.]
Also seriously lacking is a roadmap of what to expect after change is implemented.
See, you are being prepped for a return of God to center stage and this 'new god' is not the 'merciful' one you were raised with, this new god is a vengeful god that DEMANDS HE be 'obeyed' in all things!
[Same as it ever was because this god is no more 'real' than the one he replaces, the only thing that changed is the nitwit behind him is a psychopath more interested in personal power than in peace and understanding.]
Where is 'progress' under all this?
YOUR 'progress' will be measured in obedience with the bar raised all the way to 'comply or die'...nothing is 'ridiculous' or unfair, because this new god demanded it, it is 'just'.
It's a fight nobody is interested in having but, try as you may, it won't be ignored.
Trump, the planet's lightening rod, is but the 'tip of the spear'. He is the leading edge for the return of the 'faithful' to the political arena.
Your vote will be 'surrendered' to God an 'his will' will prevail...because HE (says) he is God!
The truly bizarre part is WOMEN will ACCEPT AND EMBRACE THIS! [Because they are raised to 'serve'...]
Did I mention you're being 'manipulated'?
The 'zealots' are prepared to die for their God and the feckless are more than ready to let them.
See what happens when you don't have a 'plan'?
Did you know Religion is 'personalized' under A Simple Plan. You faith, like your money, is for YOU! If YOUR GOD demands others worship it, it is an exile offense for you to make it your 'mission' to convert others to your god's way of thinking. God is personal and belongs to you! [and if you want to retain your membership in society you'll keep him all to yourself.]
Under ASP there is only one 'faith' and it lies in MANKIND! Man has the deep and abiding certainty that a 'supreme being' doesn't exist [to live/exist is to die, thus NOT 'all powerful'.]
Sure, the universe has no shortage of 'bad actors' but humanity is committed to fighting them as one, united force.
Being human is all the 'bond' you need and God steals that from you. It is in God's Name that you murder your fellow man for their 'beliefs' [which is literally their disobedience to 'your' (imaginary) God!]
This is treachery of the highest order.
Murdering your fellow human because an imaginary God demanded it is the ultimate crime against humanity and automatically revokes your membership in society.
Where today your 'choice of god' determines your place among the 'Christians' of this nation.
A nation founded by, of and for the Protestants.
Does this place suddenly make sense to you? All you needed 'confirmed' for you is where the bear shit.
and now you know.
Thanks once again for opening your mind and expanding your understanding,
Trump fatigue.
While the 'shrill' [read conservo whackos] are frothing at the mouth in defense [chiefly of their whiteness] the majority of you are sick of the act and those who waste your time telling you what you already know.
Principally the system is broke and the tools to fix it don't exist on this side of the 'fence'.
Short of a vicious and violent strike [anything short of total mayhem will be studiously and completely IGNORED by the bought and paid for media.]
Also seriously lacking is a roadmap of what to expect after change is implemented.
See, you are being prepped for a return of God to center stage and this 'new god' is not the 'merciful' one you were raised with, this new god is a vengeful god that DEMANDS HE be 'obeyed' in all things!
[Same as it ever was because this god is no more 'real' than the one he replaces, the only thing that changed is the nitwit behind him is a psychopath more interested in personal power than in peace and understanding.]
Where is 'progress' under all this?
YOUR 'progress' will be measured in obedience with the bar raised all the way to 'comply or die'...nothing is 'ridiculous' or unfair, because this new god demanded it, it is 'just'.
It's a fight nobody is interested in having but, try as you may, it won't be ignored.
Trump, the planet's lightening rod, is but the 'tip of the spear'. He is the leading edge for the return of the 'faithful' to the political arena.
Your vote will be 'surrendered' to God an 'his will' will prevail...because HE (says) he is God!
The truly bizarre part is WOMEN will ACCEPT AND EMBRACE THIS! [Because they are raised to 'serve'...]
Did I mention you're being 'manipulated'?
The 'zealots' are prepared to die for their God and the feckless are more than ready to let them.
See what happens when you don't have a 'plan'?
Did you know Religion is 'personalized' under A Simple Plan. You faith, like your money, is for YOU! If YOUR GOD demands others worship it, it is an exile offense for you to make it your 'mission' to convert others to your god's way of thinking. God is personal and belongs to you! [and if you want to retain your membership in society you'll keep him all to yourself.]
Under ASP there is only one 'faith' and it lies in MANKIND! Man has the deep and abiding certainty that a 'supreme being' doesn't exist [to live/exist is to die, thus NOT 'all powerful'.]
Sure, the universe has no shortage of 'bad actors' but humanity is committed to fighting them as one, united force.
Being human is all the 'bond' you need and God steals that from you. It is in God's Name that you murder your fellow man for their 'beliefs' [which is literally their disobedience to 'your' (imaginary) God!]
This is treachery of the highest order.
Murdering your fellow human because an imaginary God demanded it is the ultimate crime against humanity and automatically revokes your membership in society.
Where today your 'choice of god' determines your place among the 'Christians' of this nation.
A nation founded by, of and for the Protestants.
Does this place suddenly make sense to you? All you needed 'confirmed' for you is where the bear shit.
and now you know.
Thanks once again for opening your mind and expanding your understanding,
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