Greetings good citizen, we are lied to from the time we're born until after our deaths when the officiant will tell whoever is listening how good, kind and benevolent you were even if you were in fact the most miserable excuse for a human being ever.
Because 'truth' is not kind.
So it is a profession based upon falsehoods has gone from 'bending the truth' to fabricating it from whole cloth just to advance its agenda you know nothing about.
Later they will insist you did know and you wanted the (self-serving) 'changes' they've ushered in but by then it will be too late because complaining about the changes is known to be 'fatal'.
You'll be asked repeatedly if 'You don't like it?' or if you've got a problem with it because they want to kill you NOW rather than have to ferret out saboteurs later, and it really COULD be 'anyone'...but one thing is for sure, somebody is going to pay, they'll see to it!
This is what you've blinded yourself to (by continuing to troop down to the polling place to cast your ballot in obviously rigged elections.
Why aren't 'term limits' on the damn ballot? Do you think it has anything to do with why possession of marijuana is legal in most states but you'll still do jail time if you're caught under the influence?
Why isn't there legislation prohibiting 'heuristics' from being applied to government calculations of economic well-being? Things are MUCH worse now than they were fifty years ago but not to hear the politicians tell it! They INSIST things are looking up all over.
Again, another tidbit for you youngsters who remain 'unaware' that St. Ronnie presided over the worst economy in history. Guess who subtracted the 'permanently unemployed' from the workforce...same guy that 'privatized' the healthcare system, your true blue patriotic Republicans!
Seriously good citizen, everybody with two brain cells still in communication with one another must marvel over HOW Republicans keep getting re-elected when they are solely responsible for the economic devastation faced by the planet's workers.
So if you keep on voting NOTHING will change and things will continue their downward spiral...if you don't FIGHT them.
But it's Friday and most of you only have beer on your mind...the few of you that can afford them...
[sarcasm] Thanks for heeding the warning [/sarcasm]
Because 'truth' is not kind.
So it is a profession based upon falsehoods has gone from 'bending the truth' to fabricating it from whole cloth just to advance its agenda you know nothing about.
Later they will insist you did know and you wanted the (self-serving) 'changes' they've ushered in but by then it will be too late because complaining about the changes is known to be 'fatal'.
You'll be asked repeatedly if 'You don't like it?' or if you've got a problem with it because they want to kill you NOW rather than have to ferret out saboteurs later, and it really COULD be 'anyone'...but one thing is for sure, somebody is going to pay, they'll see to it!
This is what you've blinded yourself to (by continuing to troop down to the polling place to cast your ballot in obviously rigged elections.
Why aren't 'term limits' on the damn ballot? Do you think it has anything to do with why possession of marijuana is legal in most states but you'll still do jail time if you're caught under the influence?
Why isn't there legislation prohibiting 'heuristics' from being applied to government calculations of economic well-being? Things are MUCH worse now than they were fifty years ago but not to hear the politicians tell it! They INSIST things are looking up all over.
Again, another tidbit for you youngsters who remain 'unaware' that St. Ronnie presided over the worst economy in history. Guess who subtracted the 'permanently unemployed' from the workforce...same guy that 'privatized' the healthcare system, your true blue patriotic Republicans!
Seriously good citizen, everybody with two brain cells still in communication with one another must marvel over HOW Republicans keep getting re-elected when they are solely responsible for the economic devastation faced by the planet's workers.
So if you keep on voting NOTHING will change and things will continue their downward spiral...if you don't FIGHT them.
But it's Friday and most of you only have beer on your mind...the few of you that can afford them...
[sarcasm] Thanks for heeding the warning [/sarcasm]
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