Greetings good citizen, once upon a time, when the production line needed people for boring, repetitive jobs there were 'incentives' offered by employers to keep the production lines rolling.
In an ironic twist, once upon a time the 'big' incentive to work a production line was 'free health insurance' [that was back when health insurance covered nothing and cost a pittance.] (Imagine a non-municipal employer offering 'free health insurance' today! You have a better chance of seeing a unicorn...)
Now with not a production line in sight, the need to 'incentivize' workers has all but vanished.
Bizarrely, it was that same factor that made for widespread cheering when Reagan Privatized the municipal healthcare network and the evil Insurance companies began offering HMO's. [They were only $2 a throw in the beginning, now the 'deductibles' are back beyond where they were pre-privatization. A brief hospitalization regularly bankrupts those unfortunate enough to require it...and we can only wonder WHY?
Actually, YOU seldom question why things are as they are because the tubes [leading to the cesspool] are diamond hard and slick, you have nothing to grab onto so you do your best to ignore that which you can do nothing about.
This does NOT absolve you. Your 'acceptance' of untenable circumstances for the relative security of a job provided solely to pacify you (by providing you with a means of income that in most cases doesn't support you [How many of you find it more than a little rich that the nation's largest employer, Wal-Mart, is NOT hiring seasonal help so their 'regular employees' can get some over time?]
The typical Wal Mart looks like the after picture from a neutron bomb attack. 24 checkout lanes but only two of them are manned and less than a handful of harried looking, aproned employees scurrying around the whole damn place.
YOU better not need any assistance because their boss sent them on a snipe hunt...and if they don't find one it's their job!
and THIS is the 'Nation's Largest Employer'...
What a BOOMING ECONOMY this must be!
Let me ask again, honestly this time...HOW F'N STUPID ARE YOU?
The media is trying to get ahead of the 'unlikelihood' of a 'BLUE WAVE' this election because a majority of the public realizes the MONEY controls the ballot box. The person PRETENDING to be 'on your side' is doing precisely that...pretending.
Took a couple of decades and some major disappointments but the public is FINALLY wise to the FACT that the ballot box is broken and the system is ONLY AS HONEST AS THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT.
Given the past two decades the public doesn't trust the bankster funded political process any further than they could throw it. [Even Hercules can't lift a bucket with five-hundred assholes in it!]
The press is charged with 'preserving the illusion' that the process still, er, 'works' although the public hasn't seen a victory since JFK was assassinated.
Do I need to remind anyone that the 'killers' are still at large?
Um, difficult to imagine that we've been on the 'wrong path' since before most of us were born...including me.
You will know them by their deeds because their words contradict what they do.
Personally I think they should frog march the man-child onto a platform and televise his hanging to the world. It would be the first collective 'sigh of relief' heard around the world since the (faux) end of WWII.
Humanity has suffered under the boot-heel of despotism since the 'creators' finished looting the planet.
Why we allow them to keep regrouping has more to do with tradition and our craving for an 'orderly' life. It is also rooted in conditioning, we were created to be obedient workhorses, often working ourselves to death in a vain attempt to 'appease' an implacable master. [There are always MORE where YOU came from.]
Until we come to terms with out 'expendability' we will forever be a slave to it.
Better to die on your feet, fighting for the freedom of those you love than to live on your knees, sealing the fate of your loved ones.
Let no human exploit any other for ANY reason! [Thus the H.A.E. law.]
A 'better way has presented itself, all you need to do is defy those who tell you to 'get back to work' or 'Pay up' because the ONLY thing you will be obliged to pay for under ASP is 'perishables' and that which is in limited supply.
Your home will be free, utilities will be free, transportation will be free, education will be free and promotions will be merit based providing everyone the opportunity to be all that they can be.
Better, the 'work requirement' is limited to 20 hrs a week, anything over that is overtime that can be taken as pay or as time towards additional vacation or retirement...because all your 'money' won't another minute buy. Now here is VALUE more precious than any can measure!
You may take as many jobs as you qualify for and OT will be rare as the 20 hr week is intended to facilitate work-sharing because NOBODY (but the disabled) skates. Everyone faces the work requirement. [If you're disabled and want to work, work WILL be found for you! Nobody will be denied the opportunity to contribute to the community!]
I will once again point at an often ignored elephant in the room, work often isn't about the 'job' at all, usually it's the people that make the days enjoyable and the work tolerable. We should all strive to be that person that everyone looks forward to seeing the next day.
Um, this 'prize' could be yours tomorrow. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
In an ironic twist, once upon a time the 'big' incentive to work a production line was 'free health insurance' [that was back when health insurance covered nothing and cost a pittance.] (Imagine a non-municipal employer offering 'free health insurance' today! You have a better chance of seeing a unicorn...)
Now with not a production line in sight, the need to 'incentivize' workers has all but vanished.
Bizarrely, it was that same factor that made for widespread cheering when Reagan Privatized the municipal healthcare network and the evil Insurance companies began offering HMO's. [They were only $2 a throw in the beginning, now the 'deductibles' are back beyond where they were pre-privatization. A brief hospitalization regularly bankrupts those unfortunate enough to require it...and we can only wonder WHY?
Actually, YOU seldom question why things are as they are because the tubes [leading to the cesspool] are diamond hard and slick, you have nothing to grab onto so you do your best to ignore that which you can do nothing about.
This does NOT absolve you. Your 'acceptance' of untenable circumstances for the relative security of a job provided solely to pacify you (by providing you with a means of income that in most cases doesn't support you [How many of you find it more than a little rich that the nation's largest employer, Wal-Mart, is NOT hiring seasonal help so their 'regular employees' can get some over time?]
The typical Wal Mart looks like the after picture from a neutron bomb attack. 24 checkout lanes but only two of them are manned and less than a handful of harried looking, aproned employees scurrying around the whole damn place.
YOU better not need any assistance because their boss sent them on a snipe hunt...and if they don't find one it's their job!
and THIS is the 'Nation's Largest Employer'...
What a BOOMING ECONOMY this must be!
Let me ask again, honestly this time...HOW F'N STUPID ARE YOU?
The media is trying to get ahead of the 'unlikelihood' of a 'BLUE WAVE' this election because a majority of the public realizes the MONEY controls the ballot box. The person PRETENDING to be 'on your side' is doing precisely that...pretending.
Took a couple of decades and some major disappointments but the public is FINALLY wise to the FACT that the ballot box is broken and the system is ONLY AS HONEST AS THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT.
Given the past two decades the public doesn't trust the bankster funded political process any further than they could throw it. [Even Hercules can't lift a bucket with five-hundred assholes in it!]
The press is charged with 'preserving the illusion' that the process still, er, 'works' although the public hasn't seen a victory since JFK was assassinated.
Do I need to remind anyone that the 'killers' are still at large?
Um, difficult to imagine that we've been on the 'wrong path' since before most of us were born...including me.
You will know them by their deeds because their words contradict what they do.
Personally I think they should frog march the man-child onto a platform and televise his hanging to the world. It would be the first collective 'sigh of relief' heard around the world since the (faux) end of WWII.
Humanity has suffered under the boot-heel of despotism since the 'creators' finished looting the planet.
Why we allow them to keep regrouping has more to do with tradition and our craving for an 'orderly' life. It is also rooted in conditioning, we were created to be obedient workhorses, often working ourselves to death in a vain attempt to 'appease' an implacable master. [There are always MORE where YOU came from.]
Until we come to terms with out 'expendability' we will forever be a slave to it.
Better to die on your feet, fighting for the freedom of those you love than to live on your knees, sealing the fate of your loved ones.
Let no human exploit any other for ANY reason! [Thus the H.A.E. law.]
A 'better way has presented itself, all you need to do is defy those who tell you to 'get back to work' or 'Pay up' because the ONLY thing you will be obliged to pay for under ASP is 'perishables' and that which is in limited supply.
Your home will be free, utilities will be free, transportation will be free, education will be free and promotions will be merit based providing everyone the opportunity to be all that they can be.
Better, the 'work requirement' is limited to 20 hrs a week, anything over that is overtime that can be taken as pay or as time towards additional vacation or retirement...because all your 'money' won't another minute buy. Now here is VALUE more precious than any can measure!
You may take as many jobs as you qualify for and OT will be rare as the 20 hr week is intended to facilitate work-sharing because NOBODY (but the disabled) skates. Everyone faces the work requirement. [If you're disabled and want to work, work WILL be found for you! Nobody will be denied the opportunity to contribute to the community!]
I will once again point at an often ignored elephant in the room, work often isn't about the 'job' at all, usually it's the people that make the days enjoyable and the work tolerable. We should all strive to be that person that everyone looks forward to seeing the next day.
Um, this 'prize' could be yours tomorrow. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
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