Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, when you are young it is difficult to comprehend what drives a person to take their own life...but as you, er, 'mature' (seems only half of us manage any measurable progress in personal growth after middle school, most adults relate to South Park because primary school (mentally) was 'yesterday' for them.) it becomes less, er, 'mysterious'.

Their 'worldview' hasn't changed since they were nine. Funny how those 'first impressions' stick with you, isn't it? No sooner do they start teaching you about the planet then YOU become more interested in what's blossoming beneath the outfit of the person a few seats away...and now you've got zero concentration but we're not here to put our hormones on trial.

We are here to consider 'awareness' and people's profound ignorance because they stopped paying attention shortly after they became aware that they were getting 'urges' that wouldn't be ignored...(for long anyway.)

Tough being a kid and if you think about it your formative years were quite formidible because the 'edge' of middle school is roughly the same time when your parents hit you with, "I ain't gonna be around to pick up after you forever." So you begin to accept the responsibility that you will eventually have to make your own way in a world [that you don't understand at all!]

Your young mind doesn't know how to find Lima, Peru on a map much less Lima, Ohio. (If you don't live in the mid-west you might still be ignorant such a place exists...although as a full-fledged adult with rugrats of your own you have by now learned that place names are repeated across the planet and if you look hard enough, you'll find a Lima near you.

So we circle back to that 'awareness' thing and maybe begin to see why it matters.

Ignorance is the bedrock of fear because it is natural to fear the unknown. Conservatives play you using your fears...like El Trumpo's insistence that the caravan representing FAILED CAPITALISM, and NOT the burning desire to come to a first world hell hole [because to a peasant, there is zero difference between a third world hell hole and a first world one. Those that 'have' still piss on you and expect to be thanked for it.] Trump insists the immigrant caravan is filled not with refugees of the economic desert 'created by the global race to the bottom' but the very criminals that the economic crisis created!

How's that for being beaten with both ends of the same shitty stick?

Again, I'm threading a needle here because most of you are 'unaware' of your 'ignorance' and ignorance makes you stupid because you find yourself agreeing with people who 'pretend' they know what's going on like the Moron-in-Chief!

Does he know he's lying? He most certainly DOES. That said he is 'fed' this BS by his 'handlers' because they have researched what to say to prey upon the fears of the ignorant.

The difference between the predators and the non-ignorant? Capitalism gives the predator the platform from which to spread their fear mongering.

Capitalism can't provide jobs for all that need them...and that is not 'the capitalist's' problem. The government is supposed to 'do something' to keep the surplus population from interfering with the capitalist's raping of the planet for personal gain.

While the above statement is blunt beyond forgiveness it doesn't make it any less true...and it is YOUR inability to FACE THE TRUTH that is feeding the predators' FEAR MACHINE. [But they'd fire me if I disagree with them!]

Let me remind you of today's title...suicide.

Suicide is the 'result' of hopelessness, the feeling that no matter what you do it will all end horribly. The liars know this as surely as they know they will eventually be revealed as the frauds they are and be held responsible for all of the suicides they forced due to their lack of empathy/compassion.

Capitalists [like 'dear leader'] lie because if they don't, they LOSE (and that is 'unacceptable' to them.)

This is why the rich [hate themselves] and loathe the poor even more.

Prosperity unshared has become its own punishment, a guilty pleasure to be enjoyed out of sight.

So let's review a few 'facts' shall we?

Since Europe recovered it's industrial capacity the US economy has been sucking pond water. EVERY Republican since REAGAN has presided over worsening economic conditions and yet CLAIMED the economy was 'booming'.

YOU have ZERO PROOF the economy is even STABLE, considering the magnitude of the lies being told.

The predators trying to get you to buy gold [theirs to be specific] tell you the economy could crash at any minute and this too speaks of the degree of IGNORANCE surrounding THE PURPOSE OF COMMERCE and the ancillary PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT!

I was watching Vice News tonight and a Republican strategist had a group of Nevadans in a room and he was 'measuring' the depth of the 'political divide'.

Well one of the people in the group, a man of color no less, offered that he COULDN'T vote for a Democrat...and he was totally ignorant of how RIGHT he was.

Most of you BELIEVE the Progressives are just democrats trying to change their image...NOT TRUE!

There are NO DEMOCRATS anymore, they were defunded by the money that controls the electoral process. The people running with D's after their names are carefully vetted POSERS whose job it is to DECEIVE people in thinking they have a CHOICE...THEY DO NOT HAVE!

What do the REPUBLICANS fear the most? Not a BLUE WAVE but a FAKE blue wave that reveals the whole process is phony!

Here's another thought for those not completely brain-dead, P.T. Barnum is reputed as stating You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

How many of you figured out that ALL doesn't matter if you can fool most of 'em most of the time?

Returning to today's title, so long as you believe in yourself [and not some phony-baloney 'Spirit in the Sky'] you will ALWAYS HAVE HOPE!

Men lie but reality doesn't. There IS a way! [We just have to fight for it.]

While we would prefer to educate those who would fight against their own best interests, we must accept that stupid is a self-inflicted wound and often can't be cured because stupid won't change their mind.

And that, good citizen is the definition of 'hopelessness'.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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