Monday, October 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, before the incumbent was inaugurated I floated the disturbing prospect that the installation of a 'Showboat' as the leader of this nation was a dodge for a (long) planned nuclear event intended to permanently alter the socio-political landscape of the planet.

I know anyone who looks at politics and says 'they're all in it together is instantly branded as crazy but is is more than a mere curiosity that those claiming they were 'born to lead' can indeed trace their family roots back to one another's wood sheds.

So here we are, a society divided against itself thanks to privately owned media that places a higher value on sensationalism than factuality. When was the last time anybody heard the tale of the 'Boy who cried Wolf'?

We oldsters all know it but I never read it to my kids because it has faded into the background. Almost all of the old tales have been retreaded, ironically portraying the historic villain as the unjustly misunderstood victim.

This is what passes for 'morality' in the new millenium.

Villains are just misunderstood victims.

Is this what is behind the worship of our modern day King Tut, the 70 year-old (clueless) 'boy king'?

It is 'diabolical' what the 'opposition' (falsely) embraces as it tries to portray itself as the Guardians of all that is, er, 'cool'?

Back before the Kennedy assassination, when the party lines were 'clear' and conservatism clung to its falsehoods about a past that few actually enjoyed, we had a Democratic party that embraced equality and improving the lot of the average what do the Progressives stand for? Getting the money out of politics..and, er, giving it back to the shareholders IRA's?

[Sorry, we tried to get YOU more but people hate taxes and everything else about 'redistribution', Robin Hood was a Fink!]

How unfortunate for us all that almost no one understands money or its purpose?

Physical wealth is the destroyer of the point that the hoarders of wealth are plotting to unleash nuclear destruction upon what THEY VIEW (doesn't matter what YOU think) as a threat to their continued prosperity (a prosperity that relies on them ruling over us!)

Is exposing the plot enough? Look across the global landscape and you can see the stage being set...for universal martial law.

When the 'fragging' starts nobody knows where it's going to stop.

We will likely turn the clock all the way back to the stone age when the 'limited nuclear exchange' takes on a life of its own. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Who do you 'trust' with the power to end mankind on a planet raised to hate humans?

We are a species of cowards, which makes 'push button' war that much more dangerous. It seems treachery is the by-product of sentience and 'me first' is baked in.

Now who do you trust?

In keeping with today's title this is where I make my exit.

In parting I would take the liberty of belaboring the obvious and admonish those with a mind that comprehends to remove the stooge before the puppet masters use him to put a permanent end to this failed 'experiment in self-rule'. [Where the ONLY thing YOU got to decide is who would decide for you...and even that choice was reduced to a binary. Not 'the best' but either this one or that one...and oftentimes there WAS NO DIFFERENCE!



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