Monday, October 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, encountered a post on MSN yesterday, you know how they are always showing crazy (and decidedly opinionated) polls about the richest (and poorest) county in each state or the best/worst states to retire in (bizarrely discounting climate completely, the number one consideration for most retirees!)

Well, in case you missed it yesterday's poll was a left handed spotlight on why YOUR KID still lives with YOU (often decades after reaching the age when you 'flew the proverbial coop')

Sitting in their room most of the lives glued to the eye that never blinks (gaming) is a 'luxury' you were never afforded so why are you surprised they view shows like 'Friends' and 'Seinfeld' as aberrations rather than gameplans.

While one of Hollywood's most successful sitcoms (The Big Bang Theory) a show about geeks just like your kids never became role models for the nation's youth because they all had a doctorates in something...while your kid couldn't hack Community College because they c (w)ouldn't drop the controller long enough to be bothered to do their homework or get to bed in time to get up for class in the morning for that matter!

Did that leave a mark? You know damn well it did.

Um, it's NOT an accident either, the feckless don't want you ambitious or focused. It's your parents wishing those virtues upon you. You figured out long ago that the 'protestant work ethic' would marginalize you and shut you out of the job market so why crack your cookies?

What was your first hint? You're NOT Protestant!

You also cracked the 'code' early on, Jesus Freaks are EXCLUSIVELY Protestant.

Andrew Lloyd Webber told it true, "All your followers are blind, too much Heaven on their minds!"

Islam does the same thing with 'Paradise' but what are you gonna do? Go to church and let the priest teach you how to blow Gabriel's Trumpet? Not that the preacher didn't go visiting when he knew full well that all men folk would be out in the fields.

It wasn't the 'Lord's work' he was performing either...he was looking to do a little 'secret plowing' too!

So it is our 'Holier than thou' society pretends that everything is on the level when nothing could be further from the truth.

While most of you don't have a clue what the 144 hour work week is did you catch the piece I posted yesterday? In most northern states (where the minimum wage is higher) kids would have to work between 150 to 200 hours a WEEK just to afford a basic two bedroom apartment. Since minimum wage is synonymous with 'part time' this would require your progeny to work 6 plus 20 hour a week gigs...or to live in their Uber...which sort of defeats the purpose of working for an apartment.

So, how does the media get away with telling us that the economy is booming when evidence to the contrary is everywhere you look?

It is because YOU choose to ignore what is right in front of your face.

How many of you believe the 'stock market' has ANYTHING to do with the state of the economy?

Like money, it's all fake.

What isn't fake? Power.

The power to throw you out in the street because they can. We have names for people like that and most of the time the name is preceded by a title like Honorable or Esquire (when they are neither.)

What you need to wake up to is they got where they are by trampling YOUR RIGHTS into the mud...because to them you are lower than mud.

You got a problem with that?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind so I can point at where the bear shits...


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