Greetings good citizen, as I continue to dwell on the feeble-minded the question becomes one of WHY? What do they value that causes them to push their humanity back into a corner?
How did they lose sight of what is important? When did they decide the world was wrong and they were right? Who made them this way?
If we begin with stupid being a self-inflicted wound, who would we point the finger at? Would it be the victim of the falsehood or the individual that made it up?
Kind of a rickety ladder to climb on as it won't hold the weight of either.
Understand the problem got out of hand because the natural inclination has been to ignore those who have been hoodwinked into believing minor falsehoods but now ignoring those 'simple prejudices' has yielded to full-fledged hatred.
Worse, it is all based on lies.
So where is your 'free speech' now?
Again, back when the public's freedom to express itself was curtailed by royal decree, THAT gave birth to the free speech movement that has since turned into the freedom to lie with impunity.
Now that the royals can no longer force the public to wear a muzzle they decided to take one of their most hated aspects of being a ruler out for a spin, telling lies that justified their behavior.
Originally freedom of speech was intended to 'reveal the truth'...but the road to hell is paved with 'good intentions' and 'free speech' was suddenly being invoked to protect all kinds of nastiness that makes society considerably less 'civil'.
Because 'purity' is everything even if it doesn't make sense.
To a MORON, free speech means ALL speech, even lies regardless of how vile.
Back when the 'right to dissent' was enshrined in the Constitution, the 'god fearing' didn't fully appreciate the pandora's box they would be handing to the feckless.
But I digress...(amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked.)
What is the thrust of today's offering? Similar to the ancient query of 'What is best' we must rotate that a tiny bit to ask what is THE MOST IMPORTANT?
People believe what they believe because it is what they were TAUGHT to hold on to [even if they didn't fully understand what they were being told/taught.]
Some people are taught that GOD is the most important thing to hold dear because this life is fleeting while GOD is FOREVER. Others teach that LOVE is the most important thing to hold on to because a life without LOVE is devoid of purpose or meaning. Still others combine the two, 'opining' (although the ones being taught don't know it's just the teller's opinion) that there is no greater love or higher purpose than devoting oneself to the decidedly twisted 'teachings' of those who speak for God.
What is 'missing' from this list?
Who would teach their children that their 'humanity' was worthless and would only cause them grief? You don't suppose it would be people who think they are 'better' than the rest of us, do you? Hell, take that to the hilt and tell it like it is, they BELIEVE they are better than us.
Now people divide themselves along all sorts of lines but no matter how hard they try they can NEVER escape their 'humanity'.
Those who are taught to despise themselves for what they can't control become broken...and that is why we live among a lot of psychotic types. They hate you AND they hate themselves because they were raised to believe they are 'no good'.
Well, the only way to turn this around is to rid ourselves of the self-inflicted wound of stupidity.
YOU are FIRST AND FOREMOST 'human'. Own it and cherish it and cherish others of your kind.
Funny on a planet overrun by humans there are so few of us. Most humans are raised to hate humans and learn to hate themselves for being cruel to people that have never harmed them.
Then they tell themselves it's not their fault because they are 'only human'...and that is how the 'wrongness' reinforces itself and makes people hard...and cruel.
Your HUMANITY makes you 'unique'. Being 'less than human' makes you food.
Only rogues prey on their own kind and since humans are 'social' BY NATURE we must deal with rogues swiftly and certainly.
There isn't a 'god' anyone can point to (much less talk to) but there is no denying NATURE. Rogues go against nature and 'man' less his Hu is ever trying rise above the rest, not for the good of our kind but to become the 'dominant one', which is an aberration to a social species.
Should an ancient copy of A Simple Plan turn up after the chaos of revolt ends and the time comes to rebuild, I wish to direct your attention to the 'birds of a feather' clause within it that provides a mechanism for humanity to cleave together through shared interests.
Why our schools don't teach the need to get along or why religion isn't banished outright for being superstitious nonsense. Religions were introduced to divide us into 'competing' groups and to create artificial barriers that prevent cooperation.
It's time for those barriers to be rejected. If we don't unite we WILL perish [but stupid doesn't care about that because they will finally be with 'their GOD!' [Stupidity is the failure to realize God is ever and always 'personal'.] Like your money, your God belongs to you and you alone, end of discussion and absolutely nothing to fight about.
We can only marvel over what a fool believes.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
How did they lose sight of what is important? When did they decide the world was wrong and they were right? Who made them this way?
If we begin with stupid being a self-inflicted wound, who would we point the finger at? Would it be the victim of the falsehood or the individual that made it up?
Kind of a rickety ladder to climb on as it won't hold the weight of either.
Understand the problem got out of hand because the natural inclination has been to ignore those who have been hoodwinked into believing minor falsehoods but now ignoring those 'simple prejudices' has yielded to full-fledged hatred.
Worse, it is all based on lies.
So where is your 'free speech' now?
Again, back when the public's freedom to express itself was curtailed by royal decree, THAT gave birth to the free speech movement that has since turned into the freedom to lie with impunity.
Now that the royals can no longer force the public to wear a muzzle they decided to take one of their most hated aspects of being a ruler out for a spin, telling lies that justified their behavior.
Originally freedom of speech was intended to 'reveal the truth'...but the road to hell is paved with 'good intentions' and 'free speech' was suddenly being invoked to protect all kinds of nastiness that makes society considerably less 'civil'.
Because 'purity' is everything even if it doesn't make sense.
To a MORON, free speech means ALL speech, even lies regardless of how vile.
Back when the 'right to dissent' was enshrined in the Constitution, the 'god fearing' didn't fully appreciate the pandora's box they would be handing to the feckless.
But I digress...(amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked.)
What is the thrust of today's offering? Similar to the ancient query of 'What is best' we must rotate that a tiny bit to ask what is THE MOST IMPORTANT?
People believe what they believe because it is what they were TAUGHT to hold on to [even if they didn't fully understand what they were being told/taught.]
Some people are taught that GOD is the most important thing to hold dear because this life is fleeting while GOD is FOREVER. Others teach that LOVE is the most important thing to hold on to because a life without LOVE is devoid of purpose or meaning. Still others combine the two, 'opining' (although the ones being taught don't know it's just the teller's opinion) that there is no greater love or higher purpose than devoting oneself to the decidedly twisted 'teachings' of those who speak for God.
What is 'missing' from this list?
Who would teach their children that their 'humanity' was worthless and would only cause them grief? You don't suppose it would be people who think they are 'better' than the rest of us, do you? Hell, take that to the hilt and tell it like it is, they BELIEVE they are better than us.
Now people divide themselves along all sorts of lines but no matter how hard they try they can NEVER escape their 'humanity'.
Those who are taught to despise themselves for what they can't control become broken...and that is why we live among a lot of psychotic types. They hate you AND they hate themselves because they were raised to believe they are 'no good'.
Well, the only way to turn this around is to rid ourselves of the self-inflicted wound of stupidity.
YOU are FIRST AND FOREMOST 'human'. Own it and cherish it and cherish others of your kind.
Funny on a planet overrun by humans there are so few of us. Most humans are raised to hate humans and learn to hate themselves for being cruel to people that have never harmed them.
Then they tell themselves it's not their fault because they are 'only human'...and that is how the 'wrongness' reinforces itself and makes people hard...and cruel.
Your HUMANITY makes you 'unique'. Being 'less than human' makes you food.
Only rogues prey on their own kind and since humans are 'social' BY NATURE we must deal with rogues swiftly and certainly.
There isn't a 'god' anyone can point to (much less talk to) but there is no denying NATURE. Rogues go against nature and 'man' less his Hu is ever trying rise above the rest, not for the good of our kind but to become the 'dominant one', which is an aberration to a social species.
Should an ancient copy of A Simple Plan turn up after the chaos of revolt ends and the time comes to rebuild, I wish to direct your attention to the 'birds of a feather' clause within it that provides a mechanism for humanity to cleave together through shared interests.
Why our schools don't teach the need to get along or why religion isn't banished outright for being superstitious nonsense. Religions were introduced to divide us into 'competing' groups and to create artificial barriers that prevent cooperation.
It's time for those barriers to be rejected. If we don't unite we WILL perish [but stupid doesn't care about that because they will finally be with 'their GOD!' [Stupidity is the failure to realize God is ever and always 'personal'.] Like your money, your God belongs to you and you alone, end of discussion and absolutely nothing to fight about.
We can only marvel over what a fool believes.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
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