Monday, October 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as we continue our descent into the 'Bad Old Days' that were marked with random acts of violence spawned by an ineffective and inefficient 'Justice System' [It is NOT your imagination, good citizen, the criminals are getting bolder.]

Now the morons responsible for this escalation were astoundingly quick to put on their 'excuse shirt' and 'pretend' that they were being framed by the other side.

But what can we expect from serial liars? It's a situation made worse when their leaders take the lead by ignoring the facts and fabricating falsehoods to cover their own mendacity.

Were our justice system not FUBAR Fox News would have its charter revoked for the 'false flag' STUNT!

But we return to the issue of 'the system' only being as reliable as the people running it...and don't look now but the people who use money as their own personal 'toy' are the same people in charge of the 'injustice system'.

Which is to belabor the obvious, the WHOLE system is broken and not about to be fixed by the criminals who cheated out all the safeguards.

Here's the facts Jack: you can't vote criminals out of office. You only think they have to obey, they do not.

Who do the morons in Justice take their marching orders from? THE FREAKING CRIMINALS!

But YOU knew that, right? [You just didn't think about it (until just now) did you?]

Stop and process that for a minute. THERE IS NOBODY THERE TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!

The criminals are holding the 'mantle of authority', any attempt to remove them from power [despite their criminal actions] will be protested as the unlawful removal of elected officials while 'sort of' performing their duties.

So how about it you MAGA cap wearing morons? WHERE ARE THE JOBS? Is coal KING again? What's the 'Promises Kept' BS? Did he promise a 'reverse Robin hood? I missed the stump speech where the moron-in-chief promised to 'kick start' the US economy by playing Santa Claus to people who already have MORE MONEY THAN THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH!

And that STUPID, sums up the situation in a nutshell. There isn't a tax CUT that will shake the trillions sitting in offshore bank accounts free because THERE IS NO PLACE FOR THEM TO GO!

The primary reason the 'freakishly wealthy' aren't investing is because there is NOTHING to invest IN. Lack of money is the real 'false flag' being played here.

I know thinking makes your itty-bitty head hurt bit you can listen [because it's how all of the nonsense you believe got there!] You were raised to believe the world runs on money, that is a LIE. The world as we know it is brought to you by the dedicated PEOPLE that get their backsides perpendicular to the pavement and go to work to make it HAPPEN!

Now 'automation' has radically reduced the number of humans necessary to bring a minimal level of comfort to our species so our 'incentive system' is broken. Ever increasing amounts of money continue to buy less and less BECAUSE dollar number one is still in the economy!

Now I ask you to consider for a moment, WHO is RICH?

It's the people who 'handle' money, isn't it? [Why is congress filled with people from Goldman Sachs?] Don't suppose the world has a 'reserve currency' problem do you?

You can't fight the status quo if you remain ignorant of what's going on.

Challenge B is finding out just how many of you actually KNOW what the status quo is?

Most are clueless.

Loosely speaking the status quo refers to 'entrenched power', the people who support the system that provides them the with the power [to do as they please.] (Think royalty, one step removed.)

People in power only have one thing on their minds and that is staying in power.

Humanity be hanged; it's MY WAY or the highway!

One needn't back up to far to see the reckless disregard for human welfare across our entire civilization...and you have blinded yourself to it because there is nothing YOU can personally do about it [or so you have been convinced.]

Pay attention now because this is where the bear shits, your failure to appreciate what's really going on is what led to having your mind packed solid with manure!

You are NOT stupid, but you have been seriously mislead by the very people who are living well AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Why do YOU think hardship abounds?

Because the morons actually BELIEVE if you aren't near destitute that you'll STOP WORKING!

This is because THEY don't understand work.

Sad to say but it only takes a tiny bit of ignorance to cause some very large problems...

Thanks for taking a minute to open your mind (and maybe save the world in the process!)


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