Thursday, October 25, 2018

Of Bombs & Flies...

Greetings good citizen, Ted Kaczynski escaped scrutiny for years and so will whoever is behind the latest, er, 'message' sent to the meat-puppets of power. If the 'radicals' wanted these high profile figures dead there are much more certain methods. If they have the addresses of their targets it means they could use a high powered weapon to actually do the job and not some feeble device they made no effort to disguise.

Why DIDN'T they use a gun? Same reason our leaders have taken 'regime change via assassination' off the table. You kill one of theirs and you instantly declare open season on ALL of YOURS.

Once one goes, the rest become 'fair game'.

Still, bombs and poison? Is our society that far gone [or is it 'mostly' just the fear-mongers seeing how far they can push?]

Many will agree that Reagan made a huge mistake shutting down the county run mental health facilities.

Worse, 'selling' mental health made an already shaky proposition that much more 'unreliable'. [More money in the treatment than the cure...unless the afflicted is rich, then they can still be class A sickos but tout a clean bill of health provided by a well-paid 'Expert'.

Did I mention that money is seriously mismanaged by the mentally unstable people running this shithole PLANET nation?

Now for the Flies portion of this offering:

In my nearly thousand posts in this carnation I have pointed to an 'alternative' to living under the equality based cooperation A Simple Plan requires. [If you can't abide either, Lord of the Flies is for YOU!]

What do yesterday's bombers and candidates for life on Lord of the Flies Island have in common?

They both profess to loving FREEDOM, the kind of freedom that permits them to have things THEIR WAY...sort of like it is here.

Here if you have MONEY you get to have things YOUR WAY (right, wrong or indifferent.) Them that has less does what the rich guy wants. [Welcome to Somalia! a.k.a. Libertarian utopia.]

The bombers view their targets as people that stand in the way of their personal 'freedom'...[and if you knew what they were really after, you'd stand in their way too!]

Anyway, I haven't explained how Lord of the Flies Island works...and that's because EVERYBODY that 'volunteers' to go there is the 'true currency' of the island is brute strength.

After the 'strongest' is determined, the rest of you will be obliged to 'bow' to the dictates of the strongest...sure you're all 'free' but free doesn't make you powerful. [Now wouldn't be a bad time to contemplate why humans can be found in some of the most inhospitable places this (or any other) planet has to offer.]

Zero irony that this is also where a given places 'carrying capacity' comes into play. There's only so much, er, 'wildlife', once it's eaten it's not coming back. Them that gets there first gets dibs on what there is to have. The rest are viewed as 'looters' and a threat to the powerful's continued dominance.

So it's extremely likely that your 'arrival' on Lord of the Flies Island, that happy dance those that greet you with is really just joy that something (else) to eat has turned up!

Worse, those that volunteer aren't allowed to take ANYTHING with them...not even clothes. [Because the only guy with a gun on Lord of the Flies Island would be its King.]

You believe in FREE, WE believe in 'fair'. AFTER you arrive on the Island...(which may well be deserted by the time you get there) you are FREE to live any way you desire!

It is estimated that the tropical paradise (surrounded by shark infested waters) will be barren within thirty days of the arrival of the first 'refugees'. Even Mungo will have been eaten (by those more 'clever' than him.)

So tough it out under the quasi communist, freedom hating, mother loving free state of ASP for thirty days then demand you be transported to an island that will (in all likelihood) have no people left on it at all.

Just be prepared for the fact there isn't likely to much else there either. Sure we could find YOU a new island to inhabit but that's not the deal. Volunteers go where they are taken. Can't stand people? Become a scientist and we'll shoot you into space on a mission to find the universe's anus. Maybe you could volunteer to join the group trying to adapt to the vacuum of space! [How long can YOU go without breathing?]

Hey, freedom's not free and sometimes the price is stiffer than the stupid are capable of imagining.

Which leads us back to the here and now.

Yesterday's bombing incident was intended to SCARE the already shaken members of society away from the polls so the pretenders can keep the fraudulent electoral system on life support until the next election cycle.

Not that actually achieving record voter turnout will change anything...not gonna happen.

Change will come with truck bombs being detonated at State houses across the wretched land, after that courthouses need to be stormed and the 'injustice' personnel 'held to account.'

Naturally, the backbone of the 'injustice system' will need to be eradicated as well.

If You want a world that ALL children can share, this is the price that needs to be paid.

We live in a system dominated by the 'self-interested' who are slowly strangling the rest of us to death...and 'pretending' it's all in our heads.

We are LOSING because THEY control the 'public square'...[froggy, the pot you're sitting in is boiling, jump or die!]

I personally hope that yesterday's stunt is the straw that breaks the 'complacency' that all of this is just a 'rough patch' that will 'fix itself'.

ASP, an idea whose time has come!

Um, bend over, it seems as though you're dead tissue from the shoulders up so I'm gonna have to give you a boot in the ass to insure the message is 'received'!


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