Greetings good citizen, I am fresh from an article that compares the mana colors from Magic the Gathering to the Myers-Briggs personality index and came away with the questioning the usefulness of such 'fuzzy' tools since nobody is absolutely one trait or another although it can definitely be useful to know what drives an individual.
In any such exercise it is important not to lose sight of individuality and the social influences on that individuality.
The American way is centered on 'teamwork' with individuality being 'sacrificed' for the 'Greater Good'.
One of the central principles of Democracy is sacrificing 'individuality' for an 'assumed' (poorly defined) Greater Good.
The 'enemies' of this joint decision-making process have been chipping away the support of this methodology [the ONLY one offered] without offering a replacement.
They have succeeded in turning We into Me but where do we go from here...not that it should matter except the solitary thing that prevents us from killing one another on sight is that WE all agree to suffer each other's existence. Remove that fragile veneer and I suspect nobody [regardless of mana color] is willing to accept those consequences.
What is driving the Me - We rift?
Again, my apologies to the erudite, you already know the answer.
Without equality there can be no justice.
Regardless of where you fall on the 'color chart/personality index' nobody resents the success of others, it's when that success is denied that makes people cranky.
Our (current) world is one of EXTREMES, you are EITHER filthy rich OR you are a half a step away from dumpster diving for your next meal.
Sure, there are 'in-between' people at all levels but the reality is very few 'Haves' (and even fewer 'Have Mores') juxtaposed against ARMIES of have less and have nothings.
Survival isn't meant to be 'hierarchical' among sentient creatures, especially ones capable of exacting justice from those who take for themselves what belongs to us all.
So it is here that we do a 'faceplant' in the morality of 'where do 'I' end and 'We' begin?' [The Me first crowd doesn't suffer from this crisis, the line is right behind THEM!]
Because surely the 'criminals' among us have been helping themselves while the rest of us went without after making US hold the gun on the helpless all in the name of 'national interest'.
Did I mention criminals?
But 'the system' will never go 'on trial', it will collapse into despotism first!
[Because that's what it was born from...and the people running things are 'one trick ponies' that only know how to 'lie, cheat and steal.']
The people who founded this nation only had despots to draw upon for their 'inspiration'. What nobody (in politics) is willing to acknowledge is all they did is copy the Roman model and (reluctantly) expand it to include White men of privilege.
What we are taught and reality diverge mightily on this topic and the, er, 'entrenched interests' dislike being called on their 'blatant omissions' the most glaring of which is FEMALES...THEN comes the 'racist' BS.
Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE THERE CAN BE NO PEACE!
EQUALITY has always been reserved for the privileged [MALES] when it belongs to EVERYONE!
While I advocate that if you can't crack 100 on a standard IQ test your 'right' to make decisions [vote] is forfeit this does not exclude you from reaping ALL of the benefits of civil society.
The current set-up offers you the 'opportunity' to become a 'contributing member' of civil society but DOES NOT guarantee it and society has, prior to this, been a place where your humanity was enough to make you a member of the group. NOBODY [except the feckless] wanted to turn people with nothing out into the wild.
Under A Simple Plan you are guaranteed (not just a 'chance') of a place in society [and everything that makes that place worth working for.]
You WILL be guaranteed a job and with that job comes a place to live (suitable to your needs) and access to food, healthcare and free utilities [because the utilities exist to serve society and society pays the workers so there is NO NEED for YOU to pay them too!]
[Did I mention criminals pulling a scam?]
Did you know the only 'real' currency any of us has is TIME? Vastly more precious than money so you shouldn't squander it jumping through hoops intended to hold you down...
Um, maybe not the place but it is most certainly the 'time'.
Have a 'drum'? [If you don't make one.]
Because A Simple Plan is something YOU can have TOMORROW if you're willing to FIGHT for it [Because the 'alternative' is taking your chances with the 'F-U pay me!' system that you were either BORN on the 'right/trust fund side of' or you WEREN'T.
Very few are those confused over whether they were born privileged or not...
The Human Anti-Exploitation Law is an idea whose time has come! Humanity CAN NOT move forward until the playing field is LEVELED, EQUALITY = JUSTICE.
Where are the evangelicals [Protestants] on this? No where, they are too busy building their 'mansions in the sky' to be bothered with the criminals that run this pig sty.
Now where are the 'libruls' on putting predatory capitalism on trial?
Same place as the Conservo-whackos! Both are convinced that the 'system' may suck but it's the 'best one we got' without any consideration of what NEEDS changing! [EQUALITY ANYONE? Ask politicians of ANY stripe and they will respond that equality is an 'impossibility' without offering any explanation beyond 'it just is'...or the pathetic 'because nothing is equal!'
How WRONG they are!
But that is not a choice I can make, that one is up to US.
Thanks once again for opening your mind...and by the way, if you think we need to start exploring 'other possibilities' [besides AI] maybe you could turn some open minded friends on to this blog. Readership is down (significantly) since net anti-neutrality kicked in.
In any such exercise it is important not to lose sight of individuality and the social influences on that individuality.
The American way is centered on 'teamwork' with individuality being 'sacrificed' for the 'Greater Good'.
One of the central principles of Democracy is sacrificing 'individuality' for an 'assumed' (poorly defined) Greater Good.
The 'enemies' of this joint decision-making process have been chipping away the support of this methodology [the ONLY one offered] without offering a replacement.
They have succeeded in turning We into Me but where do we go from here...not that it should matter except the solitary thing that prevents us from killing one another on sight is that WE all agree to suffer each other's existence. Remove that fragile veneer and I suspect nobody [regardless of mana color] is willing to accept those consequences.
What is driving the Me - We rift?
Again, my apologies to the erudite, you already know the answer.
Without equality there can be no justice.
Regardless of where you fall on the 'color chart/personality index' nobody resents the success of others, it's when that success is denied that makes people cranky.
Our (current) world is one of EXTREMES, you are EITHER filthy rich OR you are a half a step away from dumpster diving for your next meal.
Sure, there are 'in-between' people at all levels but the reality is very few 'Haves' (and even fewer 'Have Mores') juxtaposed against ARMIES of have less and have nothings.
Survival isn't meant to be 'hierarchical' among sentient creatures, especially ones capable of exacting justice from those who take for themselves what belongs to us all.
So it is here that we do a 'faceplant' in the morality of 'where do 'I' end and 'We' begin?' [The Me first crowd doesn't suffer from this crisis, the line is right behind THEM!]
Because surely the 'criminals' among us have been helping themselves while the rest of us went without after making US hold the gun on the helpless all in the name of 'national interest'.
Did I mention criminals?
But 'the system' will never go 'on trial', it will collapse into despotism first!
[Because that's what it was born from...and the people running things are 'one trick ponies' that only know how to 'lie, cheat and steal.']
The people who founded this nation only had despots to draw upon for their 'inspiration'. What nobody (in politics) is willing to acknowledge is all they did is copy the Roman model and (reluctantly) expand it to include White men of privilege.
What we are taught and reality diverge mightily on this topic and the, er, 'entrenched interests' dislike being called on their 'blatant omissions' the most glaring of which is FEMALES...THEN comes the 'racist' BS.
Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE THERE CAN BE NO PEACE!
EQUALITY has always been reserved for the privileged [MALES] when it belongs to EVERYONE!
While I advocate that if you can't crack 100 on a standard IQ test your 'right' to make decisions [vote] is forfeit this does not exclude you from reaping ALL of the benefits of civil society.
The current set-up offers you the 'opportunity' to become a 'contributing member' of civil society but DOES NOT guarantee it and society has, prior to this, been a place where your humanity was enough to make you a member of the group. NOBODY [except the feckless] wanted to turn people with nothing out into the wild.
Under A Simple Plan you are guaranteed (not just a 'chance') of a place in society [and everything that makes that place worth working for.]
You WILL be guaranteed a job and with that job comes a place to live (suitable to your needs) and access to food, healthcare and free utilities [because the utilities exist to serve society and society pays the workers so there is NO NEED for YOU to pay them too!]
[Did I mention criminals pulling a scam?]
Did you know the only 'real' currency any of us has is TIME? Vastly more precious than money so you shouldn't squander it jumping through hoops intended to hold you down...
Um, maybe not the place but it is most certainly the 'time'.
Have a 'drum'? [If you don't make one.]
Because A Simple Plan is something YOU can have TOMORROW if you're willing to FIGHT for it [Because the 'alternative' is taking your chances with the 'F-U pay me!' system that you were either BORN on the 'right/trust fund side of' or you WEREN'T.
Very few are those confused over whether they were born privileged or not...
The Human Anti-Exploitation Law is an idea whose time has come! Humanity CAN NOT move forward until the playing field is LEVELED, EQUALITY = JUSTICE.
Where are the evangelicals [Protestants] on this? No where, they are too busy building their 'mansions in the sky' to be bothered with the criminals that run this pig sty.
Now where are the 'libruls' on putting predatory capitalism on trial?
Same place as the Conservo-whackos! Both are convinced that the 'system' may suck but it's the 'best one we got' without any consideration of what NEEDS changing! [EQUALITY ANYONE? Ask politicians of ANY stripe and they will respond that equality is an 'impossibility' without offering any explanation beyond 'it just is'...or the pathetic 'because nothing is equal!'
How WRONG they are!
But that is not a choice I can make, that one is up to US.
Thanks once again for opening your mind...and by the way, if you think we need to start exploring 'other possibilities' [besides AI] maybe you could turn some open minded friends on to this blog. Readership is down (significantly) since net anti-neutrality kicked in.
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