Friday, October 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, of late Dear Leader has removed his MAGA cap for a new one, a Nationalist one. I'm going to guess that conservatives didn't get the memo that this is a nation of rebels and our patriotic pride is founded on resisting tyranny.

Now Whackos [those who believe stupid things] I task you with pointing to a single 'liberal' tyrant.

You can't because the two terms contradict one another. You can be a liberal OR you can be a tyrant but you CAN'T be BOTH!

[Needless to say all tyrants are conservative zealots, without exception.]

Let's put this in a way you simple folks can understand it. If we flashed back to the revolutionary days, you'd be a TORY, a 'loyalist' to the freakin' CROWN! (How freakin' American is that?)

Problem with STUPID is he doesn't realize what he's saying [worse, his handlers are clueless too...but that's okay because his 'followers' are also morons.]

Sometimes the problem with wrapping yourself in the flag is it has unintended consequences, similar to hiding behind the throne...(which is what comes next!)

They built this right wing horror show (Actually this is the house that El Rushbo built.) Conservo-whacko-dom got its start from a known serial LIAR. The 'bedrock' of the militant right is PATRIOTISM, a fake as well as blind 'love of country' ABOVE ALL ELSE!

At the 'heart' of conservatism is a toxic 'blind obedience' that one never questions the leadership regardless of what they do because the leadership is being 'guided' by God himself!

This is how Hitler got 'blind obedience' to his ruthless policies...because the commanders fostered this 'divine connection' to the fuhrer.

Now the public has a better idea of what's been built under the guise of 'free speech'.

So what about YOU, 'Tory'...are YOU a Nationalist too?

Choose your words carefully because they might just come back and bite you, David Brooks.

The analysis of history shows that post modern Germany's problem was one of 'Nationalism'. If you've ever spoken with a (surprisingly soft-spoken) German have you noticed that they respond like you're an idiot?

That good citizen is NATIONALISM in the flesh! El Trumpo is trying to dress up the PIG that is 'American exceptionalism' and make it oink the star spangled banner!

Sieg heil anyone?

[Why isn't there a mirror around when you need one?]

Worse, many of us 'see' where this is headed but none of us knows how to STOP it!

See how 'simple economics' has once again lead us to the brink of destruction?

Of course you don't. I am alluding to the fact that contrary to modern economic 'wisdom', the AM dial was playing Rush's poison for decades BECAUSE IT WAS 'FREE' TO THE STATION OWNER! (Better, they still got 'royalties' for the commercials Rush brought with him...isn't capitalism great?) This isn't the only example of capitalism being used to subvert democracy, not that we have anything even close to 'real democracy' but that too is part in parcel with the lie that is conservatism.

Conservatives don't think...mostly because it makes their little heads hurt...

Now walk that back to 'monarchy' and maybe you will see what's REALLY going on!

The connection that is too seldom made is capitalism didn't start to thrive until the all powerful kings stepped off of their thrones and into their nation's treasuries.

Reminder for S.A.S. crowd, it was terribly long ago that the royal were the undisputed rulers of both the land and everything on it!

Why did those guys chuck it all and simply walk away?

Money made the 'obsolete'. They no longer needed to rule, they ruled money and money did the rest.

But we haven't reached the, er, 'disturbing' part yet...although not all of you are stupid/clueless. Allowing the 'animals to govern themselves has lead to a surplus of animals that needs to be 'dealt with'. War knocks down the 'breeders' but the ones that escaped combat made up for the ones that were eliminated.

So it is they have decided to return to despotism so they can execute the surplus with impunity.

And THAT good citizen is why they don't want the average moron questioning them.

well, that ties that up with a pretty pink bow...happy Friday everyone!

Wanna go lynching? [The life you save may be your own!]


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