Greetings good citizen, we have long suffered from 'lipstick on a pig' syndrome where those in power put band-aids on gaping wounds and declared them repaired. [There is little difference between providing a fig leaf and pretending something is 'all better' because they 'banned' the most popular variety.]
Wasn't the AR used in Newtown the mother's a ban would accomplish what, exactly?
Just like Me Too. Men across the social spectrum are losing their jobs over 'inappropriate behavior' but it isn't going to make that behavior go away, it will just drive it deeper into the closet.
We won't 'cure' this problem until clear guidelines about acceptable behavior are etched in stone. Not too bizarrely were the defenses of 'I didn't know' coming from offenders that had been doing it for years!
Me Too isn't wrong, it just isn't done...and it won't be until there are 'standards' of the EVERYBODY KNOWS variety.
While a gun ban will never work, the fig leaf of banning (the sale of) assault weapons to 'minors' [back when I was a kid 21 was the 'age of majority' but the feckless's war machine likes 'em young and it sparked the whole old enough to die but not old enough to vote controversy!
So the 18 Y.O. got the vote and they even got to drink for a little while until the nervous mommies banded together and revoked that it remains, old enough to die but not old enough to drink...
Did I mention we have some serious social issues to deal with? [Se habla #Me Too?]
They don't have a drinking age (or a drinking problem) across the pond and you have to wonder why our kids are, 'clueless'. You don't suppose it's because their parents are concern trolls, do you?
I think it's that book they are always thumping that's creating all the problems. [This is what comes from being unable to think for yourself!]
Why do you suppose Sheldon Adelson has volunteered to pay for moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Do you think he'd like America better if we named it Adelson? [Play with gasoline around fire much, Sheldon?]
What do you suppose this moron would do with 'the spear of destiny?' Sit on it, we hope! It's as close to Jesus as he's ever going to get...
I don't believe, problem is THEY do!
Here's a 'even worse' scenario for ya! Let's suppose THEY suddenly start claiming Jesus HAS RETURNED and ONLY THE FAITHFUL can see him? What do we do if these whack-jobs make war on us?
Now how do you feel about your 'god fearing' government?
Remember the 'separation of church and state?'
The three hundred years of scientific advances are SOLELY due to that separation, the church would have FORBIDDEN any perceived 'tampering' with God's Design.
So do you like your modern lifestyle or do you want to go back to herding donkeys and witnessing public humiliations for savage amusement on Saturday night?
The church wouldn't stop at forcing you to abandon technology...that would be just the tip of the iceberg. You think things are bad in the Middle East now, let the Church start quarterbacking the Global war and you'll see for yourself just who are the REAL 'Terrorists!'
I guess it's not terror or it's close cousin atrocity if you do it in the name of the 'Overlord'.
That's who these flakes are playing for and guess who gets to 'speak for God'?
It won't be you. Remember, only the 'faithful' can see him much less talk to him...
Gonna cut this one here cuz this weeks posts have all been longer than usual [Guess I still have a lot to say.]
Enjoy what passes for the weekend, while they last,
Wasn't the AR used in Newtown the mother's a ban would accomplish what, exactly?
Just like Me Too. Men across the social spectrum are losing their jobs over 'inappropriate behavior' but it isn't going to make that behavior go away, it will just drive it deeper into the closet.
We won't 'cure' this problem until clear guidelines about acceptable behavior are etched in stone. Not too bizarrely were the defenses of 'I didn't know' coming from offenders that had been doing it for years!
Me Too isn't wrong, it just isn't done...and it won't be until there are 'standards' of the EVERYBODY KNOWS variety.
While a gun ban will never work, the fig leaf of banning (the sale of) assault weapons to 'minors' [back when I was a kid 21 was the 'age of majority' but the feckless's war machine likes 'em young and it sparked the whole old enough to die but not old enough to vote controversy!
So the 18 Y.O. got the vote and they even got to drink for a little while until the nervous mommies banded together and revoked that it remains, old enough to die but not old enough to drink...
Did I mention we have some serious social issues to deal with? [Se habla #Me Too?]
They don't have a drinking age (or a drinking problem) across the pond and you have to wonder why our kids are, 'clueless'. You don't suppose it's because their parents are concern trolls, do you?
I think it's that book they are always thumping that's creating all the problems. [This is what comes from being unable to think for yourself!]
Why do you suppose Sheldon Adelson has volunteered to pay for moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Do you think he'd like America better if we named it Adelson? [Play with gasoline around fire much, Sheldon?]
What do you suppose this moron would do with 'the spear of destiny?' Sit on it, we hope! It's as close to Jesus as he's ever going to get...
I don't believe, problem is THEY do!
Here's a 'even worse' scenario for ya! Let's suppose THEY suddenly start claiming Jesus HAS RETURNED and ONLY THE FAITHFUL can see him? What do we do if these whack-jobs make war on us?
Now how do you feel about your 'god fearing' government?
Remember the 'separation of church and state?'
The three hundred years of scientific advances are SOLELY due to that separation, the church would have FORBIDDEN any perceived 'tampering' with God's Design.
So do you like your modern lifestyle or do you want to go back to herding donkeys and witnessing public humiliations for savage amusement on Saturday night?
The church wouldn't stop at forcing you to abandon technology...that would be just the tip of the iceberg. You think things are bad in the Middle East now, let the Church start quarterbacking the Global war and you'll see for yourself just who are the REAL 'Terrorists!'
I guess it's not terror or it's close cousin atrocity if you do it in the name of the 'Overlord'.
That's who these flakes are playing for and guess who gets to 'speak for God'?
It won't be you. Remember, only the 'faithful' can see him much less talk to him...
Gonna cut this one here cuz this weeks posts have all been longer than usual [Guess I still have a lot to say.]
Enjoy what passes for the weekend, while they last,
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