Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Greetings good citizen, name calling is a practice children the world over engage in and it doesn't stop when we reach maturity. The same brand of hubris that makes us believe our own rhetoric [the proverbial 'House without Mirrors'] also lets us brand 'the other' as 'less'. Sometimes they aren't as smart as we think we are and sometimes they aren't as 'pretty' as our (ahem) humble selves so we feel obliged to call them out and publicly ridicule them for having the audacity to not to AGREE with our simpleminded opinions.

Well, nobody takes it seriously but Preznint Pussygrabber has called out the entire Democratic party as being 'unpatriotic' for not applauding the LIES he told during the SOTU address.

What does the comb-over draft dodger know about patriotism? [See, others can play this name-calling game too!]

In fact the 'cognitive dissonance' of the Republican's leaping to their feet every two seconds while the Democrats sat there stone faced wasn't lost on the viewing public and it's a safe bet (IF THEY DARED) Trump's supporters would be calling for the imprisonment of those 'unpatriotic' legislators. [how DARE they 'dis' Murika, land dat dey lurvs!]

Zero irony over the global economy taking a nosedive THE DAY AFTERWARDS! [but that's all make believe too and that should make you pause for a moment.

The gulf between what they claim is going on and what's really going on is widening rapidly and NOBODY (that wants to keep their job) is pointing to the gap and crying BULLSHIT!

You know how they raise mushrooms? They keep them in the dark and feed them BULLSHIT!

Anybody else feeling like a edible fungus?

In this respect the media is protecting Trump's alleged 'base' [because it is a LOT smaller than you'd imagine. Far to small to have swung the election, wouldn't do to have that come crawling out of the darkness while the national 'snipe hunt' for Russian interference in the elections is still underway!] The REAL 'tamperers' are the minions of the oligarchs themselves...but EVERYBODY KNOWS that!

This is another chilling example of the power of the unbridled press. Which is the identical 'free press' the liars claim the Constitution 'guarantees'.

Albeit 'freedom of speech' is a direct offshoot of the now ancient practice of declaring anything 'Officialdom' disagreed with as 'heresy' a crime often punishable by death.

The 'fuzzy line' is encountered when people lie and say their right to spread them is 'protected speech' when it is NOT [That's why libel and slander exist!]

I make some fairly damning 'accusations' but they are TRUE so it doesn't matter if the perps 'don't like' my calling them out. It's what the first amendment protection is suppose to do!

Uncle Tom took to jailing whistle-blowers which shows us all what side of the fence he was really working for. He also managed to go 8 years without a single assassination attempt being made public. But that is more of a testament to the 'underhandedness' of those who control the newsroom and decide what is and isn't 'news'.

If the media were restricted to honesty the silence would be deafening!

Which is why being prosecuted for lying is so rare.

Only when it's blatant and irrefutable does it happen. People convicted of capitol crimes because of lies are never prosecuted even after the lie becomes apparent!

It's a damn dangerous world we live in so we should all be very careful of just who goes around calling whom 'unpatriotic' or other lies.

I am NOT a 'patriot' because patriotism is 'fealty' to a nation and a nation is NOT 'humanity' [talk about babies and bath water!] In fact patriotism is the club that leads to WAR! [18 year of 'invisible war' anyone?]

My 'loyalty' is pledged to humanity and the greater good while the patriot's loyalty is mainly to themselves and the 'like minded' [who are more often than not, criminals.] Selfishness isn't and never has been a 'virtue'.

Take a good look around you. Those waving the flag in your face have helped themselves (at YOUR expense) to everything that wasn't nailed down and defended their greed by calling it their 'way of life'.

If that's what it takes to be an American I want no part of it [which is the whole point of 'taking a knee' rather than continuing to turn a blind eye towards monstrous inequity!]

Better to be damned than let the freakishly selfish define us! [Can I get a huzzah for 'free speech' as the constitution intended it?]

Guess who is defining us now? [Preznint Pussygrabber!]

Are YOU going to let him get away with it? Talk about the 'power of the press' they (the owners) have given their boy a pass during #MeToo scandal and he was one of the first/worst offenders!

Can I get a WTF?

I once again apologize to those of you that are paying attention; I'm not telling you anything you don't already know and sometimes that's the hell of it.

It's all just childishness until they start crucifying people for offending them then we will have come full circle to authoritarianism.

Not the best of situation but all I can do is point, the rest is up to YOU!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


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