Thursday, February 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Just as I was posting yesterday's piece it happened again! The common thread among school shooters is that they have been, to date, all juveniles.

Yesterday's shooter, besides being expelled for whatever, also failed to follow the script [kill himself afterwards] something he's sure to regret until somebody finishes the job for him. [Which is neither here nor just is what it is.]

Just as Japanese students who didn't get straight A's often killed themselves we can only speculate if yesterday's tragedy was triggered by the meme that if Johnny didn't get into college and earn a degree he was going to eventually end up dead in the gutter from a heroin overdose!

Given the prospects for most kids these days it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell if these overdose deaths aren't intentional...

One thing is certain, shooter BELIEVED his life was OVER. [He probably was counting on being gunned down by the police but lacked the courage when the moment came.]

It appears that once again the AR-15 Sporter was the weapon of choice but it appears every third terrorist wannabe totes an AK-47, it could have just as easily been one of those.

This is a $ 1,500 weapon so Johnny didn't just trot down to Wally-Mart and put one on lay-away. [Which is again, neither here nor there despite there being a certain camp that continues to insist if the weapons didn't exist the incident wouldn't have happened.]

One of my other 'missions' is to reduce ignorance. The non-gun savvy think the answer here is to sanction Colt firearms but 'knock-offs' are produced worldwide. They pay a royalty to 'use' the AR-15 patent and the product is indistinguishable from the real deal.

Again totally missing the ENTIRE point. It is not the magazine's capacity that is driving these psycho's to go on their 'One Way Rampage' in the first place?

I preach it every day so Constant Reader knows the answer!


The shooters believe they are 'on their own' so they take matters into their own hands.

This is the end result of 'rugged individualism' [coupled with that 'my way or the highway' attitude.]

Are YOU so enamored with 'F-you, Pay me' Capitalism that you refuse to get behind abolishing it?

Guns AREN'T the problem, it's the 'anti-social' predatory system of commerce that's breaking the will of our species!

I'm guessing the feckless media is keeping it quiet but this time last month there had already been 11 incidents of shootings at schools across the nation, I have heard of one more between those and this latest incident but if it has gotten to this point, what the hell are the feckless going to do about it?

You guessed it, NOTHING.

Disarming is a horrible idea [where do you think the Dark Ages came from?] Worse, take away their guns and would be mass murderers will turn to either bombs or poison!

It's simplistic to think removing weapons from the equation will solve the problem while allowing the core causes to remain.

Face facts: Commerce has turned feral and it's devouring society an individual at a time...because the feckless have stepped up their 'it's not my problem' attitude. [First making people redundant, removing them from their income source then complaining loudly that 'over-regulation' is crushing their 'competitiveness' in the marketplace when the REALITY is they are hacking their own feet off from under themselves by DECIMATING their CUSTOMER BASE!

We REALLY can't afford to have MORONS running the economy, it WILL END US!

We are NOT One society, under God, we ARE one society, under Man...and these particular individuals are quite insane...

Worse, it appears I am 'unique' in my point of view [I'm hoping by sharing my perspective that others will take notice and turn the tide but it's a slow process. I need YOUR help!]

The question is do YOU think I have a point? Did you just answer that question with a hearty chuckle and respond NOBODY cares what I think?

You'd be wrong but before you take to the streets with your trusty AR-15 pause for a moment and think about where this all started.

Doesn't matter if those in charge ignore you, you can't ignore you and it DOES matter what YOU think...(didn't EST teach you ANYTHING?)

United we stand.

What are 'WE' united against?

Those who don't value 'civil society'! Those who would make us 'redundant' just to support the price of their commodity! [not that pricing actually relates to availability. That only applies to Real Estate and even that should be FREE! [Did I mention these people are CRAZY?]

But I digress...but only somewhat.

We won't stop Crazy until with deal with what's causes crazy!

Oh well, back to the reservation...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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