Friday, February 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, pivotal to everything I write is the reality that the legal construct we call 'money' is both random and arbitrary.

One of this morning's headlines concerned senior citizens being evicted from nursing homes because they were losing medicaid and being switched to medicare.

The measure of any society [it's disturbing in the extreme that this isn't uniform, planet-wide (that we are not one species, one society) because they feckless have succeeded in dividing us into warring factions over fabricated issues we care nothing about, but once our conscripted loved ones die for these (lost) causes it becomes a different matter entirely.

Anyway, the measure of any society is how it cares for the least of its members. The victims of these evictions have finished their working careers, most of them giving of themselves selflessly and this is how society repays them?

[Let's not forget the Quadrillion dollars of mostly pension money that went down the drain in the CDO vanished and NOBODY went to jail, another huzzah for Justice!] (Now you want these same people to protect your children? Are YOU Insane?)

Worse, MOST assisted living facilities have shareowners so is it the inability to pay a dividend that is driving these evictions?

We don't know but preying on the aged isn't a 'good reflection' on ANY society [never-mind the increasingly predatory FOR PROFIT healthcare system.]

Worse, lining the shareowners pockets at the public's expense is another systemic horror show that is driving both cruelty and displacement unjustly.

This shatters 'a mis-perception' that once admitted to a nursing home you'd be under their care no matter the cost. It's the quid pro quo behind the signing over of all of your assets before entering.

In reality, should you develop a deadly/costly condition, you gonna die cuz they provide you bed space and nursing care to do exactly that in.

Remember, you live under a 'buyer beware' justice system that provides zero guarantees.

I appreciate YOU don't have a choice in these matters. This is how the game is played and the rules are the rules.

I point at these 'inequities' as I build my case for 'paychecks all around', shareowners are raping the rest of us silly and it must stop.

[Why is the Dow 20,000 again? Nobody has an answer...or they do but it isn't rational. Between psycho-babble about 'investor confidence' and the Easter Bunny coming it's all a circle jerk for people who don't understand what sunlight is.]

The cruelty in today's title is directly pointed at F-U, pay me! Capitalism that routinely puts profits before people...while money remains a legal construct and STUPID is the general level of discourse.

Why we continue to use a system that doesn't meet society's needs is baffling...or is it? NO, it's not, once you take a moment to think about it [and YOU never do!]

We use capitalism because it is essentially 'legalized slavery' and the people running the show need to maintain the illusion that their slaves are 'free'.

[Remember, NO JOB = NO DREAM!]

The 'DREAM' we touched upon a couple of posts ago is driven by the need for food in our stomachs and a roof over our heads [preferably with a floor, thank you, so we (hopefully) don't wake up covered by bugs that like to eat us.] These are basic necessities. Why are they even part of 'the dream?'

I understand that some 'dream' much bigger than just the basics but for most of us, when we talk about achieving 'the dream' it is just the basics COUPLED with the ability to afford them! The implied part that is seldom spoken about is having a little extra to set aside each pay period so when you can finally stop working (another 'dream') you can kick back and enjoy what life has to offer but were too busy to take the time while you were making your 'heap'.

So like I said originally, we don't even have a consensus on what constitutes 'the dream'...all we have is the reality that our economic model is incapable of delivering it to a wage slave.

Today's overcrowded employment market (thanks to F-U, Pay Me!) insures you will work 'til you drop [how sad for most of us you will NOT drop dead no matter how fervently you wish for it.] Life as we have come to know it is always looking over your shoulder as the budget axe continuously 're-organizes' departments bringing in younger, less cynical talent while putting YOU on the street. [The older you are the more likely it is you will start using the benefits they used to lure you to the job in the first place (and if you start using them, the price will go up!)]

When you look at it like this the system itself appears to be designed to maximize cruelty. First there are thousands of things that need doing but go undone because they aren't 'profitable' [which is INSANE because money is meaningless.] People are left to struggle in poverty just to keep the ones with jobs reporting to work! [Tell me that isn't cruel...but an astonishing number of you truly believe the BULLSHIT there's work out there if you want it!] There ISN'T.


How do politicians keep their jobs?

Because the people responsible for this keep financing the re-election campaigns of them AND their opponents!

Who are these people? The SLAVERS!

They don't have a preferred title [although I suppose they wouldn't object to being called 'your highness'] because they pretend they don't exist, that the broken systems exist because of electoral stagnation, what the Republicans lovingly refer to as 'the swamp' [ A swamp that didn't exist until they took over in 1968] K street was built and maintained by the feckless capitalists.

Impropriety went out the window after the stolen election of 1980. Nobody investigated graft or malfeasance once the B-list actor was crowned.

Those who did complain were silenced and marginalized but now it is too widespread to hide or even deny [thus 'fake news' to keep an already dispirited public off balance and out of the streets 'for the most part'.]

Stupid abides and one (cruelty) can't exist without the other (stupidity)

How sad an indictment is that good citizen? [Again, rhetorical's beyond sad...way beyond.]

While a raise the topic constantly it is only to highlight the relationship between our untenable situation and low intelligence that makes it's ongoing prevalence a reality.

You are raised to 'go along to get along' and look at where it landed you?

It is the Mother of self-inflicted wounds yet you persist in teaching your children 'obedience' when you should be teaching them to revolt!

Well, cruelty is its own reward. The very foundations of society are quaking and this is NOT a 'good thing'. The SLAVERS are 'united' while the slaves foolishly believe they are 'free'. [It's also why they refuse to organize because the Slaver's agents ALWAYS usurp the leadership and the whole process goes sideways.]

You start off going for anti-exploitation legislation and end up with a reduced workweek WITHOUT a proportional reduction in expense.

Your 'leaders' call this compromise but you know they are selling YOU down the river. So you replace the sellouts and end up at an even worse compromise [status quo, it's the best we can do.]

So you ditch these bums and try again...until it finally dawns on you that they wont' bargain because change, any change opens them up for 'retribution'.

There is NO BARGAINING with a SLAVER. [For pretty much the same reason you can't give a cat anything...]

We literally have to sweep the current system into it's own cesspool [starting with THEIR courts and The treacherous Palace guard. There are maybe a few hundred thousand of them but there are BILLIONS of us!

They have chosen to hide among us, which will be their downfall.

The only 'visible' part of the slaver confederation is 'the government'. [The one they let YOU pretend to elect.] (Again, thousands of them BILLIONS of us.)

If we are to make this happen it will be accomplished by 'fiat'. How do we make THEM capitulate? We bring the financial markets to zero by refusing to be billed.

STOP Commerce in its tracks...everywhere.

Society exists because we 'agree' to it.

All YOU have to do is 'Agree' to a better life! [How unfortunate for us all that FDR didn't implement the HAE when he had the chance?]

They called him a 'class traitor' but we all know that isn't true. He, like our latest 'po boy made good' let the criminals walk (and this time he didn't spank them first!)

FDR at least was permitted that 'fig leaf'.

Well, now we are at a place before either Teddy nor Franklin existed. We have rolled all the way back to Lincoln and his adding the rest of us to the ranks of the slaves.

Biggest myth there is would that of Lincoln 'liberating' the slaves when the reality is all he accomplished was liberating the OWNERS from having to care for their 'property'.

Lincoln ain't the quite the 'hero' he's made out to be when you interpret the ultimate outcome of his action literally.

[Technology is what really ended the practice of humans owning humans. Worse, the abuse of technology is making humans 'obsolete' and there is more than a little WRONG with that 'idea'.]

How pathetic THINKING is BELOW YOUR PAY GRADE [now put that in context with meaningless money!] Can you see the 'slaver mentality' shining through?


The Human Anti-Exploitation Law is YOUR insurance policy. The outlawing of any human using any other as an 'income stream' is prohibited because it also prohibits any human from claiming ownership of what we all need to live. [This make the employer/employee relationship illegal.]

You are paid by society to produce what you make to meet society's needs. In exchange society grants you the use of everything you need to be a functioning member of society.

If it sounds 'fair' that's because it is. NOBODY gets to buy your labor, sell what you produce then pocket the difference. The ONLY way to get money is to work for it and the only place to spend it is at the public store where your money is simply erased. Neither society nor commerce needs your money to operate.

Commerce exists so YOU can specialize. [Understand, currently YOU exist to support predatory commerce!]

How 'cruel is that?

A better life is waiting on you (to get with the program)

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


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