Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's post is brought to you by the news feed on my mail server's homepage. It appears the planet's former richest man (and his spouse) are disappointed by the results achieved through their philanthropic efforts.

In a bizarre twist [writers are often admonished to 'write what they know'] Today's offering is dedicated to the Gates Foundation and the Herculean tasks they have undertaken [both past and current.]

Academics believe poverty is the result of, er, "stupid students" that fail to recognize life's opportunities and, er, 'capitalize' on them.

Ever notice that politicians are always touting 'Education reform' as the path to future prosperity but for some bizarre reason NONE of the myriad changes made to the educational system produces results. The 'exceptions' are ALWAYS individual and social. [The kids most likely to break the 'glass ceiling' were born directly underneath it.]

Same goes for those bootstrappers from the 'hood', they succeed because they were born into a position that gave them 'the (whole) lay of the land'.

Which is to point out [pay attention now cuz you should KNOW this stuff!] is poverty is 'systemic' and one of the 'necessary components' of the Capitalist operating system. Zero irony that this problem is not alleviated by who owns the equipment but by who controls distribution!

In our current, um, 'environment' distribution is nominally controlled by money. MOST things move for 'profit' but not all. We can't discount the corruption piece of the puzzle. The media likes to call this the 'underground economy' but it's omnipresent...which is to opine that without 'payola' the 'real economy' would collapse [(due to) insufficient funds.] Verification of this comes from the inability of the 'family farmer' to turn a profit...meaning 'factory farms' derive all of their profits from SUBSIDIES and TAX deductions!

Step outside the bubble for a moment as we take a step back to visualize the 'bigger picture'.

Commerce [or what passes for it] is really the reduction of 'drudgery' that makes life easier [it was never intended to make it 'profitable' because the profit was ALWAYS in the relief from drudgery! BUT once created money doesn't 'vanish' and physical money tends to 'pool', returning to the marketplace in ever increasing quantities, resulting in 'inflation'.

Once money became plentiful enough it was regularly transformed into 'will' [the ability to 'buy' judicial/legislative outcomes. Well, the slavers among us had a big agenda they wanted to achieve [via wage slavery] so they had to grease a LOT of palms...good thing the stupid legislators didn't realize all MONEY is FUNNY!

Fiat currency insured there would be plenty to go around and the banks could flush the 'black money' out of the system once it accumulated in the electronic lock boxes hidden in the ether.

How do you alleviate poverty? Short answer is YOU CAN'T. The problem is systemic and the only way to fix it is to change the system!

But you know that [or at least you SHOULD.] Poverty doesn't result from 'bad choices', it is the result of a 'bad system'!

Let's pretend you are ignorant and I will attempt to correct that gap in your knowledge. The ENTIRE GOAL of capitalism is so 'A FEW' can be rich.

Luckily, YOU are among those 'few' and are often held up to the semi-conscious world as proof that the (capitalist) system works.

The irony that commerce exists to elevate ALL mankind is somewhat at odds with capitalism's central premise but the feckless like things the way they are.

Since ALL money is FUNNY you don't have a prayer of 'buying' the legislation you need to correct the problem and that's where the problem rests, in control of the, er, 'Justice System'.

The 'incumbents' are not only 'hand picked' but they are also 'bought and paid for' [with Blackwater and Triple Canopy providing 'insurance' against betrayal.]

But if you really want to help we're going to need about a million yards of 500 lb test para-cord and a quarter of a million 10 ft step ladders.

Torches would be nice but I doubt we will require the cover of darkness for what needs doin'...

Wanna relieve poverty we have to 'remake' the planets leadership structure. Timely actually because the public has lost faith in the electoral process. The next (national) elections will result in riots.

I'm sure you're not depriving yourselves but you would be far better served finding an Island you can buy and helping THEM [still an uphill sled against entrenched interests but the 'scale' is more manageable.]

Bon Chance,


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