Saturday, February 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, without 'direction' our civilization is rudderless and self-interest guides/masquerades as 'public policy'.

The feckless [a.k.a. the self-interested] examined their plight and saw the solution lay in who would be coming for them. Wouldn't be the police, they have long 'owned' the politicians who cut the justice system's paychecks. Ultimately it would be the military that would get the call...not to 'arrest' the source of the problem but to 'restore order'. [Which would entail arresting the people with the ropes and ladders.]

If they could prevent their own execution at the hands of the people they cheated, they were home free! [hated and unlikely to be able to show their face in public but too few could pick them out of a lineup in the first place! Isn't 'anonymity' grand?]

The 'trade-off' was worth the risk and they had the mercenaries as back-up in case the 'regulars' were sympathetic to the 'rebel cause'.

Cops regularly turn a 'blind eye' when THEY are practicing their own form of vigilantism! [That phenomenon of 'unexplained death while in police custody' that has been rising lately but the owners of the media don't think it's 'newsworthy' and the A-holes in robes don't think it's worth their attention (in case any of you were wondering WHY most judges are 'appointed' rather than a more formal method being qualifications rather than allegiances!)]

[Note to rebels: Start with the media outlets! We certainly won't 'miss' them.]

{Memo to journalists: Get Out...NOW!} [If you're a lying dirtbag who is only in it for the money then by all means, stay!]

Failure of the corporate controlled media to expose the vermin living among us has given those vermin the free rein they need because they have come to believe nobody knows who is behind their reckless acts.

Safer still, they aren't 'socialites' in the accepted sense of the word. They don't have groupies and their only 'admirers' are their equally as twisted 'peers' who may or may not sometimes appear in the background of high profile publications. You've seen them before but you have no clue who they are or what they've done and that's how they LIKE it!

We don't use the pronoun THEY without reason. Their identity is a closely guarded secret.

Publish a story about any one of them and the offender gets a pink slip. First amendment and the public's 'need to know' don't extend to these weasels.

YOU thought only the, er, 'intelligence services' warranted that level of 'anonymity' but you'd be wrong. The 'above the law' feckless demand the same treatment and even the 'intelligence services' won't act to put a stop to their, er, 'interference' in public affairs.

So there you have it government BY Them, FOR Us [and if you don' like it, tough!]

Same as it ever was and SO IT SHALL REMAIN for as long as you CONTINUE to permit yourself to be removed from the decision making process!

ASP employs 'direct democracy', the entire lawmaking process is the exclusive domain of the ENTIRE voting public. [First you have to prove YOU possess 100 measly IQ points, under a hundred and you'll have to rely on the mental acuity of those smarter than you.]

Same goes for public policy making. Let those who must live under the law decide rather than allow a few bought and paid for 'representatives'.

But I digress [albeit not by much, it is one thing to vetch and another to offer an alternative!]

Without alternatives, vetching is pointless.

Because the self-interested don't like the alternatives by no means eliminates them, it reinforces them!

They are the reason the alternative was produced!

We shall never enjoy the 'rule of law' so long as the feckless continue to exempt themselves from prosecution!

With that said 'they' control the power grid. The quickest was to mount a 'takeover' will be to turn off the lights and wait a couple of days.

Civilization is 'fragile', most of it doesn't hold up well to rough treatment.

Still, forewarned is forearmed. YOU should be prepared for a 'blackout' [there is no way for you to know if the source is accidental or intentional so your only 'clue' will be seeing a militarized response. [Regular armed forces rather than National Guard.]

If it's GI Joe and they start rounding people up, RUN! [This is in the absence of a natural disaster or the declaration of a pending nuclear exchange.]

If you live in Timbuktu and they show up telling you they are taking people to 'safety', run again! If you aren't is a target area, something's wrong and it's not the clock!

But I digress, yeah, quite a bit that time.

Not the place to cover the millions of scenarios you'll face so we return to the prime one of a blackout that provides cover for their hidden agenda.

What 'agenda' is that? Constant reader knows.

Capitalism is broken due to the mismatch between the population level and the price/availability of energy. Demand must be reduced and there isn't a 'safe' way to do it.

Can't start lobbing nukes cuz we need all the arable land we can get so using WW again is out.

How do you reduce surplus population without war? Well there is only one method left and that, good citizen is GENOCIDE.

IF you can march the surplus into marginal areas and simplify the 'clean up effort' so much the better.

[Left to your fevered imagination is if the scenario played out 'The Smoke Filled Room' is actually true and we have arrived at 'harvest time'.]

That's just what the feckless would have you believe...although the way life plays out it's not a big stretch to picture those who 'fail to identify with us' as ranchers.

Just difficult to wrap your head around the idea the rest of us are 'cattle'.

While it's [tangentially] comforting to think our murder won't be completely in vain, it's also takes disturbing to a whole new level!

If we don't make a break for it, we're 'dinner'.

[If THAT doesn't motivate ya, nuthin will!]

Just something to ponder...[will they eat us with or without A-1?]


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