Sunday, February 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the circus we call government continues its horrifying antics of doing what [almost] nobody wants we can only wonder if there is a method to the madness?

Planned or not, the flagrant disregard for both prudence and sobriety (coupled with a total lack of wisdom) is having an effect, as evidenced by the Mandalay Bay incident followed closely by the latest of 1,600 shooting rampages which are now being laid at the feet of the video gaming industry.

Remember what we're dealing with here, 'opportunistic mimics'.

How do you 'manage' such a society? [Hint: look at the 'clowns' in Washington]

My new meme is God exists to keep the stupid, stupid. Bad Luck = God's will. Same goes for getting robbed, it was God's will.

Bad luck is bad enough without bringing imaginary super-beings into the equation.

We are quick to tell one another that next time it will be different but what do we know?

We say that to give each other 'hope' [because we all knows what happens when a human loses hope.]

But I digress...

If we are to determine what 'The Plan' is we first need to recognize the goal.

What's the goal here? Are we trying to get to heaven or will making it to the weekend suffice, we don't know.

Asked and answered...we don't know leaving our opportunist mimics in a total 'anything goes' environment as we chase our own tails trying to make ends meet any way possible.

Herein lies the danger of providing a people (who will do ANYTHING) [And most are damn proud of their, er, 'spunk'] to meet an immediate goal regardless of the outcome.

So our first person shooter games are consequence free, switch the unit off and your dead disappear, ready to fight again tomorrow but that's not how it works in real life.

In real life we all have tormentors and in the game we get to deal with our tormentors in a way our current society doesn't condone.

Sad news is offing those who get off on belittling others in a game doesn't carry the same permanence as doing it in reality does.

The major problem with 'justifiable homicide' is it all depends on who is doing the justifying. [It's how dueling originated.]

Let 'anything goes' prevail and the streets would be littered with casualties of these random bush-whackings as far as the eye could see.

Language is both a blessing and a curse. We are able to communicate with one another but few are interested in what the other fellow has to say.
[Mostly because the other fellow doesn't have anything to tell you that you don't already know...]

You pretty much know everything you need to...the only reason I do this is because you SUCK at 'connecting the dots!'

Most of you know [but could care less] that you are surrounded by (dangerous) opportunistic mimics...mimics that are checked only by the knowledge that we live in a 'comply or die' society. [Either you follow the rules or your are sent to live with the 'desperadoes'.]

In prison the desperadoes 'technically' can't kill you but they are already lying in societies garbage dump so they have little 'tolerance'. They don't have patience with stupid...and their situation can't get much worse.

Antagonize them at your own peril.

On the outside intimidation is a powerful weapon, on the inside, no so much.

While I'm taking the 'long way home' I do so to illuminate the bigger picture. To recognize the plan you first need to understand the players.

MOST OF US are raised being taught the 'go along to get along' paradigm [The 'exceptions' are the carpe-diem types who live by the My Way or the Highway credo, taught to them by parents who grew tired of always 'appeasing' their peers.]

Increasingly, parents started to recognize their complicity in raising 'mindless followers' so they started encouraging their little ones to 'take the initiative' rather than meekly submit to preserve the peace.

Now the natural 'pecking order' has been abandoned because kids no longer 'free associate' outside school. [Remove 'adult interference' and kids will select leaders based usually on age/experience, the elders lead the younger. Kids often 'pull rank' on one another, often the age card if not the size card and usually both because older kids are bigger.

Today's kids are spared this natural selection process outside school thanks to the sudden predominance of 'stranger danger' that resulted in 'play dates'.

This imperfect solution has led to kids being dominated by kids who were taught by their parents they were better than the kids THEY ALLOWED them to associate with.

The 'natural process' still exists but the determined parent, attempting to wring a successful child out of mediocre material [turns out most 'successful' adults were mediocre kids...thus the 'quest'] this foolishly ignores the 'law of the jungle'. The kid is either a meat eater or its not.

Harangue a child into ignoring it's basic nature and you'll produce a psychopath [just like YOU!]

The average opportunistic mimic doesn't have a lot of 'connect the dots' brainpower going for them but they do know your 'circle of friends' can influence the course of your life so that's how [and why] 'play dates' were born.

In this respect life has turned up the 'predatory volume' as our 'anything to win' mimics step all over one another for a steadily shrinking pool of 'opportunity'.

To varying degrees this is played out up and down the social spectrum with the practice fading to pointless at either end of the social scale.

Again, there is no 'plan' only the reality of preserving the 'status quo'. The rich stay rich and the poor keep reaching for 'the prize'.

Now, the HAVES are constantly cheering on the wannabes because, as the lottery has proven repeatedly, if you don't control an income stream you have NOTHING. [Did I mention that YOU suck at connecting the dots?]

It ain't the trust fund that makes you rich, it's seat on the board of directors that keeps you (and yours) 'in the chips', [What Luck!]

But it has NOTHING to do with luck and everything to do with corruption.

You got yours the old fashioned way, your [great] grandparents stole it!

Still we are no closer to a Plan...and as we all know failing to plan is planning to fail! [Which is exactly what we are headed for, at full throttle no less!]

So what do we do? How do we plot a course for the future when the only plan at present is to preserve the wealth of the already wealthy?

Glad you asked!

First thing we do is fire the [bought and paid for] government's whose sole duty is to keep the already rich, rich.

The next thing we do is close the banks and declare all money counterfeit. [Your money is for YOU and you ALONE!]

Next thing we do is 'nationalize' industry and use the commercial codes order the specialties that bring us life as w have come to know it.
in unison with abolishing ownership of resources we would also enact the Human Anti-Exploitation Law. [We will start with the almost completely hollow US and it will spread around the planet because 'trade' with non Division system nations is strictly prohibited.]

We will then close both the stock market and the insurance companies. [These comprise the bulk of the 'income streams' the feckless rely on.]

Then we will provide everyone (choosing to remain) with a job that will pay them enough to live comfortably on. [What a concept! (no LUCK required)]

To facilitate full employment the workday will be shortened to 4 hours or six shifts for continuous ops.

Spirit in the Sky will no longer have 'paid' adherents. If you feel compelled to do 'god's work' you will do it on your own time and on your own dime!

Religion will NOT be 'prohibited' but proselytizing WILL!

Part of the prohibition on transferring funds between individuals is due to the practice of tithing being prohibited. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!

Worship whatever you like but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Your 'relationship' with YOUR VERSION of god is (and always will be) PERSONAL!

Attempting to convince others that your way is 'the right way (or worse) the 'only' way and you WILL be exiled.

Same goes for OWN.

YOU no longer OWN anything [and neither does anybody else.] What resources there are MUST to be shared with the surviving species on the planet.

We can no longer rape the planet just so Bobo can pretend he's all that and a bag of chips.

There are other details but the essence of the plan is to 'rein in' out of control population growth while we expand our technological understanding to better facilitate our reaching (and surviving) the stars.

If I'm right we are going to find ourselves as far as our ships can travel and you know what that means.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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