Thursday, February 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, sometimes issues pop up right out of the blue that highlight the schism between the rational and the, er, ignorant.

Military parades are not an American tradition so it's somewhat odd that the NOMINAL Commander in Chief has, er, 'requested' one. Like everybody is saying, nobody doubts the planet's largest military belongs to the USA so what purpose would a parade serve?

Zero irony that the planet's largest military has lost every conflict it's gotten tangled in since WWII. Don't look now good citizen but we can hardly call 18 years in the Middle East a 'success' regardless of how you measure it!

It's been a trillion dollar debacle! [Good thing money's funny, right?]

Guess we should stick to the facts: Team USA has the MOST EXPENSIVE military on the planet, Team China has a bigger one.

Two edged sword time, imagine all the jobs [in China] that would be lost if we cut our military budget? Just like the dimwits who keep getting us embroiled in conflicts all over the globe they also eliminated the proviso that required military suppliers to be domestic...same as they brought back loan sharking because they were concerned for the underpaid soldiers wives.

[Still have doubts about who is on what team? It's always been The Have's UNITED against the RABBLE!]

[Bad government has a brand and that brand is Republican.]

Don't be deceived, the other nitwits that PRETEND to oppose the Republican brand do what they're paid to do, pretend to represent the frustrated working poor while doing NOTHING to protect their interests.

NOBODY [in politics OR civil Service] has the public's back. The people running the department of education are making your children stupid and dependent with their 'teach to the test' methodology where pupils don't learn anything but how to take tests that do them zero good in the real world!

We all know the media answers to its owners and ONLY to its owners...that why subscriber ship is down. If not for it's ability to 'fabricate' news nobody would watch it at all.

Modern news is mostly 'infotainment', Cute but hardly 'need to know'. Still they have you when it comes to the weather. We all watch the news for the weather forecast so we can see how it will affect our plans...or our workday if you work outside.

So while I vetch about the media not reporting issues that would have the majority of us 'up in arms' [or worse when they fabricate stories to throw the gullible 'off the scent' of corruption and self serving misdeeds like the Russia investigation. The Russians didn't rig the election, the friggin' Oligarchs/One Percent did!] The question facing us is if the 'average Joe' is actually paying attention? [And if he was, what could he do about it?]

Like I predicted, the Stock Market 'bounced back' because what really 'fuels' the stock markets is GREED [and 'mark to imagination' pricing]

Makes zero sense that a nation that produces NOTHING has sky high stock values...yet nobody questions it.

Just as our nation's largest single employer is the US military and nobody questions THAT either! The state with the nation's highest per capita income is District of Columbia but since it's not a state that honor goes to Connecticut [NY's bedroom] home to stockbrokers and media stars because the largest employer in the great state of Connecticut is STOP & SHOP!

[Can I get a WTF?]

Which brings us to our next nagging many of you are aware YOU'RE BEING PLAYED!

Can't report that the highest per capita income is in the nation's CORRUPTION CAPITOL because it LOOKS BAD [naturally that's because it IS BAD!]

Where does all that money come from when the district's largest employer is the government? Why LOBBYISTS, of course! [When taxes just won't do it there is always graft and payola.]

Why do our children not learn any of this in school? Same reason the media ignores it, because they're paid to ignore it...even advertising comes with a certain 'quid pro quo.'

Another 'development' since Morning in America is the 'information marketplace' has shrunk to the size where it could be drown in a bathtub.

Before 'M in A' there were restrictions on media outlet ownership placed to protect the public's 'need to know' but even the last 'progressive' president [of Romneycare fame] made his 'true colors' known when he jailed whistle blowers.

The truth be damned.

Um, I could keep going but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know [you might not have been aware of some of it but in general, none of this is 'new'.]

The NEED for change [before things change radically in the opposite direction] has seldom been more dire.

The answer to the rhetorical question 'If not us, who?' is one EVERYBODY KNOWS, the answer is NOBODY!

If we don't save our children's future it will be left to our kids and if they don't 'the can' [the responsibility of making it happen] just keeps getting kicked further down the road.

The primary reason we haven't had a [2nd] revolution already is the PROPAGANDA that we are already enjoying 'the best it can get' [The boldfaced lie of 'Every man a King', the 'promise' of capitalism.]

Even the 'few' live lives of quiet desperation, fearing the uprising that will kill them all and burn their Shangri-la to the ground [because they treated it as their 'personal reserve' rather than sharing it.]

Yeah, greed is its own reward, nice while it lasts but it's hell on the digestion...

Would you even watch a military parade and what do you suppose it would do to Numbnut's base? Would it spark riots led by White Supremacists, triggering bloodshed across the nation all because the Narcissist-in-Chief wanted a parade?

I already predicted Smack Water Jack will be at that next 'protest' and he's gonna use that shotgun, monkey see, monkey do!

The rest as they say will be 'History'.

One thing is clear, we can't move forward. We have hit a political brick wall. The public has ZERO confidence in the existing system or EITHER of the parties.

Which brings us to our recurring conundrum...if we're all in this together, why is there an 'opposition'?

[The pat answer is money BUT since ALL money is FUNNY, that response is SHIT. It's really about SLAVERY and who will be whose bitch! who is ready to FIGHT?]

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


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