Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, everything you desire there is somebody somewhere that's 'against' it...with or without a reason. Some people will oppose you just because you desire a thing/outcome but others have more concrete reasons why they oppose 'change'. [Often it is the 'Devil they know' that makes people resistant because a single change can affect multiple aspects of an individuals life.

But that's not the thrust of today's piece. I point at the 'insoluble' like the Occupy movement, students are still getting 'skinned' to train for jobs that don't currently exist but MIGHT, SOMEDAY.

[According to El Trumpo the economy is swimming in jobs and many of those jobs go begging due to a dearth of 'qualified applicants' [This is what happens when you demand 10 years experience in a technology that has only existed for 2...(Time travelers are devilishly hard to find.)]

Why does the economic news vary so widely with reality? [because if the truth ever came out they'd all get lynched!]

Now, it's not like nobody knows, we all do. What they are trying to avoid is the costly dead-end investigations that spread the blame everywhere but where it belongs.

The public doesn't want THAT either. The public wants its country back but the feckless doesn't want to compete with a currency it doesn't control.

Even the most rabid capitalist wants nothing to do with competition. Given the chance they will pick Monopoly every time.

So what do you do when 'entrenched interests' stand in opposition to 'reform'?

So far you've done exactly that, nothing.

You keep going to the polls, marching in the streets and shouting it from every rooftop but this isn't the country it used to be. The public cares and the public hears you but the feckless few 'won't back down'.

From the local town hall all the way to the White House and everyplace in between, the story is the same, 'My way or the highway!'

So long as they hold the 'legal' high ground there isn't a legal remedy to the situation.

The 'problem' here is the weasels that hold these posts. Sure, they are 'hand picked' [(for loyalty) that's why most of them aren't qualified.]

But loyalty is all they need, that and the ability to deny until they receive specific instructions from a 'superior' (job description be damned! and most of these clowns are pulling down big paychecks!)

Corruption and cronyism has run amok in our civilization, which more closely resembles organized crime than a publicly funded social institution.

As the population continues to explode it's not WHAT you know but WHO...

This is in direct defiance of the laws of large numbers...if you aren't going to 'play fair' things WILL get UGLY on a dime!

Those ordered by their superiors to stand in opposition to fairness [The More for ME crowd] foolishly invite the outraged to 'do their worst'.

After the initial victory of the forces for good the Armed Forces will be ordered in to restore 'order'.

The 'kids' don't know better and will do what they're told so the 'trick' here will be to take out the commanders. [Once their 'hardware' is in the streets, it's OURS!]

There will only be a handful of officers on the scene and they should be easily captured. Most of 'em rely on the flora or fauna on their uniform to insure compliance.

In the absence of command, the kids will stand down. They didn't sign up to kill Grandma or Grandpa. [Sadly, this leaves the drones and the nukes.]

Once the resistance gathers steam they will start digging in their heels harder. Time is of the essence, we need to capture central command quickly or we will have a global catastrophe on our hands. [Although from the looks of things the problem will be 'worldwide'. Once armor rolls in the streets of the U.S., nervous leaders elsewhere will mobilize telling the public 'just in case' but it will be the public's opportunity to make their move (the drones can't be in two places at once.)]

The solitary thing standing between us and an equitable society are the badges and robes of the feckless.

It's a line you MUST see or NOTHING will change [for the better...and some things you CAN'T keep ignoring.]

Battle lines are being drawn...whose side will YOU be on [neutral won't be an option. If you're not part of the solution, you are (by default) part of the problem.

Consider your prospects carefully,


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