Friday, February 9, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it is small wonder that most of us are psychotic; dealing with the fact that we are 'on our own' yet we are not ALONE.

[Today's topic is brought to you courtesy of 'Ask a Prepper'; an online newsletter that provides helpful information on the self-sufficient lifestyle.]

Not throwing stones, the article was well conceived, executed and fairly quickly embraced the 'realities' of being required to do EVERYTHING yourself. Up to and including the admission that the author went to bed exhausted every night because of the sheer magnitude of 'what needed doing' on a daily (if not hourly) basis.

Leisure time was 'non-existent', if you had time to watch TV or sit down with a book there were a million other things that demanded you undivided attention because if you didn't do it, it wasn't getting done and you'd suffer for you 'lax' behavior.

Which is to say if you slouch you'd suffer and that wasn't meanness, it was simply reality.

With all of the thing you HAVE to do there wouldn't be time to do things you might want to do [like, for example, study medicine.] Sure you could patch yourself up in an emergency but if the wound got infected and you needed more that moss to counter effects...well, without those who took the time to study what worked and what doesn't [and these were people 'freed' form the obligation of doing EVERYTHING for know, the ones the STUPID spit on for not 'doing their part'.

Actually, it's not the Doctors that the 'self-made' sneer at, it the people that attempted to make something useful of themselves and failed [mostly due to politics but more often through 'poor choices' as people are often 'sold' acquiring a talent that doesn't suit them by people who are paid to put students in classrooms.]

So, here you are, on your own yet surrounded by 'competitors'...and your backside is sucking pond water...[because you have followed the (bad) advice of others.]

The funny thing about 'reality' is no matter how hard you try you can't find the 'reset button'...and some 'errors' are too costly to walk away from [but this circles back to the gross 'fiscal mismanagement' problem we suffer thanks to predatory capitalism.]

Nihilism is on the rise thanks to the gross mismanagement of the commerce system. Literally kids today more readily accept the idea [much earlier than we did] that the world doesn't need them. [The minor and (relatively speaking) 'tiny' exception to this new axiom are 'trust fund babies.'

Toffler titled his (blueprint to destroy mankind) 'Future Shock' and the 'lunatic fringe' embraced it's teachings wholeheartedly!

Future Shock was followed a dozen years later by Mega Trends written by John Naisbett which also rode the freshly launched 'Greed is Good' bandwagon.

While some of you remember EST [assertiveness training] I'm willing to bet most of you forgot these two 'famous' works that were instrumental in making the political arm of the John Birch society into the 'New Republicans'.

For those of you sharp enough to notice, I skipped the 'intermediary' phase where they called themselves Libertarians, foolishly believing people would embrace their ideology because the name itself 'implies' freedom...but the dogma screams that of unbridled ('rabid') capitalism where even simple activities like breathing are considered a 'privilege', talk about 'whack-jobs!'

Apples and Trees good citizen...start with crazy you can't expect the progeny to be much better...and they are/were WORSE!

But now they are 'running the show' and preparing to cement their grip on the corridors of power the foolish opened to them back when the scheme to make an actor president was hatched.

Now we have another 'wildcard' president and those who, er, 'insist' this nation was founded not on religious freedom but on the Judeo-Christian 'tradition' are calling in their chits as Fumbolini walks straight into their 'trap'.

Why is Preznint Pussygrabber perfect for these power hungry religious types? Because he is so poorly educated about what makes this nation tick that he'll go along with just about anything...which is increasingly 'Spirit in the Sky' related.

See, the 'hidden danger' of electing a person like The Donald, who was raised to believe people below his 'station' were all superstitious peasants that would genuflect and cross themselves with fervor every time someone said Christ. He is TOO STUPID to understand this is only 'church behavior'. Almost EVERYBODY has stood in the privacy of their own space and 'DARED' the ALMIGHTY to strike them dead and NOTHING HAPPENED.] Only the truly feeble believe coincidences are 'miracles'.

So we aren't the simple minded collection of fools he was raised to believe we are. But the Bible thumpers have MONEY and they also have the pulpit with which to endorse candidates that pledge to 'drink the kool-aid.'

Um, since a copy of ASP is nowhere to be found I will once again 'excerpt' the text for you here.

Under the Divisions there will be NO paid clergy. If you want to 'do the Lords work you'll have to do it on your own time and since nobody can give you money, you'll have to do it on your own, er, 'dime'.

YOU are free to worship whatever YOU like BUT proselytizing is strictly prohibited. [Don't go pushing YOUR god on ANYBODY else, doing so is an exile offense!] Sounds harsh but when you consider how much political/civic unrest is fueled by 'religious differences' it begins to make a lot of sense.

Hey Protestants still HATE Catholics although, ironically enough, it is the Protestants that want to bring back the Dark Ages!

Worse, most politicians profess to be 'devout' [for fear the public will condemn candidates not on good terms with 'their god'...see above for the self-reinforcing lie!]

As long as you BELIEVE you are walking ALONE down a path laid out for you by the Creator himself, you will accept just about ANY bullshit those who control religion throw at you because it's ALL 'faith based'. [zero proof]

Worse, they still prey on you by asking if you're really willing to go against their made up bullshit that they have zero proof of...and most of the young will buckle because that kind of 'confidence' is learned, it's something we come to by ourselves, by and by.

Yeah, religion doesn't hold much for the aged, they know the score but kids believe what you tell them and the feckless push the kids buttons with reckless abandon!

Which is why we are in serious trouble good citizen.

Kids are becoming 'disenchanted' with a world that has no place for them.

ASP provides a 'united' world with room for EVERYONE!

The only 'divisions' in division society are those of labor/specialty. Nobody 'fails' and everyone can forge the kind of life they desire WITH THE HELP of their friends and family. [Within reason...there isn't enough land for EVERYBODY to have their own 'homestead' you can just put the 'do it all by myself' nonsense right out of your head, (which is automatic the first time you encounter a true medical emergency.) Back to the land is NOT where it's at!]

Some of you WANT to be left alone but the reality is YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

If you can't tolerate living by the rules the rest of us agree to, do the rest of us a favor and volunteer for exile...sadly this is an irrevocable decision. The trip to 'Lord of the Flies' Island is one way only. [You will be counciled before being provided transportation, it won't be possible to surrender yourself and leave ten minutes later.

If you really want to end it all, there will be provisions for that too.

Your 'happiness' is society's number one concern. [Your 'contentment' is still entirely on YOU!]

This alone and on your own stuff is a difficult situation to reconcile but come to terms with it we must. We either choose to get along or we start stepping wherever we can to find a foothold to advance our personal happiness, consequences be damned!

[Which brings us 'full circle' to the off the charts murder rate and the ginormous refugee, er, 'crisis'...]

If we fail to act we WILL be 'acted upon'...

Consider your options and choose accordingly.

Thanks for opening your mind,


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