Greetings good citizen, if you were raised Democrat you haven't had anybody in politics to VOTE FOR since LBJ 'abdicated' [refused his second term.]
There are NO Democrats anymore. You may register as one but you have no politicians (or even a party that embraces your 'ideals' anymore.) The strangers who call themselves Democrats and run as 'D's take their marching orders and have their platforms crafted (and approved) by the same people who craft Republican political strategy. THE MONEY!
We have seen [in my lifetime] such a seismic shift in the political landscape that what used to be considered 'Authoritarianism' now forms the backbone of Republicanism. While what used to be Democratic has vanished in a cloud of spineless surrender monkeys who bought the 'if the economy does well, the country will do well' BULLSHIT!
[Did I mention the need to insulate the political process from the terminally stupid? IQ tests prior to voter registration anyone?]
Because we have all seen just WHO prospered as conservative powered 'trade liberalism' swept the planet and the Anti-Trust system was dismantled and replaced by a few conglomerates that now dominate Global markets.
It is now clear that the true meaning of 'Morning in America' meant the resurrection of the Robber Barons [and the 'political exile' of those who opposed them.] (Starting with Nixon's Imperial Presidency!)
This was SOLD to the (poorly educated) citizens of the United States as necessary to maintain 'the American Way of Life.'
It also coincides with the TV show 'Happy Days' which celebrated an America that largely NEVER existed! [People only bought it because they saw it in the movies!]
Like 'We the People' and the oft quoted phrase 'All MEN were created Equal', we were once again duped into believing we were included in that 'sweeping generalization'. [that 'the American way of life' was enjoyed by 'the typical American'] when only The CRIMINALS among us prospered.
The rest of us suffered wage stagnation and severely eroded purchasing power (due to rampant inflation caused by feckless bankers but attributed to the 'abandonment' of the gold standard.) Damn good thing the opposite of 'funny money' is also true, prices are Bullshit! [Mother nature doesn't have a cash register, inputs are FREE, a statement that should be followed by 'to ALL' but under capitalism only the 'owner' gets it for free, everyone else has to pay.]
So we embark on the 'unfairness train'.
A long list of seemingly 'petty' exceptions that put a handful of interests ahead of the best interests of humanity.
Did I mention the need to insulate ourselves against the 'terminally stupid' who tend to consume whatever is put in front of them? [Even the toxic Kool-Aid. Would that it were 'poisoned', then only the foolish would meet the fate they have cast us all into (most recent election anyone?)]
Now would be a good time to point out the NEXT election still has the same 'greased chute' in place. Many people marveled that Ronnie Reagan got a second term. His first term was scandal plagued and his policies were UNPOPULAR, yet he 'prevailed' against a mediocre Democrat in another 'squeaker' of an election. Notice, SINCE Morning in America EVERY election is a near perfect split?
This 'nation divided' bullshit is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (what a great time to OWN a media outlet?)
NOBODY likes what's been going on for the past fifty years BUT there isn't anything the average individual can DO about it, which isn't COMPLETELY true.
YOU CAN REVOLT [or STRIKE, which is a 'revolt' without the bloodshed (theoretically.) 26,000 people DIED striking for the 40 hour work week.] More the pity considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!
Again I ask if we shouldn't take IMMEDIATE steps to remove the TERMINALLY STUPID from positions of power? [The strikers were murdered in defense of the 6 AM til 6 PM, six days a week system. The owners knew they have to hire more workers to institute a 40 hour week, cutting into THEIR profits [poverty be damned!]
This is back in the day when a 'man's wages were typically a penny a day! [Just like the song says, yes, that came from somewhere!] THe typical employee worked from sun up til sundown for less than a dollar a week.
The other owners were outraged when Henry Ford started paying his workers five DOLLARS a day [so they could afford automobiles] Good thing all money is funny, right?
Now throwing pre-cooked food out a drive up window pays $ 12 an HOUR [and you still can't live on it because prices have a nasty habit of 'keeping pace'.]
Did I mention the people running our society are freakishly selfish criminals?
Which gives us a moment to pause and ask, where were the [old time] Democrats during all this?
Not too hard to figure out, they were KOOL-AID drinkers too! Compromises the 'minority' had forced upon them finally became too much. The, er, 'fatally myopic' knew the key lay in the control of the printing press so they maneuvered Woodrow Wilson into creating the Federal Reserve to 'protect the public' from the terminally shaky banking system.
The common denominator here is the practice of allowing 'certain people' to dictate the 'value' of money when money ISN'T a 'storehouse of value' like the bankers want you to believe.
I have [patiently I might add] explained that the ONLY reason money exists is to facilitate 'specialization'...not 'retail', not commerce but the ability to diversify our skill sets so we can ALL life better.
But this is not what the 'freakishly selfish' believe because they can see what truckloads of money can accomplish!
Worse, it is they who engineered 'income streams' (perpetual payments.) A house SHOULD be a 'gimme' but the feckless have it set up so that once built it becomes one of the most lucrative 'income streams' imaginable. Once built its maintenance becomes the buyer's problem and once the buyer passes on the bank ends up with it again until a new buyer comes along! What a SWEET DEAL for the bankers and their confederates in the Real Estate, er, 'industry'.
Like banking, neither should exist.
Legalized 'loansharking' is still loansharking/extortion and having a prime piece of real estate from which you conduct your business doesn't make it any more 'legitimate'.
In fact, part of what's pushing civilization over the edge is the ability of money to make money [without producing ANY value!]
I know I have drifted in territory where most of you have to don your 'stupid hats' but bear with me because what you've been taught makes NO SENSE! [And we are now miles away from the subject at hand ('Democrats' and their sudden disappearance from the political landscape.)]
The NOW DEFUNCT Democrats knew the truth about money...and, ironically, so do the folks running the other side of the alleged 'divide'. They used 'fake money' to buy the justice system AND the media so THEY could attempt to [once again] build a dynasty before the bewildered eyes of an ignorant public!
Since Morning in America [which weirdly coincides with the nation's very first Billionaire, J.Paul Getty and NOT 'Rockefeller' with whom the people behind the propaganda machine use economic equivalents to make him first, he was because prices would support billionaire-dom until AFTER Nixon killed the 'gold standard'.
Zero irony that the two occurred almost simultaneously and one might have driven the other...
Capitalism was at a crossroads back then facing the 'crisis' of saturated markets and an expanding, er, 'population'. [How we got where we are today is in no small part due to the feckless's ability to separate the 'population' from the 'customer base' because they knew capitalism only operates when it's 'balanced'. If EVERYONE is a customer then capitalism fails and MUST BE ABANDONED! {The ONLY 'alternative is to KILL THE EXCESS!} Only cool if YOU wear the judge's robes...How do you think you'd fare if you had to be 'classified' and how could you live with yourself afterwards?
Again it is right around then that the 'Men, both Good and True' gave up trying to compromise with the greed-heads and stepped off the political stage to let the bodies land where they may.
Since the end of the Seventies we have had a 'fake' political system more interested in 'maintaining' Capitalism than society.
Now that you have walked the path, do you see what you need to do?
[Of course not! How freaking silly of me! (and I'm sure most of you substituted stupid for silly but I don't throw rocks at my own talking points and neither does anyone else.)]
Capitalism CAN'T continue. Either you wake up and do something about it or BILLIONS of you will DIE as the decision is made FOR YOU [by those who consider YOU to be a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe! (they're EXACT words!)]
Again, truth is not kind but if you can't take it...
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind.
PS, Special thanks to those who plus one'd, The system seems to hoard them for reasons unexplained...{go figure?}
There are NO Democrats anymore. You may register as one but you have no politicians (or even a party that embraces your 'ideals' anymore.) The strangers who call themselves Democrats and run as 'D's take their marching orders and have their platforms crafted (and approved) by the same people who craft Republican political strategy. THE MONEY!
We have seen [in my lifetime] such a seismic shift in the political landscape that what used to be considered 'Authoritarianism' now forms the backbone of Republicanism. While what used to be Democratic has vanished in a cloud of spineless surrender monkeys who bought the 'if the economy does well, the country will do well' BULLSHIT!
[Did I mention the need to insulate the political process from the terminally stupid? IQ tests prior to voter registration anyone?]
Because we have all seen just WHO prospered as conservative powered 'trade liberalism' swept the planet and the Anti-Trust system was dismantled and replaced by a few conglomerates that now dominate Global markets.
It is now clear that the true meaning of 'Morning in America' meant the resurrection of the Robber Barons [and the 'political exile' of those who opposed them.] (Starting with Nixon's Imperial Presidency!)
This was SOLD to the (poorly educated) citizens of the United States as necessary to maintain 'the American Way of Life.'
It also coincides with the TV show 'Happy Days' which celebrated an America that largely NEVER existed! [People only bought it because they saw it in the movies!]
Like 'We the People' and the oft quoted phrase 'All MEN were created Equal', we were once again duped into believing we were included in that 'sweeping generalization'. [that 'the American way of life' was enjoyed by 'the typical American'] when only The CRIMINALS among us prospered.
The rest of us suffered wage stagnation and severely eroded purchasing power (due to rampant inflation caused by feckless bankers but attributed to the 'abandonment' of the gold standard.) Damn good thing the opposite of 'funny money' is also true, prices are Bullshit! [Mother nature doesn't have a cash register, inputs are FREE, a statement that should be followed by 'to ALL' but under capitalism only the 'owner' gets it for free, everyone else has to pay.]
So we embark on the 'unfairness train'.
A long list of seemingly 'petty' exceptions that put a handful of interests ahead of the best interests of humanity.
Did I mention the need to insulate ourselves against the 'terminally stupid' who tend to consume whatever is put in front of them? [Even the toxic Kool-Aid. Would that it were 'poisoned', then only the foolish would meet the fate they have cast us all into (most recent election anyone?)]
Now would be a good time to point out the NEXT election still has the same 'greased chute' in place. Many people marveled that Ronnie Reagan got a second term. His first term was scandal plagued and his policies were UNPOPULAR, yet he 'prevailed' against a mediocre Democrat in another 'squeaker' of an election. Notice, SINCE Morning in America EVERY election is a near perfect split?
This 'nation divided' bullshit is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (what a great time to OWN a media outlet?)
NOBODY likes what's been going on for the past fifty years BUT there isn't anything the average individual can DO about it, which isn't COMPLETELY true.
YOU CAN REVOLT [or STRIKE, which is a 'revolt' without the bloodshed (theoretically.) 26,000 people DIED striking for the 40 hour work week.] More the pity considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!
Again I ask if we shouldn't take IMMEDIATE steps to remove the TERMINALLY STUPID from positions of power? [The strikers were murdered in defense of the 6 AM til 6 PM, six days a week system. The owners knew they have to hire more workers to institute a 40 hour week, cutting into THEIR profits [poverty be damned!]
This is back in the day when a 'man's wages were typically a penny a day! [Just like the song says, yes, that came from somewhere!] THe typical employee worked from sun up til sundown for less than a dollar a week.
The other owners were outraged when Henry Ford started paying his workers five DOLLARS a day [so they could afford automobiles] Good thing all money is funny, right?
Now throwing pre-cooked food out a drive up window pays $ 12 an HOUR [and you still can't live on it because prices have a nasty habit of 'keeping pace'.]
Did I mention the people running our society are freakishly selfish criminals?
Which gives us a moment to pause and ask, where were the [old time] Democrats during all this?
Not too hard to figure out, they were KOOL-AID drinkers too! Compromises the 'minority' had forced upon them finally became too much. The, er, 'fatally myopic' knew the key lay in the control of the printing press so they maneuvered Woodrow Wilson into creating the Federal Reserve to 'protect the public' from the terminally shaky banking system.
The common denominator here is the practice of allowing 'certain people' to dictate the 'value' of money when money ISN'T a 'storehouse of value' like the bankers want you to believe.
I have [patiently I might add] explained that the ONLY reason money exists is to facilitate 'specialization'...not 'retail', not commerce but the ability to diversify our skill sets so we can ALL life better.
But this is not what the 'freakishly selfish' believe because they can see what truckloads of money can accomplish!
Worse, it is they who engineered 'income streams' (perpetual payments.) A house SHOULD be a 'gimme' but the feckless have it set up so that once built it becomes one of the most lucrative 'income streams' imaginable. Once built its maintenance becomes the buyer's problem and once the buyer passes on the bank ends up with it again until a new buyer comes along! What a SWEET DEAL for the bankers and their confederates in the Real Estate, er, 'industry'.
Like banking, neither should exist.
Legalized 'loansharking' is still loansharking/extortion and having a prime piece of real estate from which you conduct your business doesn't make it any more 'legitimate'.
In fact, part of what's pushing civilization over the edge is the ability of money to make money [without producing ANY value!]
I know I have drifted in territory where most of you have to don your 'stupid hats' but bear with me because what you've been taught makes NO SENSE! [And we are now miles away from the subject at hand ('Democrats' and their sudden disappearance from the political landscape.)]
The NOW DEFUNCT Democrats knew the truth about money...and, ironically, so do the folks running the other side of the alleged 'divide'. They used 'fake money' to buy the justice system AND the media so THEY could attempt to [once again] build a dynasty before the bewildered eyes of an ignorant public!
Since Morning in America [which weirdly coincides with the nation's very first Billionaire, J.Paul Getty and NOT 'Rockefeller' with whom the people behind the propaganda machine use economic equivalents to make him first, he was because prices would support billionaire-dom until AFTER Nixon killed the 'gold standard'.
Zero irony that the two occurred almost simultaneously and one might have driven the other...
Capitalism was at a crossroads back then facing the 'crisis' of saturated markets and an expanding, er, 'population'. [How we got where we are today is in no small part due to the feckless's ability to separate the 'population' from the 'customer base' because they knew capitalism only operates when it's 'balanced'. If EVERYONE is a customer then capitalism fails and MUST BE ABANDONED! {The ONLY 'alternative is to KILL THE EXCESS!} Only cool if YOU wear the judge's robes...How do you think you'd fare if you had to be 'classified' and how could you live with yourself afterwards?
Again it is right around then that the 'Men, both Good and True' gave up trying to compromise with the greed-heads and stepped off the political stage to let the bodies land where they may.
Since the end of the Seventies we have had a 'fake' political system more interested in 'maintaining' Capitalism than society.
Now that you have walked the path, do you see what you need to do?
[Of course not! How freaking silly of me! (and I'm sure most of you substituted stupid for silly but I don't throw rocks at my own talking points and neither does anyone else.)]
Capitalism CAN'T continue. Either you wake up and do something about it or BILLIONS of you will DIE as the decision is made FOR YOU [by those who consider YOU to be a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe! (they're EXACT words!)]
Again, truth is not kind but if you can't take it...
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind.
PS, Special thanks to those who plus one'd, The system seems to hoard them for reasons unexplained...{go figure?}
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