Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, considering the economy is a chimera, what does a recession even mean anymore? When the markets tanked because of a quadrillion dollars worth of bogus collateralized debt obligations (CDO's) right around the end of Bush the Lesser's 2nd term (Talk about legacies!) we had already reached ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) so the only thing the FED could do was 'bail out the banks' (while stiff-arming the pensioners that got stuffed by the fraud that NOBODY went to jail for.

Now, a dozen years later (with a stock market that makes zero sense...but that's nothing new) we are being told the economy is going to crash again.

Don't bother asking 'What Economy?' There isn't one to point at. We [US citizens] are in the same position the former Soviets were three decades ago..."We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us."

The feckless used this statement to condemn Communism but here we are today in the exact same place.

What's our principal industry now, cell phone usage? Isn't Apple keeping the economy alive or am I confusing the ubiquitous hand helds (that aren't even made here) with online gaming and the players need to buy 'loot boxes' in order to upgrade?

WTF does TEAM USA do besides invade foreign countries, fighting 'terrorists' there so we don't have to fight them over here? (Here we 'grow our own'...then we elect them to Congress.)

So, with more than fifty percent of the working aged population considered 'not in the workforce' BECAUSE OF CAPITALISM! we are going to have another 'starve 'em out' session since the latest 'tax cut' has (supposedly) gutted the government's ability to provide economic assistance.

Seriously good citizen, since the beginning of the new millennium USA's principal exports have been raw materials and FINANCIAL PRODUCTS [that blow up catastrophically!]

Sing the refrain children: (Hard to believe we need a place called Hell...)

Will the coming train wreck be the USD's 'swan song' as it is removed from being the world's Reserve Currency?

Guess it's time to upgrade Rothschild's credo: I care not who MINTS the planet's Reserve Currency so long as I control it!

Bunch of sick puppies at the top of the ladder in case you're wondering why 'nobody works and nuthin gets done!'

What's wrong with Rothschild 'prime directive'?

Me, me, me! [No, I'm not going to sing...]

[Gotta turn that M into a W to put things back on track.]

The freakishly selfish are too busy keeping the lie from collapsing to do anything about the inequities THEY caused! The steady uptick in jailing and extra-judicial murders is directly related to our pirated government losing it's tenuous grip on power due to it rising 'unpopularity'.

Definitely NOT 'The Party of IDEAS' (then or now!)

I'd posit that things are going so poorly that they actually will be relieved when somebody takes this squirming mass off their hands and lets them run away...except that's not how it's going to work.

There WILL be blood, sadly more ours than theirs but that's unavoidable. [After the fact we will be thankful it wasn't worse...and you know what 'worse' means.]

Um, since all money is funny we can only wonder what the forecast downturn will consist of [since so few of us own stocks...and just about EVERY company listed on the market dumps it's profits [and then some] into stock buy-back programs (that the executive committee's pay is based on.)

Um, as I have pointed out repeatedly over the past fifty years, if you don't treat your employees right they can't buy your products!

But the feckless don't care. All they see is falling share prices and they don't care WHY because, to them the purpose of commerce is to enrich the owner and NOTHING else!

Globalization was in fact 'the global CONSOLIDATION of market share'. This results in the 'customer be damned' model. If you want it, you HAVE TO buy it from ME for whatever I demand for it!

That's what 'globalization' was all about. [Funny how the media is suddenly getting out ahead of these 'revelations' and calling them 'troll attacks' but the proof is in the pudding and you decide who is 'lying', the corporate owned media or morons like me?

Can't point at the college educated, the planet is a mess and it's run ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY by 'Degree'd professionals'.

What is the 'purpose' of an economic downturn? To keep 'the rabble' IN LINE [even if they haven't fallen out of line (yet.)]

They are ALL (the One Percent) sweating the next election. They KNOW it will become a bloodbath and they are pointing the finger at anything BUT themselves.

We could fix this tomorrow but, for the moment, it's not up to us.

A window of opportunity is coming but it will be brief and only a miracle will let us seize it...we shall see.

Thanks for letting ME inside YOUR head,


PS: Pretty sure my latest strategy of bumping the whole blog repeatedly each day is getting on your nerves but please be patient, It's the only way to maximize readership.

Thank you for bearing with me!

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