Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Lock & load

Greetings good citizen, as any shooter knows today's title is backwards, first you load then you lock the breach.

Before you do either you have to unlock the breach mechanism so perhaps the 'un' became silent over the centuries since the invention of breach loading weapons.

After all, English is a 'lazy' language loaded with contractions...but today's offering is not an English lesson [that all too often turn into debates with grammar nazis.]

Nope, today's reference acknowledges the, er, 'unexpected' rule change regarding the bar to the debate stage erected by people that no one voted for and nobody can overrule...unless you happen to be 'richer' than they are.

So it is the centrists have 'bent' their own rules that require candidates to accumulate campaign donations as proof of their 'political relevance.'

That's the kind of thinking that made the monarchy so difficult to overthrow...it is also the kind of thinking that keeps the 99% pauperized.

Bernie prides himself on not accepting PAC money but that has no relevance considering the only, er, 'entity' providing funding to Pussygrabber's campaign are largely anonymous PAC's. [Think of HOW 'rebels' anywhere, INCLUDING Nazi Germany, got the money to build their 'murder machines...same folks that YOU refuse to bring to justice!]

Not your job? Useless to ask whose job it is because the people those people work for like their fat paychecks too much.

Think it's time to abandon CASH?

Not if you want to keep your assault rifle to defend your family from those zombie hoards!

Zero irony that the 'power' behind the zombie apocalypse is cold hard cash!

The morons who pedal such nonsense are paid to frighten the children among us who pose as adults.

You NEED a machine gun like your belly button needs teeth [because both ends of your intestines are assholes!]

What kind of 'protection' does a guardianship that can be bought without anyone's consent give you?

Murika was sold a long time ago to the OWNER class. Why do you suppose the morons who loudly proclaim that this Land of the FREE and Home of the mindless sycophant!

None of those ass-licking clowns have the balls to even whisper what 'the money motivated' really are...it has nothing to do with 'bravery' and everything to do with being greedy and self-serving.

Isn't it the 'lectuals up there chanting behind a right wing ringleader, 'Lock her up!' as numbnuts dry humps the flag to demonstrate just how much he lurvs Murika, Land of the Rich and Home of the hopelessly STUPID!

This is the 'farce' politics around the globe have become because those who OWN the media control the WORLD.

The only way the collective 'we' can save our children from this shameless exploitation is to ban the practice of ownership and embrace the doctrine of SHARING.

Are you alive or are you just a placeholder for the children you HOPE to have someday?

If you sit still that ain't gonna happen, you've already been marked 'surplus' by the same assholes that STOLE your share right from under your nose, claiming it was THEIR 'birthright'.

How does that sit with the seven billion other humans on this planet?

Good to be the One Percent now?

Sucks being YOU.



  1. Think it's time to abandon CASH?

    Not if you want to keep your assault rifle to defend your family from those zombie hoards!

    Zero irony that the 'power' behind the zombie apocalypse is cold hard cash!

  2. The only way the collective 'we' can save our children from this shameless exploitation is to ban the practice of ownership and embrace the doctrine of SHARING.

  3. Not your job? Useless to ask whose job it is because the people those people work for like their fat paychecks too much.

    Think it's time to abandon CASH?

  4. Sucks being YOU.

    Like you needed to be reminded.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...