Friday, February 7, 2020


Greetings Loser, Chump, er good citizen. Today's post deals with the belief in dumb things like the ABILITY to vote the Senate Republicans out of office.

Speaking of believing dumb things, Trumpsters actually BELIEVE that a 'majority' of Murikans support Preznint Pussygrabber. [logical fallacy here is the majority of voters are FEMALE] This is a DUMB thing to believe BECAUSE only 25% of voters register there should be ZERO 'Red' States...yet the media tells us 70% of the nation is 'conservative'. [Not throwing stones here but a majority of the people who self identify as Republican are also female...they are also senior citizens.]

Do you know who IS conservative? The One Percent.

Now would be a great time to chant the refrain: How f'n DUMB are you?

Answer, it's earned you the label 'stupid' because the stupid BELIEVE dumb things and refuse to believe the TRUTH.

This is why Trumpsters believe they are in the majority...because they are f'n DUMB!

This is also why the streets will run with blood the closer we get to November (even if someone cuts Pussygrabber down and perhaps because of it.)

People who are not mentally equipped to define 'patriotism' will commit atrocities in defense of their totally misguided 'beliefs'. Like the Bozo who ran down members of a track team because his son died in an apparent suicide.

I mentioned a while ago that there is no reversing course and pretending 'Morning in America' never happened (although some will want to try...because they are f'n dumb!)

I also belabor the obvious when I point to crisis that is capitalism and the need for a REAL 'New Deal' that focuses on providing ALL of the members of civil society their 'fair share' by returning to 'sustainability'.

Some would debate we never got there (because Capitalism set resources to INFINITE then leaves 99% of the resources beyond our is that for f'n dumb?)

Space X is a failure so why do you think Elon Musk isn't broke?

Chant the refrain...

He's One Percent!

Those who dismiss reality and cling to fantasy invite disaster.

Let's finish the circle, do you know WHY only 25% of the voting public 'admits' to being Republican?

EVERY social disaster to plague society is directly traced to republicanism and republican beliefs.

If we choose The Great Depression as our starting point and move forward we would find Coolidge and Hoover as anti-regulation Republicans that caused the global banking system to crash.

People like to blame Kennedy for escalating the Vietnam conflict and 'credit' Nixon for ending it although truth is he 'lost' it...and Nixon also 'opened the doors' to China...which began the exodus that led to the 'global race to the bottom in a DESPERATE (but FAILED) attempt to 'save' capitalism.

Skip the Ford/Carter administrations and we find ourselves 'gypped' by Reagan and runaway unemployment which he made disappear...magically! His focus on 'privatization' gave us today's out of control healthcare system...which used to be publicly funded but floundering capitalism ate it trying to remain didn't work and the f'n Republicans still won't admit it.

There hasn't been a REAL 'Democrat' since LBJ...remember, the peanut farmer WAS the former head of the CIA just as HW Bush was.

Clinton has been rightly called the greatest Republican president ever for single handedly dismantling Roosevelt's New deal, a job finished by HW's son W.

WHY are the majority of 'independents' ASHAMED to admit they vote Republican?

Because the 'majority' of them don't.

It DOESN'T MATTER which team YOU pick, the process is a SHAM and YOU have NO WAY of proving otherwise.

When the Republican senators retain MOST of their seats what are you gonna think, dumb farmers?

Who do you think put THE WIFE OF A BILLIONAIRE in the Speaker's seat when the Democrats won control of the House?

Who do you think appointed the billionaire wife of the founder of Scamway as the secretary of Education?

Same people who awarded the Half wit Trump the presidency even though he lost by 3 million votes!

This land ain't YOUR land, those who OWN the land, RULE the land...and if you don't like it, tough.

And we arrive full circle at 'What ARE you going to DO about it?

Come November you are going to be fighting for your life, make no f'n mistake about that!

Abandon the charade NOW!



  1. EVERY social disaster to plague society is directly traced to republicanism and republican beliefs.

  2. WHY are the majority of 'independents' ASHAMED to admit they vote Republican?

    Because the 'majority' of them don't.

  3. Space X is a failure so why do you think Elon Musk isn't broke?

    Chant the refrain...

    He's One Percent!

  4. Speaking of believing dumb things, Trumpsters actually BELIEVE that a 'majority' of Murikans support Preznint Pussygrabber. [logical fallacy here is the majority of voters are FEMALE] This is a DUMB thing to believe BECAUSE only 25% of voters register there should be ZERO 'Red' States...yet the media tells us 70% of the nation is 'conservative'. [Not throwing stones here but a majority of the people who self identify as Republican are also female...they are also senior citizens.]

  5. Who do you think put THE WIFE OF A BILLIONAIRE in the Speaker's seat when the Democrats won control of the House?

    Who do you think appointed the billionaire wife of the founder of Scamway as the secretary of Education?

    Same people who awarded the Half wit Trump the presidency even though he lost by 3 million votes!

  6. Those who dismiss reality and cling to fantasy invite disaster.

    Spirit in the sky anyone?

  7. EVERY social disaster to plague society is directly traced to republicanism and republican beliefs.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...