Thursday, February 27, 2020


Greetings Bystander, emblematic of the loss of faith in the process is this posted as a headline in today's NY Times

More Than 15 Million Tuned In for CBS’s Democratic Debate


The chaotic debate, the final forum before the South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries, showed viewer interest remained high.

Murika is home to roughly 400 million and if we sort them into voting aged citizens that number would be roughly 300 million because there hasn't been a 'baby boom' since WWII.

Now Hillary lost to Pussygrabber despite beating him by 3 million votes so what does 15 million highly speculative viewers [those numbers are fudged/spitballed based on campaign contributions] actually tell us.

It is more 'hand-waving' by the one percent owned media; "ignore the man behind the curtain and look over here!"

The actual figure is likely closer to 5 million, which is a proverbial pisshole in the snow.

Who is this number targeted at? The dummies who think 15 million is a 'large number'.

If this is an 'accurate' reflection of the politically active segment of society I dare say that TWICE that number journey out to the polls in November solely to take a dump in the punchbowl, giggling like idiots the whole time.

As a percentage of the voting aged population 15 million is spit but since Morning in Murika voter turn our has held steady at less than 50%

MORE THAN HALF have no faith in the process.

Zero irony that an equal number of potential voters has had their 'right to vote' suspended.

Faith in the system is so minimal that low voter turnout is behind the push to reinstate the rights of felons to vote.

Gonna take a lot more than 15 million votes to push Pussygrabber out the door.

Prolly shouldn't but let's look at what comes after Pussygrabber, shall we?

Low voter turn out isn't just a problem in the West it extends worldwide as 'resistance to change' threatens to domino pseudo democracies into dictatorships for the sake of 'maintaining order'.

The cataclysm you are visiting on your children/grandchildren is UNFORGIVABLE.

There has always been a simmering resentment against the 'Greatest Generation' for their failure to prosecute the Banksters behind the Great Depression...which oddly keeps happening every 50 or 60 years and each time society fails to prosecute [as in hang the bastards.]

In a smaller headline, the House just passed legislation to make lynching a felony...WTF do you suppose the thinking is behind that, considering how many of the fuckers richly deserve it? Pussygrabber is expected to sign it after the Senate rubber stamps it.

Faith in the system, if the public doesn't have any then it's time to change the system...but the folks who fuck the rest of us over in the name of maintaining 'order' don't want change, especially change that holds them accountable for their actions or decided lack thereof.

They can only kill you once but they can (and do) make you suffer for your entire life.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



  1. They can only kill you once but they can (and do) make you suffer for your entire life.

  2. If this is an 'accurate' reflection of the politically active segment of society I dare say that TWICE that number journey out to the polls in November solely to take a dump in the punchbowl, giggling like idiots the whole time.

  3. Faith in the system is so minimal that low voter turnout is behind the push to reinstate the rights of felons to vote.

    Gonna take a lot more than 15 million votes to push Pussygrabber out the door.

    Democracy, we're doing it WRONG!

  4. Now Hillary lost to Pussygrabber despite beating him by 3 million votes so what does 15 million highly speculative viewers [those numbers are fudged/spitballed based on campaign contributions] actually tell us.

    It is more 'hand-waving' by the one percent owned media; "ignore the man behind the curtain and look over here!"

  5. Gonna take a lot more than 15 million votes to push Pussygrabber out the door.

  6. In a smaller headline, the House just passed legislation to make lynching a felony...WTF do you suppose the thinking is behind that, considering how many of the fuckers richly deserve it? Pussygrabber is expected to sign it after the Senate rubber stamps it.

  7. Now Hillary lost to Pussygrabber despite beating him by 3 million votes so what does 15 million highly speculative viewers [those numbers are fudged/spitballed based on campaign contributions] actually tell us.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...