Saturday, February 22, 2020


Greetings good citizen...this morning's headlines come straight from conspiracy central. There is ample evidence that hackers 'interfered' with the 2016 elections now 'The Media' is reporting (based on what, nobody knows) that Russian...(who are no longer communist) 'hackers' are jiggering the delicate political balance to favor the Anti-Trump, (the guy that would have won last time if it hadn't been for the 'interference' of the DNC.)

I belabor the obvious when I opine that the non-conservo-whackos KNOW who is really behind the badly broken election process. It's the people that OWN everything worth having and make YOU pay dearly for what is rightfully yours.

Only the hopelessly stupid believe (because stupidity is believing dumb things!) the 'secret ballot' actually works.

It's 'secret' so YOU can't verify the results!

But again with the obvious.

What's behind the media's insistence that half the nation would club the other half to death in the middle of Main St at high noon we 'hate' one another so deeply?

The charade that the elections aren't 'fixed'.

So WHO is telling us that 'The Russians' are at it again?

The Media...and who writes the media's paycheck?

Knew you weren't totally stupid!

Sadly we once again hit a 'Dead End'.

What can we 'bystanders' do about this farce of 'mis-representation'?

Without equality there can be no justice and without justice there can be no peace...

Why is society on the verge of collapse?

See above.



  1. Dear stupid, DEMOCRACY is NOT about 'REPRESENTATION' it is about being able to vote on the laws.

    Let's cut out the middleman and get this fight for survival back on track!

  2. I belabor the obvious when I opine that the non-conservo-whackos KNOW who is really behind the badly broken election process. It's the people that OWN everything worth having and make YOU pay dearly for what is rightfully yours.

  3. It's 'secret' so YOU can't verify the results!

    But again with the obvious.

    This isn't a democracy, it's a deceptopcracy!

  4. It's not about representation, it's about PARTICIPATION!

  5. Sadly we once again hit a 'Dead End'.

    What can we 'bystanders' do about this farce of 'mis-representation'?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...