Saturday, February 29, 2020


Greetings good citizen, is it ironic that leap year coincides with the presidential election cycle?

Prolly not an 'accident', someone thought it would be too clever by half.

Not a good starter to point out the obvious, people are idiots.

It's also 'why' the president gets a 4 year f'n lame is that?

Under ASP the competitions for leadership are annual but unlike today's pointless farce, it is NOT a popularity contest won by f'n MONEY!

We would move from electing people to voting for the best vision for society's future...which is what 'the parties' are supposed to represent.

How the f did it end up where it started with only the criminals being 'wealthy' enough to 'buy in'?

Nothing YOU can do to change it even with a working knowledge of ASP at your fingertips [an alternative to the F- U farce that eliminates your actual participation via the 'secret ballot'.]

No reason whatsoever for the process to be secret, yet here we are.

Did I mention people are idiots? [Check.]

You KNOW that YOU can't fix this despite having several billion supporters clamoring for a 'more equitable' system.

Left to your imagination is the daunting task of having to 'tip the scales' one 'pin' at a time.

Can't win a 'direct' confrontation but they have to sleep sometime...and when they slither out of the shadows we need to pick them off, one at a time. Not guilty of anything then you have nothing to fear but if you are even tangentially associated to the murder machine [wear a badge, a robe or hold a microphone/swing a pen in support of the lie machine you are wearing a bullseye on the back of your noggin.]

NOBODY can trust a 'judge'. The criminals 'made' them to control justice, which belongs to the PEOPLE...who I might have already mentioned happen to be TRUSTING 'idiots'.

You also can't trust a 'reporter'...because they do what they do not in pursuit of the truth but a paycheck, it's the EXACT SAME THING the FAKE justice system worker does.

Colleges don't care about 'quality education', all they care about is asses in seats. They hand out worthless degrees all day long if you pay them in full...with worthless money.

Why do you suppose the economy is fooked? Money has no 'value'.

Welcome to 'swindle central' where a criminal culture has turned society toxic.

This is considered all fine and well so long as nobody makes a stink about it...but seriously good citizen, this shit show is bursting at the seams because NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS "REAL" anymore.

Everything is a lie!

You know what is real...are you willing to attack now that the target has been 'painted' for you.

Don't worry about the criminals, their jobs won't be coming back. The 'uh-oh squad' punishes criminals after the fact. If you had anything to do with the current 'justice system' you will be barred from working for the Uh-oh squad because your knowledge of the law is corrupt...and so are you.

Another 'heads up' to the 'one in a thousand'. Your history makes you a prime suspect and will count against you in any future criminal investigation.

Did I miss anybody?

I'm looking at YOU self-styled 'apex predator'. The H.A.E. abolishes the Employer/employee contract. The implementation of the divisions removes your control over ANYONE's pay...and the prohibition against CASH insures the only way to secure money is to WORK for it.

Getting caught 'using' a 'cash substitute' is an automatic exile.

Did you know tampering with the tests is an exile offense? You needn't worry because one of the things you did as an apex predator was ensure that everyone knew who you you have damned your family name for eradication.

You have already revoked your 'membership' in civil society thereby choosing EXILE as your ONLY way forward.

Flipping one of the hallowed scripts instituted by the criminals themselves, you are no longer 'presumed innocent'. The evidence has to clear you, not damn you.

Anyone whose DNA matches yours will be tried for treason, thanks to YOU.

Criminality won't stop but it will become much more difficult and tried much more ruthlessly if humanity is to survive.

Enjoy constantly watching your back?

Do nothing.

Once again it's YOUR head we're in here.

You decide, I've already done my part!



  1. Prolly not an 'accident', someone thought it would be too clever by half.

    Not a good starter to point out the obvious, people are idiots.

  2. Under ASP the competitions for leadership are annual but unlike today's pointless farce, it is NOT a popularity contest won by f'n MONEY!

  3. This is considered all fine and well so long as nobody makes a stink about it...but seriously good citizen, this shit show is bursting at the seams because NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS "REAL" anymore.

    Everything is a lie!

  4. I'm looking at YOU self-styled 'apex predator'. The H.A.E. abolishes the Employer/employee contract. The implementation of the divisions removes your control over ANYONE's pay...and the prohibition against CASH insures the only way to secure money is to WORK for it.

  5. You also can't trust a 'reporter'...because they do what they do not in pursuit of the truth but a paycheck, it's the EXACT SAME THING the FAKE justice system worker does.

  6. I'm looking at YOU self-styled 'apex predator'. The H.A.E. abolishes the Employer/employee contract. The implementation of the divisions removes your control over ANYONE's pay...and the prohibition against CASH insures the only way to secure money is to WORK for it.

  7. Criminality won't stop but it will become much more difficult and tried much more ruthlessly if humanity is to survive.

    Enjoy constantly watching your back?

    Do nothing.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...