Monday, October 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the pundits play their favorite game of left, right, center do any of you think you can identify 'center' while you remain clueless to what constitutes either left or right?

At what point does a patriot become a zealot? Conversely, when does a communist become a hermit?

Zealots are everywhere, especially among the punditry. Not only are they convinced they are right, they are going to convince YOU that they are [kinda] right too! [just don't call their 'reasoning' into question and everything will be just fine...because that's how it is with zealots, questioning them is wrong all by itself because they are making 'perfect sense'.

As I pointed out yesterday, civilization if headed off the rails because none of you has a solid mental grip on 'the purpose of money' and the feckless shit weasels are using it all 'wrong' making trouble where there shouldn't be any...and yes good citizen, these abuses have led to murder, which the responsible parties are fully culpable for.

The many who are not 'born to money' make its acquisition the center of their lives when money is useful only to slavers. It is 'how' they get the slaves to comply.

Repeat the refrain as you ponder the difference between you and an 'unpaid' slave? There isn't one or should we clarify by pointing out the 'difference' is the 'paid slave' also believes it is free because it has money...too little to survive on but that's beside the point, isn't it genius?

So where is the 'center' here? When 'everybody' is rich, nobody will be? [Question mark optional, this observation works as a statement as well.]

If we ignore the money problem we return to the next 'tier' in the hierarchy, that of power/size. The physically largest military on the planet is Chinese...but the US press never mentions it because numbers are superfluous when you possess the firepower to render numbers moot.

So it is our corporate overlords ignore what will eventually overrun every democracy on the planet...but that's okay, they were 'fake democracies' anyway.

Allow me to remind you that we are still seeking the 'center' of this whole fiasco. How many of you 'see' it?

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a buck must be a buck no matter who prints it.

But that statement of fact is NOT TRUE, thanks to the 'banksters' a criminal organization that walks free among us because money [the control thereof] is at the 'center' of everything.


Why do you keep proving Churchill correct? [If money is a tool used by PEOPLE then what is at the center of the proposition?]

Capitalization isn't enough I see...

Would you still revolt if we patiently told you the reason we don't let you was because you are stupid?

That's why we don't do that.

Nope, the too clever by half let EVERYBODY vote because NONE of them count!

Which leaves you where? [Out in 'left field' perhaps?]

You won't see clearly until you learn to understand who is 'using' whom.

Perhaps that will happen when the scion of the feckless start demanding that we wear signs telling all that encounter us what we truly are.

Would wearing an 'I am a moron' sign make you understand or would it just be one more thing for you to lose?

I know this is bordering on contempt but you have brought this upon yourself for failing to act when you had the chance.

You have that chance right now but you just sit there dumbfounded when you should be fighting like the caged animal you ARE!

Later, Head.



  1. At what point does a patriot become a zealot? Conversely, when does a communist become a hermit?

  2. Nope, the too clever by half let EVERYBODY vote because NONE of them count!

    Which leaves you where? [Out in 'left field' perhaps?]

  3. The many who are not 'born to money' make its acquisition the center of their lives when money is useful only to slavers. It is 'how' they get the slaves to comply.

  4. As I pointed out yesterday, civilization if headed off the rails because none of you has a solid mental grip on 'the purpose of money' and the feckless shit weasels are using it all 'wrong' making trouble where there shouldn't be any...and yes good citizen, these abuses have led to murder, which the responsible parties are fully culpable for.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...