Saturday, October 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is never good when the billionaires among us start calling us 'peasants' to our face. Did you see the latest bobble head toy? It has Trump extending his middle finger with a tag that reads 'Hey Liberals' but everybody knows numbnuts can't tell the difference between a liberal and a Commie so it defaults to what he does know (and despise) intimately...and what does the Donald despise?


Yup, when Donald's bobblehead toy arrives broken [not a popular guy, regardless] it's because despite what the label says, the people doing life's heavy lifting can read the truth and an image of a champion a-hole giving the beholder the bird is more than they can take.

It's not F - U to my political opponents, it's F - U to anyone that didn't vote for me...and remember A-hole didn't WIN the popular vote. The electoral college gave us the moron the public is now (attempting) to impeachment.

Striking is what this says about the state of justice in our increasingly turbulent times.

Yeah, the bobblehead says to the typical voter 'hey peasant' which is the one thing the billionaire can recognize and loathes. They wrote 'liberal' but anyone who isn't rich knows the rigid middle finger is for them as well.

These are the wages of hatred, he hates everybody and we all know it.

His 'supporters' are all bought and paid for. Actors attend his rallies and hold up signs for the camera.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I play one on TV...

There are NO 'real people' at Trump rallies because the camera NEVER pans the room...we never see anyone that isn't standing behind the podium and even those people are starting to look familiar...because some of the 'actors' follow the Trump dog & pony show around the country...because of the risk of one of the people who despise the faker in chief infiltrating the taping and disrupting the 'set'.

People don't appreciate the 'show' being put on for them to back up the lies of the rich.

Because the circle always turns back on itself.

It's NOT about Liberals and Conservatives, it has always been about the Robbers and their victims.

They DESPISE us for being taken in so easily. They marvel over how 'dumb' the public is and the truly pathetic part is how we seem unable to disappoint them.

If we hold them and their puppets accountable suddenly we are the barbarians!

But that too is 'theatrics'. There is plenty of dissent out there, the bought and paid for media is forbidden to display it. [This is how we got Nazi Germany.]

The 'newsrooms' of the planet need a giant douche too because they are filled to overflowing with offal.

'Ditto' for the political realm. [We CAN'T use the political process to repair the Justice system, the justice system is screwed BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL POLITICAL APPOINTEES!]

We ARE divided but get your shit straight, on one side we have a handful of thieves and on the otherside are the teaming masses, the victims of the thieves.

There's 'cutesy' and there is over the top...and the Trump bobblehead represents his supporters, plastic and disposable.

Thanks for stopping by and adjusting your myopia!



  1. There are NO 'real people' at Trump rallies because the camera NEVER pans the room...we never see anyone that isn't standing behind the podium and even those people are starting to look familiar.

  2. Because the circle always turns back on itself.

    It's NOT about Liberals and Conservatives, it has always been about the Robbers and their victims.

    They DESPISE us for being taken in so easily. They marvel over how 'dumb' the public is and the truly pathetic part is how we seem unable to disappoint them.

  3. Yup, when Donald's bobblehead toy arrives broken [not a popular guy, regardless] it's because despite what the label says, the people doing life's heavy lifting can read the truth and an image of a champion a-hole giving the beholder the bird is more than they can take.

  4. a champion a-hole giving the beholder the bird is more than they can take.


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