Saturday, October 5, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's title is one that requires context because a projector can be many things under different circumstance.

The rational person does NOT view the world shaded by their belief in the almighty and the 'sanctity' of authority. Which is to point out that these people understand that 'self-delusion' is something to be fought, not embraced.

Yet there are those who wake each day seeking the blessing and guidance of 'received wisdom' to accept (often blindly) a world that makes little sense to them.

Remember the facts: Stupid is a choice and not a 'condition'. Trying to maintain a 'pristine' mind is a self inflicted wound.

Worldview is the projection of your beliefs upon what you encounter through the course of the day. The 'conflict' that makes our species appear divided can be reduced to 'God's Will'.

Trouble with the 'received wisdom crowd is they view EVERYTHING through the lens of 'God's inscrutable Will'.

They accept that the corrupt do bad things because it is 'heresy' to question God's Will. God 'permits' evil to run rampant' to test the faithful'...

How f'n dumb are you?

So it is we are 'conflicted' when we encounter criminal leadership that is responsible for ALL of the hardship and privation in human society.

We are taught that God 'allows' evil to afflict us so our 'faith' can be tested. [Just what a con would say...]

Those who resist self-delusion understand that humans are opportunists who thrive on conning the gullible out of their worldly goods.

Again, the criminals among us teach us not to seek revenge because they claim revenge is the exclusive province of the divine. God will take his revenge, you take your lumps and delude yourself into thinking it will all 'come out in the wash'...

What do you do when you run out of cheeks? [Start all over again from the beginning?]

No law (or limit) on being played for a chump. As many times as you sit still for it they will gladly accommodate your willingness to be repeatedly 'punished'.

Um, in the off chance a new reader stumbles upon this post I want to pause for a moment and emphasize the Gegner has no truck with Spirit in the Sky...

CONVERSELY, EVERYBODY in Politics starts their day with a 'Prayer Meeting' when the primary foundation of this nation is secularism, the 'freedom' to worship (or not) as one sees fit.

That's why a 'rationalist' like myself spends so much time addressing 'spiritual issues'. The religious don't see the need to stop the criminals and that extension of their 'delusional' behavior will doom our species.

What marked the Dark Ages? Compulsory Church attendance/indoctrination.

We are headed in that direction once more and civilization can't afford that brand of 'blind obedience' that exists to reinforce the 'belief' that we are all pawns playing out our 'god given' parts while the greedy and the grasping cause poverty and hardship because they have everyone cowed into believing God put them 'in charge'.

Funny in the aftermath of EST [assertiveness training] we find ourselves being browbeaten into subservience by the criminals that control money.

Lies upon lies, good citizen...starting with the 'storehouse of value' that keeps sinking like a rock...[money for the duped reading this.]

[Who do you think will be granted a monopoly on the air we breathe? Better choose correctly or the winner may misconstrue your support for the loser...ain't capitalism grand?]

We CAN'T move forward as a species playing 'Stick 'em up!' capitalism.

The name of the game is 'survival' and the people who 'control' the money are f'n it up for the rest of us...and that is where 'revolts' come from.

How long do you think we can tap dance on a land mine?

If you just sighed and invoked 'god's will' you are dead already.

Think about it. You were given a mind for a reason.



  1. Remember the facts: Stupid is a choice and not a 'condition'. Trying to maintain a 'pristine' mind is a self inflicted wound.

  2. We CAN'T move forward as a species playing 'Stick 'em up!' capitalism.

  3. Think about it. You were given a mind for a reason.

  4. The rational person does NOT view the world shaded by their belief in the almighty and the 'sanctity' of authority. Which is to point out that these people understand that 'self-delusion' is something to be fought, not embraced.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...