Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Greetings good citizen, yesterday we explored how your perception has been manipulated by the few to condone the otherwise outrageous.

The Zuck has threatened to sue the Government if it attempted to 'break-up' his multi billion dollar cash machine but that is 'business as usual, profits before people stuff we are all okay with if we don't want to get clobbered at the pump for pissing off the gas fairy.

Again, few of you make that mental connection because you were taught that market forces are beyond the caprice of a single individual [The 'cartels' you are not so sure about but this is Murika and we has laws against monopolies...right?]

Whatever it takes to keep you docile, pinhead.

This brings us to another of today's headlines where the One Percent's media warns that if the [faux] Democrats 'win' power [are there really two parties if they all take their marching orders from the same asshats that fund the whole charade?]

Short answer, nope.

Let's stop mincing and look at the larger picture.

Commerce is the practice of trading surplus for shortages while piracy is taking what you want and pretending the other party doesn't mind because you were able to 'agree' that they wanted to live more than they wanted their stuff.

Governments exist to, er, (on paper anyway) combat piracy.

Reality tells us 'hierarchy' exists here as well. If your government is dependent on maintaining friendly relations with the pirate's government, you may as well talk to yourself. Bringing the matter to the government's attention will only get you lip service and no results...or worse. [Look at what's happening to the 'occupied' Middle East.]

But I digress...the real issue here is 'economic stability'.

The asshats in the media are telling you that the 'cost prohibitive' initiatives of the 'liberals' will 'stunt' economic 'growth'.

Nature needs to grow or it dies, commerce is NOT NATURAL, it's an abstraction!

We do NOT need 'economic growth' because the economic pie will be divided the same way it always has, 'growing the economy' is bullshit talk to mollify the dumb. [We NEED 'economic stability' which won't happen because capitalism would seize solid if you weren't perpetually 'Desperate' (capital D intentional!)

YOUR piece will ALWAYS be just enough to live on depending on how much 'self-privation' you can inflict on yourself.

The past thirty years which produced over 3,000 billionaires has been marked on the other side of the ledger by how much you can do WITHOUT. Cause and effect hasn't disappeared despite the feckless's claims of being 'self-made'.

Wanna stop the 'manipulation'? We need to criminalize falsehood, starting with the Spirit in the Sky fan club!

This is a two staged process. First cash has to be eliminated then the mechanisms that allow the transfer of funds between individuals has to vanish.

The relentless pursuit of 'profits' [measured in fictional dollars and cents] is tearing the fabric of society to shreds too small to be useful to anyone.

That 'piece of paper' is and always has been exactly that.

It is another lie that money was invented to 'make barter more equitable'. Money we created to allow a few to take what they wanted while contributing nothing in return.

More than a coincidence that all crime is 'cash and carry'.

People wouldn't steal if there were no cash customers.

Plenty of 'cash substitutes' out there so it becomes a question of if you want to revoke your membership in society to buy something you could have gotten at the store honestly? What would you sacrifice to get what the criminal offers?

Your 'money' (of account) is no good. Would you give them 'precious metals?' Why bother considering what it means if you are caught.

Sort of puts Government in a whole new light, doesn't it.

We are (obviously) doing it wrong, meaning the people running things are either hopelessly dumb or they are criminals [chances are better than even that they are both.]

I was watching Colbert's opening sketch and when he announced that they were finally going to impeach the criminal in chief EVERYBODY in the audience stood up and cheered!

Most of the people you see at Trump rallies are paid actors. It might be true that his 'massaged' approval ratings come from nursing homes terminal alzheimer's units where the demented think FDR is still president.

We CAN turn this fiasco around and it starts with putting an end to the self-serving lies that pass for 'infotainment'.

Free Speech means lies are 'just as valid' as facts...and thumpy [bible thumpers] has shown us where he is willing to go with that.

Under A.S.P. you will prosper in proportion to your 'reputation' with the emphasis placed on your DEEDS, it's easier to talk the talk but considerably more difficult to walk the walk.

By your deeds shall you be known...and church attendance will not be viewed positively as it is the proven foundation of brainwashing and dishonesty.

If you REFUSE to be honest with YOURSELF then why should any of us trust your judgement?

Until next time, Head.



  1. We do NOT need 'economic growth' because the economic pie will be divided the same way it always has, 'growing the economy' is bullshit talk to mollify the dumb. [We NEED 'economic stability' which won't happen because capitalism would seize solid if you weren't perpetually 'Desperate' (capital D intentional!)

    Did I tarnish your pristine mind? Damn, that thinking thing really take a toll, don't it?

  2. If you REFUSE to be honest with YOURSELF then why should any of us trust your judgement?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...