Greetings good citizen, folks from my generation remember long ago that 'assertiveness training' swept the nation in the aftermath of the protests of the Sixties. Yeah, if you remember these things your kind of long in the tooth now and Fox broadcasting's 'mis-remembering' of those times is decidedly 'tainted', always remember you get what YOU pay for and who paid for those 'reimaginings to be produced before you invest any of your precious trust.
Anyhoo, the 'end result' of EST and the like was a tidal wave of 'My way or the Highway' coupled with the glorification of the 'rugged individual' [by the f'n media of course, in case you are wondering what this has to do with anything.]
The Nazis experimented with 'perception management' during the infancy of broadcast media (telling the public one thing while actually doing something else entirely) and that did NOT end with the fall of the third reich.
Considering how much of how you perceive the world comes from what you are 'taught' by the broadcast media...[even Rush has a purpose, albeit an evil one.]
Your 'trust' has been and is being betrayed, consistently. [This is what Orwell was driving at in 1984!]
Of course you can't believe that, you've been listening to the talking heads all your life!
Today's rudderlessness (you don't care what direction civilization is headed, you are convinced it is the WRONG one/way!) is directly attributable to the feckless's neverending campaign to keep the unsuspecting public both docile and subservient.
Vote for me and I'll set YOU 'free'...[how shitty is it that the definition of 'free' says a state of being free? (A few more steps and you'll be there folks) as in 'untethered' and 'rudderless'...sound familiar now?]
Free doesn't mean what you've been led to believe it does. YOYO means exactly what it says it does and that is the 'freedom' the feckless are 'selling'. [Again, only the cognizant will make the connection here.]
Let's regroup. The pot you are 'stewing' in is one where your emotions regularly override your intellect. What you are passionate about isn't rational or credible while you ignore the clear and present danger that commandeers your mind every time you 'update' yourself.
Divide and conquer is the single most successful strategy in military history. If you want to subjugate a superior force the first thing you MUST do is divide them AGAINST each other. This is not Sun tzu, this is no duh Sherlock!
How 'perilous' do you think our current situation is and how do you think we got here? [Can you say 'gradualism'?]
Civilizations are built on 'consensus' and if we push the (current) ball of contentiousness back just a tiny bit we would see that we are all pretty much on the same page...with certain notable exceptions that stick out like a compound fracture!
The current profound lack of consensus is not an accident. What does that tell you?
[Interesting quiz question: How many of you believe the impeachment proceedings are simply political sour grapes, angst driven by the thought that the 'liberals' are unable to field a candidate capable of defeating, unquestionably the worst president ever? How messed up is your head, Head?]
Seems the mental horsepower to trace this to its conclusion is rare indeed so we will stop at the divide and conquer strategym.
If you fail to see that the media is driving wedges between us you will soon learn what YOYO really means, up close and personal.
Perhaps it is time to draw a mental thumbnail of exile. Picture desolation as far as the eye can see. Now picture yourself naked and, at least initially, alone. You can sense others watching you but they are 'wary' of the 'freshly fed' because they are keenly aware of their weakened condition.
You mistake their intent for curiosity but by the time it occurs to you that hunger is behind their unblinking stares it will be to late. There is nothing to eat or drink for miles around...the longer you are there the more this fact will become clear to you but if your appearance is meek or diminutive, chances are you won't get the opportunity to fully appreciate your peril.
The 'quick' understand in order to survive they have to 'deflect' the gnawing hunger of the temporary survivors by providing an 'easier target'. One of the weakest is likely to attack first. If you have any chance of surviving you must best them...with whatever you can lay your hands on.
If you are nimble you should be able to outrun them but that depends on how long it has been since they last 'fed'.
In the beginning there will literally be millions sent into exile and they will strip the landscape of every but of organic matter, even the bugs will be gone (at first anyway.) You will see graves here and there but those are the result of 'friends' taking the time to lay their loved ones to rest. For the most part the most disturbing part of the landscape will be the skulls littering the ground as far as the eye can see, even more disturbing is how most of the skeletons won't be 'intact'.
This is 'my way or the highway' for real. ('rugged individualism' writ large.) Want to live life your way? This is your big chance to prove you can make it without the 'help' or hindrance of anyone else...
Tis a gruesome mental image but those who are intent on conquering you rely on your inability to think it through!
You are BORN dependent on the aide of your fellow human...until you learn they are standing in the way of YOUR 'happiness'. So you mentally divorce yourself from your humanity and vow to create your own world where everything will be just the way YOU want it to be.
In case you are too dumb to realize it, that world is here right now. This is what divide and conquer looks like. This is I will NOT COMPLY gets you.
Civilization is 99% consensus, a society divided cannot stand.
Kill your TV. [There's nothing worthwhile on anyway.]
Only a few 'next time left, Head.
Anyhoo, the 'end result' of EST and the like was a tidal wave of 'My way or the Highway' coupled with the glorification of the 'rugged individual' [by the f'n media of course, in case you are wondering what this has to do with anything.]
The Nazis experimented with 'perception management' during the infancy of broadcast media (telling the public one thing while actually doing something else entirely) and that did NOT end with the fall of the third reich.
Considering how much of how you perceive the world comes from what you are 'taught' by the broadcast media...[even Rush has a purpose, albeit an evil one.]
Your 'trust' has been and is being betrayed, consistently. [This is what Orwell was driving at in 1984!]
Of course you can't believe that, you've been listening to the talking heads all your life!
Today's rudderlessness (you don't care what direction civilization is headed, you are convinced it is the WRONG one/way!) is directly attributable to the feckless's neverending campaign to keep the unsuspecting public both docile and subservient.
Vote for me and I'll set YOU 'free'...[how shitty is it that the definition of 'free' says a state of being free? (A few more steps and you'll be there folks) as in 'untethered' and 'rudderless'...sound familiar now?]
Free doesn't mean what you've been led to believe it does. YOYO means exactly what it says it does and that is the 'freedom' the feckless are 'selling'. [Again, only the cognizant will make the connection here.]
Let's regroup. The pot you are 'stewing' in is one where your emotions regularly override your intellect. What you are passionate about isn't rational or credible while you ignore the clear and present danger that commandeers your mind every time you 'update' yourself.
Divide and conquer is the single most successful strategy in military history. If you want to subjugate a superior force the first thing you MUST do is divide them AGAINST each other. This is not Sun tzu, this is no duh Sherlock!
How 'perilous' do you think our current situation is and how do you think we got here? [Can you say 'gradualism'?]
Civilizations are built on 'consensus' and if we push the (current) ball of contentiousness back just a tiny bit we would see that we are all pretty much on the same page...with certain notable exceptions that stick out like a compound fracture!
The current profound lack of consensus is not an accident. What does that tell you?
[Interesting quiz question: How many of you believe the impeachment proceedings are simply political sour grapes, angst driven by the thought that the 'liberals' are unable to field a candidate capable of defeating, unquestionably the worst president ever? How messed up is your head, Head?]
Seems the mental horsepower to trace this to its conclusion is rare indeed so we will stop at the divide and conquer strategym.
If you fail to see that the media is driving wedges between us you will soon learn what YOYO really means, up close and personal.
Perhaps it is time to draw a mental thumbnail of exile. Picture desolation as far as the eye can see. Now picture yourself naked and, at least initially, alone. You can sense others watching you but they are 'wary' of the 'freshly fed' because they are keenly aware of their weakened condition.
You mistake their intent for curiosity but by the time it occurs to you that hunger is behind their unblinking stares it will be to late. There is nothing to eat or drink for miles around...the longer you are there the more this fact will become clear to you but if your appearance is meek or diminutive, chances are you won't get the opportunity to fully appreciate your peril.
The 'quick' understand in order to survive they have to 'deflect' the gnawing hunger of the temporary survivors by providing an 'easier target'. One of the weakest is likely to attack first. If you have any chance of surviving you must best them...with whatever you can lay your hands on.
If you are nimble you should be able to outrun them but that depends on how long it has been since they last 'fed'.
In the beginning there will literally be millions sent into exile and they will strip the landscape of every but of organic matter, even the bugs will be gone (at first anyway.) You will see graves here and there but those are the result of 'friends' taking the time to lay their loved ones to rest. For the most part the most disturbing part of the landscape will be the skulls littering the ground as far as the eye can see, even more disturbing is how most of the skeletons won't be 'intact'.
This is 'my way or the highway' for real. ('rugged individualism' writ large.) Want to live life your way? This is your big chance to prove you can make it without the 'help' or hindrance of anyone else...
Tis a gruesome mental image but those who are intent on conquering you rely on your inability to think it through!
You are BORN dependent on the aide of your fellow human...until you learn they are standing in the way of YOUR 'happiness'. So you mentally divorce yourself from your humanity and vow to create your own world where everything will be just the way YOU want it to be.
In case you are too dumb to realize it, that world is here right now. This is what divide and conquer looks like. This is I will NOT COMPLY gets you.
Civilization is 99% consensus, a society divided cannot stand.
Kill your TV. [There's nothing worthwhile on anyway.]
Only a few 'next time left, Head.
Civilization is 99% consensus, a society divided cannot stand.
ReplyDeleteWho tells us (ceaselessly) how 'divided we are? You got this, come on now!
Why do you believe them?
The Nazis experimented with 'perception management' during the infancy of broadcast media (telling the public one thing while actually doing something else entirely) and that did NOT end with the fall of the third reich.
ReplyDeletethe 'end result' of EST and the like was a tidal wave of 'My way or the Highway' coupled with the glorification of the 'rugged individual' [by the f'n media of course, in case you are wondering what this has to do with anything.]