Greetings good citizen, um sort of bewildering to see year after year the, er, forests of California catching fire and NOBODY doing anything about it.
Back during the 'Great Depression' [before people went stupid and started believing money had to be 'paid back'] they paid the Army of the Unemployed living wages to go into the forests and 'groom' them so should a fire break out it wouldn't endanger civilian infrastructure.
That was before Republicans and their stingy purse-fingers started saying 'no' to everything (except War...go figure, eh?)
Squander funding on killing one another and even more incarcerating the poor for crimes against industry but not one red cent for disaster mitigation...
Sing the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you, that's it, ring it out! Carry that 'u' til the end of time!]
Oh yeah, dem f'n Liberals! There ain't a Republican out there that ever voted to against military spending but the hug it out Liberals are the warmongers.
Ya-all don't think somebody is lying to you, do ya?
Everybody knows...(how can you 'discredit them' if you don't tell the occasional, teeny-tiny white lie?)
Or at least that is how the party of lies tells it. [Republicans have no more use for honesty than they do the truth, they consider both to be the mark of chumps...that is why 'treason' doesn't exist in the conservative vocabulary, every single one of them would betray you than look at you!]
Is this why the media fails to be appalled that EVERYTHING out of the Potus's mouth is a falsehood?
But I digress, today's topic is not 'the land that burns and shakes' but how fire is the poor man's WMD.
Let's suppose circumstances drive the slimy politicians into funding fire prevention protocols. Will that reduce the amount of property damage cause by fires set by an ever-growing (and increasingly disgruntled) population?
The collapse of capitalism has caused the media to mislead the public into thinking the wildfires raging across the west are accidental when it is more likely that most of them are deliberate.
That said, we are dealing with more than one crime when we peer into this particular pandora's box...
INJUSTICE is what causes the poor man to set fire to the world of those who have cheated him.
In this respect the world should be ablaze but there isn't that much (easily) combustible material laying about.
That said not everyone is petty or 'revenge driven'...[unlike those who stand in judgement of our 'wrongs'. They are invariably both!]
In fact the majority of us have been raised to be 'tolerant' of such things, most 'hope' that justice will eventually catch up to the feckless even after the realization that the justice system is a hoax sets in.
While human justice is an oxymoron, every once in a while karma sneaks up behind the too clever and runs them down when they least expect it...and there ain't a f'n thing anyone can do about it.
Shit, invariably 'happens'.
The mind strives for 'balance/harmony'...the universe doesn't give a shit.
Oh well.
Important is perhaps the most relative term ever conceived of just as relevance will forever stymie the rational being.
Let's put a pin in the existential wormhole with the axiom the ONLY answer to WHY is BECAUSE. [Full Stop.]
We spend more time 'prioritizing' than we are willing to acknowledge because even when you aren't consciously thinking about what's most important, you are unconsciously doing it, constantly. Hardly a waking moment passes (and yes, you even do it in your dreams) without you mind weighing what you should do next, You're hardwired to do it, it's part of your primary survival system.
So we are driven to seek both balance and harmony in a universe where neither exists. This is why the mind invented God, to literally 'impose' order on an otherwise chaotic existence.
Understanding begins with knowing why we believe what we believe. Zero irony that God comes leaping out of its box whenever we fail to comprehend what it is that just happened.
More accurate when we view God in it's true guise of "I don't know and can't understand it."
It seems we tend to 'humanize' our coping mechanisms without realizing we're doing it.
[For the umpteenth time there is no 'GOD', like money, it exists solely to help us cope!]
We are living with the consequences of giving our coping mechanisms a 'life of their own'.
This is fairly advanced stuff that only the cognizant will semi-successfully parse.
Your 'rational mind' is asking why did gegner lead us down this rabbit hole and the answer is it explains why the conservative mind is prone to lie. [It believe what it believes because it believes it. Doesn't have to make a lick of sense just as their 'unwillingness' to admit that GOD only exists in their freakazoid minds!
God is the place the mind 'dumps' what it can't comprehend!
Learn to embrace BECAUSE...the alternative is that insane asylum thing I keep kicking around...
Tomorrow Head...if we're lucky.
Back during the 'Great Depression' [before people went stupid and started believing money had to be 'paid back'] they paid the Army of the Unemployed living wages to go into the forests and 'groom' them so should a fire break out it wouldn't endanger civilian infrastructure.
That was before Republicans and their stingy purse-fingers started saying 'no' to everything (except War...go figure, eh?)
Squander funding on killing one another and even more incarcerating the poor for crimes against industry but not one red cent for disaster mitigation...
Sing the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you, that's it, ring it out! Carry that 'u' til the end of time!]
Oh yeah, dem f'n Liberals! There ain't a Republican out there that ever voted to against military spending but the hug it out Liberals are the warmongers.
Ya-all don't think somebody is lying to you, do ya?
Everybody knows...(how can you 'discredit them' if you don't tell the occasional, teeny-tiny white lie?)
Or at least that is how the party of lies tells it. [Republicans have no more use for honesty than they do the truth, they consider both to be the mark of chumps...that is why 'treason' doesn't exist in the conservative vocabulary, every single one of them would betray you than look at you!]
Is this why the media fails to be appalled that EVERYTHING out of the Potus's mouth is a falsehood?
But I digress, today's topic is not 'the land that burns and shakes' but how fire is the poor man's WMD.
Let's suppose circumstances drive the slimy politicians into funding fire prevention protocols. Will that reduce the amount of property damage cause by fires set by an ever-growing (and increasingly disgruntled) population?
The collapse of capitalism has caused the media to mislead the public into thinking the wildfires raging across the west are accidental when it is more likely that most of them are deliberate.
That said, we are dealing with more than one crime when we peer into this particular pandora's box...
INJUSTICE is what causes the poor man to set fire to the world of those who have cheated him.
In this respect the world should be ablaze but there isn't that much (easily) combustible material laying about.
That said not everyone is petty or 'revenge driven'...[unlike those who stand in judgement of our 'wrongs'. They are invariably both!]
In fact the majority of us have been raised to be 'tolerant' of such things, most 'hope' that justice will eventually catch up to the feckless even after the realization that the justice system is a hoax sets in.
While human justice is an oxymoron, every once in a while karma sneaks up behind the too clever and runs them down when they least expect it...and there ain't a f'n thing anyone can do about it.
Shit, invariably 'happens'.
The mind strives for 'balance/harmony'...the universe doesn't give a shit.
Oh well.
Important is perhaps the most relative term ever conceived of just as relevance will forever stymie the rational being.
Let's put a pin in the existential wormhole with the axiom the ONLY answer to WHY is BECAUSE. [Full Stop.]
We spend more time 'prioritizing' than we are willing to acknowledge because even when you aren't consciously thinking about what's most important, you are unconsciously doing it, constantly. Hardly a waking moment passes (and yes, you even do it in your dreams) without you mind weighing what you should do next, You're hardwired to do it, it's part of your primary survival system.
So we are driven to seek both balance and harmony in a universe where neither exists. This is why the mind invented God, to literally 'impose' order on an otherwise chaotic existence.
Understanding begins with knowing why we believe what we believe. Zero irony that God comes leaping out of its box whenever we fail to comprehend what it is that just happened.
More accurate when we view God in it's true guise of "I don't know and can't understand it."
It seems we tend to 'humanize' our coping mechanisms without realizing we're doing it.
[For the umpteenth time there is no 'GOD', like money, it exists solely to help us cope!]
We are living with the consequences of giving our coping mechanisms a 'life of their own'.
This is fairly advanced stuff that only the cognizant will semi-successfully parse.
Your 'rational mind' is asking why did gegner lead us down this rabbit hole and the answer is it explains why the conservative mind is prone to lie. [It believe what it believes because it believes it. Doesn't have to make a lick of sense just as their 'unwillingness' to admit that GOD only exists in their freakazoid minds!
God is the place the mind 'dumps' what it can't comprehend!
Learn to embrace BECAUSE...the alternative is that insane asylum thing I keep kicking around...
Tomorrow Head...if we're lucky.
God is the place the mind 'dumps' what it can't comprehend!
ReplyDeleteLike money, god is A HUMAN construct.
Oh yeah, dem f'n Liberals! There ain't a Republican out there that ever voted to against military spending but the hug it out Liberals are the warmongers.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans have no more use for honesty than they do the truth, they consider both to be the mark of chumps...that is why 'treason' doesn't exist in the conservative vocabulary, every single one of them would betray you than look at you!
ReplyDeleteThe mind strives for 'balance/harmony'...the universe doesn't give a shit.
ReplyDeleteOh well.
Back during the 'Great Depression' [before people went stupid and started believing money had to be 'paid back'] they paid the Army of the Unemployed living wages to go into the forests and 'groom' them so should a fire break out it wouldn't endanger civilian infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteSquander funding on killing one another and even more incarcerating the poor for crimes against industry but not one red cent for disaster mitigation...