Greetings good citizen; left to your imagination is the fact we have NEVER, in the realm of human experience, been where we are today and the truly disturbing part of that is we observe the past and expect the future to behave just like it, especially financially.
Again, it is a dual edged statement to point out that all money is funny and survival relies solely upon mutual support. Do any of you think economists will start measuring the degree of support our growing exclusive society no longer generates because capitalism is a COMPETITIVE game in a world we must cooperate to survive in.
How many do you are convinced we have this 'survival thing' suss'd?
Your parents didn't starve, you didn't starve and your kids aren't that proof of success?
How disturbed are you that the obesity epidemic coincides with the population explosion and the quiet capitalist exploitation of Frankenfood?
Will fake meat solve the climate crisis? [Look to the title for the answer.] The fake news suggests the answer will be yes, even if it isn't.
The 'present' is unprecedented, we have never been here before yet we blithely use the past to predict the future.
Which is why nobody is even attempting to address (much less solve) the overpopulation crisis.
This stems from the fact that it isn't possible to determine who, precisely, is 'surplus'.
[The trick here is to slam on the brakes, and switch to 'sustainable mode' in a single generation without exterminating anyone! This is a hard reality that is unavoidable...yet the luddite capitalists won't admit it because Adam Smith taught the morons that greed is good and resources are 'infinite' in clear defiance of all that is true and reasonable.
They want to keep making buggy whips even though the only buggy's you can buy today are custom made toys for the hopelessly wealthy...another abomination created by feckless, reckless capitalism.
Takes as much to feed a rich human as it does a destitute one, the fact is unalterable.
Once 'sated' all the rich do is 'bank' their ill gotten does NO-ONE any good.
Humans believe dumb things and one of them is 'universal wealth', the myth that we (as capitalism teaches) can ALL be 'rich'.
How the hell do you expect THAT to work? [It doesn't and most of you intellectually know it so it becomes a race to avoid being the one that get's shut out and dumped on.]
Why do you believe this lie? [Look to the title for the answer.] Wrack your brain but you honestly don't know why you think all you have to do is keep your head down and be patient and your 'success' is 'inevitable'.
There are delusions and the deluded...and the line between the two is as stark as the one that divides the feckless few from the confused and clueless masses.
Slavery is alive and well. It seems to be something a lawless society is incapable of escaping.
How doomed are we if you were to consider the past predicts your (and our) collective future? [Look to the title for the answer.]
This is 'virgin' territory and things WON'T go on like they have in the past much longer.
I predict we will be tossed backwards into the cesspool of the Dark Ages by those who believe capitalism is the ONLY way forward.
Naturally this creates the conundrum of how will the feckless sort out the useful from the surplus? [Look to the title for the answer.]
How unfortunate the 'traditional answer' to that question has been, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"
Leaving humanity where, precisely? [Look to the title for the answer.]
I'll share one last opinion and that is of our being incapable of surviving (as a species) this endless loop of booms and busts.
As for tomorrow...[Look to the title for the answer.]
Next time is becoming less certain with every passing post, Head.
Again, it is a dual edged statement to point out that all money is funny and survival relies solely upon mutual support. Do any of you think economists will start measuring the degree of support our growing exclusive society no longer generates because capitalism is a COMPETITIVE game in a world we must cooperate to survive in.
How many do you are convinced we have this 'survival thing' suss'd?
Your parents didn't starve, you didn't starve and your kids aren't that proof of success?
How disturbed are you that the obesity epidemic coincides with the population explosion and the quiet capitalist exploitation of Frankenfood?
Will fake meat solve the climate crisis? [Look to the title for the answer.] The fake news suggests the answer will be yes, even if it isn't.
The 'present' is unprecedented, we have never been here before yet we blithely use the past to predict the future.
Which is why nobody is even attempting to address (much less solve) the overpopulation crisis.
This stems from the fact that it isn't possible to determine who, precisely, is 'surplus'.
[The trick here is to slam on the brakes, and switch to 'sustainable mode' in a single generation without exterminating anyone! This is a hard reality that is unavoidable...yet the luddite capitalists won't admit it because Adam Smith taught the morons that greed is good and resources are 'infinite' in clear defiance of all that is true and reasonable.
They want to keep making buggy whips even though the only buggy's you can buy today are custom made toys for the hopelessly wealthy...another abomination created by feckless, reckless capitalism.
Takes as much to feed a rich human as it does a destitute one, the fact is unalterable.
Once 'sated' all the rich do is 'bank' their ill gotten does NO-ONE any good.
Humans believe dumb things and one of them is 'universal wealth', the myth that we (as capitalism teaches) can ALL be 'rich'.
How the hell do you expect THAT to work? [It doesn't and most of you intellectually know it so it becomes a race to avoid being the one that get's shut out and dumped on.]
Why do you believe this lie? [Look to the title for the answer.] Wrack your brain but you honestly don't know why you think all you have to do is keep your head down and be patient and your 'success' is 'inevitable'.
There are delusions and the deluded...and the line between the two is as stark as the one that divides the feckless few from the confused and clueless masses.
Slavery is alive and well. It seems to be something a lawless society is incapable of escaping.
How doomed are we if you were to consider the past predicts your (and our) collective future? [Look to the title for the answer.]
This is 'virgin' territory and things WON'T go on like they have in the past much longer.
I predict we will be tossed backwards into the cesspool of the Dark Ages by those who believe capitalism is the ONLY way forward.
Naturally this creates the conundrum of how will the feckless sort out the useful from the surplus? [Look to the title for the answer.]
How unfortunate the 'traditional answer' to that question has been, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"
Leaving humanity where, precisely? [Look to the title for the answer.]
I'll share one last opinion and that is of our being incapable of surviving (as a species) this endless loop of booms and busts.
As for tomorrow...[Look to the title for the answer.]
Next time is becoming less certain with every passing post, Head.
How unfortunate the 'traditional answer' to that question has been, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"
ReplyDeleteTakes as much to feed a rich human as it does a destitute one, the fact is unalterable.
ReplyDeleteOnce 'sated' all the rich do is 'bank' their ill gotten does NO-ONE any good.
Again, it is a dual edged statement to point out that all money is funny and survival relies solely upon mutual support. Do any of you think economists will start measuring the degree of support our growing exclusive society no longer generates because capitalism is a COMPETITIVE game in a world we must cooperate to survive in.
ReplyDeleteThis is 'virgin' territory and things WON'T go on like they have in the past much longer.