Friday, October 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we muddle along in our fantasy driven existence we keep bumping our heads on the question of why.

The problem with fantasies is they don't stand up well to questioning. [Is this some alien races insane asylum?]

How closely can you look at your existence before you encounter an insoluble conundrum? [Pat answers that make little or no sense?]

Only hobos (and lunatics) have the 'luxury' of claiming that everything they do isn't driven by money.

For a vast majority of you that undefinable thing we call wealth is your only 'anchor' to what you consider 'reality'.

Disturbing, no?

Life = Money and Money = Life.

Most people's [existential] calculus stops right there. For that reason the 'money motivated' will stop at nothing to obtain the 'fluff' they need to advance their weirdo agenda.

If you believe in luck, fate, God, Karma (simultaneously) and can still put one foot in front of the other your are typical of the inmate population of this forsaken rock.

As most of us will readily tell anyone who can hear our protests that we didn't ASK to come here, it only returns us to the question at hand. Is this existence a mistake or are we HERE for a PURPOSE?

Easy to arrive at the conclusion that most of us are being 'punished' for reasons known only to our, er, 'keepers'(?) but most of us felt that way through our years of indoctrination more commonly known as 'school'.

Can I get an amen for 'educational reform'?

[Rhetorical question, dolt.]

Don't be disheartened, the, er, 'madness' that is our reality teaches us to look beyond the physical/material for the deeper lessons existence trains us to 'accept'.

Will our immortal souls go to the 'happy place' after we die or are we (as the evidence suggests) doomed to an eternity of torment after the curtain falls and this existence ceases to be?

Can you picture somewhere that you'd be 'content' forever? [That 'glory of God' must be some potent shit if you NEVER tire of it...we are 'wired' to desire a steady diet of 'fresh'] so much so that the [temporary] cottage industry of 're-imagining' every life lesson ever taught is leading us back to the original tellings, which our young will hopefully have not heard, ad nauseum.

Did you know the tale of Christ has been 're-treaded' multiple times by multiple cultures...which, ironically, is the root of the word cult'?

If we are taught to believe what our ancestors were taught to believe, where is the 'growth' 'new knowledge' brings?

Are we too dumb to learn the lessons they keep pounding into our teeny-tiny minds?

This is looking pretty sinister if you think/believe that ANYONE is a.) in charge b.) knows what's going on.

Verily, the inmates are running the asylum and you needn't look too hard to see that they are making it all up as they go along [each time expecting a different outcome! Did I mention insane?]

Where did THIS come from?

I was watching a PBS documentary last night on netflix [did I mention humans are wired to seek out 'fresh' experiences including those gleaned by sifting through the nuggets of the past for obscure factiods?]

What hit this freakazoid mind of mine as bizarre is somebody thought the public would be interesting in knowing the estimated cost of these diabolical machines (and the programs that created them) in today's estimated dollars?

Isn't capitalism sick? [For putting a price tag on the murder machine.]

They kept calling Hitler insane and deranged but ignoring the fact that neither of these 'handicaps' stopped the psycho.

Perhaps more disturbing than the lengths the reckless capitalists, who coincidentally also turned POW's and the, er, occupants of conquered nations into SLAVES, [a seemingly 'capitalist' thing to do. Just like the plantation OWNING founders! Somehow blaming the atrocities of capitalism on Nazism is a feeble attempt at whitewashing a long ignored situation.]

Our fine public schools teach that the Nazis lost the second world war while failing to point out that capitalism was behind BOTH ideologies...and an already bankrupt Germany was dusted off and re-tooled [on the cheap] by none other than the One Percent/Robber Barons...who 'owned' the patents on the murder machine.

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat, mistakes.

How many times can greed crash the global economy before we put a stop to the recklessness behind the crashes?

Only a fool thinks Murika is Great [Again] Can ANYONE point at the first time?

Torch your TV set and throw Alexa in the bathtub, you are being manipulated by psychos (and YOU KNOW IT!)



  1. Only hobos (and lunatics) have the 'luxury' of claiming that everything they do isn't driven by money.

  2. Torch your TV set and throw Alexa in the bathtub, you are being manipulated by psychos (and YOU KNOW IT!)

  3. Perhaps more disturbing than the lengths the reckless capitalists, who coincidentally also turned POW's and the, er, occupants of conquered nations into SLAVES, [a seemingly 'capitalist' thing to do. Just like the plantation OWNING founders! Somehow blaming the atrocities of capitalism on Nazism is a feeble attempt at whitewashing a long ignored situation.]

  4. For a vast majority of you that undefinable thing we call wealth is your only 'anchor' to what you consider 'reality'.

    Disturbing, no?

  5. This is looking pretty sinister if you think/believe that ANYONE is a.) in charge b.) knows what's going on.

  6. Did you know the tale of Christ has been 're-treaded' multiple times by multiple cultures...which, ironically, is the root of the word cult'?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...