Greetings good citizen, among the pack of meat puppets the RNC's subsidiary, the DNC is running for Commander-in-Chief one candidate stood apart and now she is boycotting the dog & pony show sponsored by the corporate owned media to further confuse the modern 'issues voter'.
No plain vanilla democracy for you, if you are going to drag your ass out to the polls you had best have an agenda to see through!
Ever notice the 'subdivisions' that have sprung up across the political spectrum?
United we stand but united we are not.
Theoretically ALL voters are anti-tyrant but some of them have been indoctrinated to believe that all liberals/democrats are tyrants who demand 'political correctness' when what the typical human strives for is closer to respect and decency.
See the people who need to feel superior want to be able to belittle those they deem less deserving of respect without public condemnation and that's what changed after 'Morning in America'.
Which also marks the beginning of the war on respect known as Political correctness.
[I'm looking at you Bill Mahar.]
The Proud Boys are racist asshats that don't give a fig about decency. Like the typical 'lead with your chin' types they are proudest of their ignorance and their undying love of 'their kind'.
Like Trump, their 'support' is largely manufactured by the owners of the lying media.
And IF we were to vote for a candidate who is demonstrating the political backbone to stand up to the corporate owned lie machine I will be casting my vote for Tulsi Gabbard!
A True Leader sees the problem clearly and takes steps to correct it. Throwing money at problems created by the mismanagement of money only makes things worse.
For society to begin 'working' again the playing field must be leveled and that ain't going to happen under butt licking meat puppets like 'can't/won't say a word in his own defense' Biden or 'I'm too old to run' Sanders...(he missed/gave up his shot for Hillary.)
This quid pro quo that taints US politics is glossed over by the 'say anything' crowd [How pathetic is it that you have to take EVERYTHING you hear with a 50 lb block of salt?]
The campaign, thus far, has been an artificial celebration of the supremacy of Trumpism in/by the media and NOWHERE ELSE!
Black is white and up is down according to the bought & paid for media. Soon it won't be money but the barrel of a gun that demands compliance while none objected to the lies spread by the paycheck motivated.
If there is a stain on our system that is it in a nutshell. Do as I say if you want your pay!
If YOU refuse I'll find someone who will and in a world devoid of justice, they will. [THIS is why the law must be returned to the control of those who MUST live under it!]
So today's post is my first ever (explicit) endorsement of a political candidate.
Used to support Bernie but his rolling over at the national democratic convention revealed him for the puppet he is. It's his fault we got four years of Trump and it will be his fault again if he receives the nomination...
Love Liz Warren but something doesn't quite add up. Like the traitor Obama or his predecessor Willy Jeff, both sprung up out of the woodwork with 'canned' biographies that made them ideal legislators/order takers.
Tulsi is demonstrating she is her own person and that is essential for a leader.
I give this endorsement hesitantly, considering the ruthlessness of the forces arrayed against her. I don't want to see another brave individual lying in a puddle of her own blood while morons like Trump walk unmolested in this cesspool of ownership.
Alas, 'go along to get along' breeds ruthlessness [all for 'fake' money.]
There are too many elephants that need coraling and nobody willing to 'stick their neck out' to get the job done.
Can you say 'sweeping reforms'?
Until next time, Head.
PS: If I can't 'motivate' you, nothing is going to case you were wondering why I am always asking you how f'n dumb you are...
No plain vanilla democracy for you, if you are going to drag your ass out to the polls you had best have an agenda to see through!
Ever notice the 'subdivisions' that have sprung up across the political spectrum?
United we stand but united we are not.
Theoretically ALL voters are anti-tyrant but some of them have been indoctrinated to believe that all liberals/democrats are tyrants who demand 'political correctness' when what the typical human strives for is closer to respect and decency.
See the people who need to feel superior want to be able to belittle those they deem less deserving of respect without public condemnation and that's what changed after 'Morning in America'.
Which also marks the beginning of the war on respect known as Political correctness.
[I'm looking at you Bill Mahar.]
The Proud Boys are racist asshats that don't give a fig about decency. Like the typical 'lead with your chin' types they are proudest of their ignorance and their undying love of 'their kind'.
Like Trump, their 'support' is largely manufactured by the owners of the lying media.
And IF we were to vote for a candidate who is demonstrating the political backbone to stand up to the corporate owned lie machine I will be casting my vote for Tulsi Gabbard!
A True Leader sees the problem clearly and takes steps to correct it. Throwing money at problems created by the mismanagement of money only makes things worse.
For society to begin 'working' again the playing field must be leveled and that ain't going to happen under butt licking meat puppets like 'can't/won't say a word in his own defense' Biden or 'I'm too old to run' Sanders...(he missed/gave up his shot for Hillary.)
This quid pro quo that taints US politics is glossed over by the 'say anything' crowd [How pathetic is it that you have to take EVERYTHING you hear with a 50 lb block of salt?]
The campaign, thus far, has been an artificial celebration of the supremacy of Trumpism in/by the media and NOWHERE ELSE!
Black is white and up is down according to the bought & paid for media. Soon it won't be money but the barrel of a gun that demands compliance while none objected to the lies spread by the paycheck motivated.
If there is a stain on our system that is it in a nutshell. Do as I say if you want your pay!
If YOU refuse I'll find someone who will and in a world devoid of justice, they will. [THIS is why the law must be returned to the control of those who MUST live under it!]
So today's post is my first ever (explicit) endorsement of a political candidate.
Used to support Bernie but his rolling over at the national democratic convention revealed him for the puppet he is. It's his fault we got four years of Trump and it will be his fault again if he receives the nomination...
Love Liz Warren but something doesn't quite add up. Like the traitor Obama or his predecessor Willy Jeff, both sprung up out of the woodwork with 'canned' biographies that made them ideal legislators/order takers.
Tulsi is demonstrating she is her own person and that is essential for a leader.
I give this endorsement hesitantly, considering the ruthlessness of the forces arrayed against her. I don't want to see another brave individual lying in a puddle of her own blood while morons like Trump walk unmolested in this cesspool of ownership.
Alas, 'go along to get along' breeds ruthlessness [all for 'fake' money.]
There are too many elephants that need coraling and nobody willing to 'stick their neck out' to get the job done.
Can you say 'sweeping reforms'?
Until next time, Head.
PS: If I can't 'motivate' you, nothing is going to case you were wondering why I am always asking you how f'n dumb you are...
No plain vanilla democracy for you, if you are going to drag your ass out to the polls you had best have an agenda to see through!
ReplyDeleteEver notice the 'subdivisions' that have sprung up across the political spectrum?
United we stand but united we are not.
Don't suppose this is the fault of the media and the constant bombardment of 'outrages' pretending to be real issues?
Where will trans people pee? Honestly, who the f cares!
See the people who need to feel superior want to be able to belittle those they deem less deserving of respect without public condemnation and that's what changed after 'Morning in America'.
ReplyDeleteamong the pack of meat puppets the RNC's subsidiary, the DNC is running for Commander-in-Chief one candidate stood apart and now she is boycotting the dog & pony show sponsored by the corporate owned media to further confuse the modern 'issues voter'.