Friday, November 1, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the 'purpose' of protesting is to express one's displeasure over pretty much whatever irks you. Doesn't have to be a valid complaint either, you can scream for as long as you can muster the energy to do so.

That said, screaming is exhausting and most of us can't keep it up for long so why do we do it?

The 'hope' of the protestors is that it will galvanize the like minded into taking action to, er, 'remedy' whatever is frustrating them.

When we begin to enumerate the things that grate upon our fragile psyche's the list rapidly become ponderous.

Can we 'fix' everything? [Sing the refrain children!]

So it is the protesters seeking, er, 'freedom' will be handed a bitter pill to swallow, a variety of liberty that the only 'win' is you get to keep living as long as you stop's the feet and knee thing, writ large.

Seems despite our 'dissatisfaction' with our circumstances, most of us are perfectly willing to live on our knees because there is no coming back from the dying on our feet part...

None of us is anxious to become martyrs. We'd much rather enjoy life than simply being remembered by the living.

But change demands sacrifice. The A-holes won't stop voluntarily...which brings us full circle to the protestors.

Your 'unwillingness' to die needlessly [often stupidly] protesting something that you have zero control over is what dooms you to failure. Your opponents will defer to the refuge of scoundrels and claim your death was the result of 'orders' and the cost of maintaining control.

This is why the job of judge gets erased from the SIC codes, NOBODY is qualified to be one.

Besides, decisions like that CAN'T be decided by ANY individual no matter how 'empowered'...(theoretically by 'the law')

Yep, much is taken for granted when it comes to shoving tyranny up the public's backside and most of it is leveraged by claims of the need to 'maintain order' rather than the public weal.

How frightening the 'need' for the public to be kept docile outweighs the public's demands for justice?

What is more important, Justice or Control? If you live under a criminal enterprise then control [of the justice system] is priority number one.

The criminals don't want to be prosecuted and will stop at nothing to prevent being brought to justice, even if that means hiding behind the veil of 'domestic tranquility'.

Like the cockroach you can see, there are thousands of others that you can't.

Why are the cockroaches so numerous? Leaky food bags.

Ever wonder why 'money' is so poorly understood by the public?

It's no accident!

We are abused with and misuse money in almost every aspect of society...but you knew that.

Did you know churches are supported by tithes for exactly that reason? It is the 'primary defense' of 'physical cash' the primary source of ALL corruption.

You live in a cesspit because the criminals don't want you to know that the money to improve things has been readily available ALL ALONG!

Money becomes much more 'understandable' if we write the equation thus: $ = will. If it, er, 'needs' to be done, $ makes it possible.

Can't 'blind eye' your way out of this one. YOU are being EVERY turn.

There is very little difference between screams of anger and screams of anguish in the ears of the oppressor.

Bozo needs that badge shoved as far up there as it will go using the largest possible blunt object.

We can no longer tolerate being led by the feckless who believe the laws don't apply to them.

Later Head.



  1. We can no longer tolerate being led by the feckless who believe the laws don't apply to them.

  2. Can we 'fix' everything? [Sing the refrain children!]

    That said 'universal' goals like equality and justice are more 'achievable' than you have been led to believe...

  3. When we begin to enumerate the things that grate upon our fragile psyche's the list rapidly become ponderous.

  4. There is very little difference between screams of anger and screams of anguish in the ears of the oppressor.

  5. Money becomes much more 'understandable' if we write the equation thus: $ = will. If it, er, 'needs' to be done, $ makes it possible.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...