Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, ignore today's title it is there to attract your eye and nothing more (although I am 'up to something'.)

Since attention span is miniscule, I'll cut to the chase and begin with the 'point' that much of what we encounter information-wise is 'assumed/intuited'.

We all know what the other is talking about when they tell us about light because we have all most of us have seen it BUT nobody KNOWS if light is a particle or a wave because it demonstrates properties of both.

What does this have to do with the price of tea?

Follow me if you will because a, er, 'certain percentage' of the population claims to have regular conversations with the 'creator'..including those, er, 'elected' to leadership positions of our landmass rather than the populace itself. [Didn't know they were two entirely separate entities, did you?]

But one 'mystery of faith' at a time because this can be confusing mostly because the verbiage isn't up to the task at hand.

The ONLY 'voice' you hear in your head is YOURS. It is a fact that humans, as part of our 'self-awareness', question ourselves pretty much constantly...and the failure to 'recognize' the other voice is your own has led some to believe they were receiving 'divine guidance' (with some of the more egregious cases making their way into international headlines.)


Given we know less than nothing about really don't have to probe your knowledge base too far to encounter the profound ignorance dwelling in each of us. We have language but it fails to describe with any degree of accuracy a huge amount of what we encounter regularly.


Logically speaking, how 'conceited' is it to think that a 'creator' would even be able to communicate with such simplistic entities?

A creator that can communicate with us is 'proof' that (like money) 'god' is a human construct (man-made) for those of you slow on the uptake.

By now some of you have embraced the idea that I don't hold 'average intelligence' in high regard but I also suspect few of you appreciate that I know the cause of this widespread, er, 'ignorance'.

It's no accident.

Why dwell on God if there isn't one?

Because 'god's defenders' are slavers.

Let's rewind a couple of paragraphs to where I share the observation that 90% of what we tell one another is 'intuition' our own personal definition of a shared knowledge. Language would not be possible if not for this touchstone/commonality.

We all know what water is but all we have is a theory of how it becomes the wet substance we experience in its liquid state...and again, only a theory as to 'why' hydrogen and oxygen combine in the first place to create 'wetness' under the right circumstances.

Did I mention the depth of you experience base is paper thin?

We all know what gravity does but we don't have the words to describe gravity with any accuracy. Are YOU picking up what I'm laying down?

While we like to believe otherwise, those, er, 'leading' us aren't any brighter than you are.

Let that one sink in if you want to get really frightened. Even the 'Very Stable Genius' gets lost in thought because he doesn't go there very often...

This is what we writers refer to as the imprecision of speech which may be more simply put as the lack of the proper term to describe what is an otherwise common experience. We COULD make up our own words but I'd be better off peeing on you and hoping the meaning soaked in because while humans are mimics that rapidly adopt the new and unfamiliar, understanding is a whole other kettle of fish.

Seems some of you are still struggling with the idea that the planet is round and that we revolve around the sun rather than the other way around.

So, for the record, YOU and the vast majority of the population is being played for chumps by people who are no smarter than you are and they are doing it to (and here we go again, because 'rich' wealth and success don't even come close, the term I'm searching for has a more sexual connotation most commonly understood as 'fucking') you over.

Yup the sadistic fuckers are doing it to make you suffer while they insist it's not 'maliciousness' it is YOUR 'bad luck' (for letting them live!)

Again with the why these end when and where they do... the cognizant know!

Later, Head.



  1. Since attention span is miniscule, I'll cut to the chase and begin with the 'point' that much of what we encounter information-wise is 'assumed/intuited'.

  2. Given we know less than nothing about really don't have to probe your knowledge base too far to encounter the profound ignorance dwelling in each of us. We have language but it fails to describe with any degree of accuracy a huge amount of what we encounter regularly.

    Quiz: what's the difference between loyalty, patriotism and OBEDIENCE?

  3. Did I mention the depth of you experience base is paper thin?

    Why should we believe ANYBODY when they claim to talk to God?

  4. Seems some of you are still struggling with the idea that the planet is round and that we revolve around the sun rather than the other way around.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...