Monday, November 4, 2019

Logic problem

Greetings good citizen, most people dislike logic puzzles because they rely on using arcane knowledge to solve them...and this shit ain't called 'trivia' for nothing.

That said, you have been hog-tied by the feckless using 'details' that they added after the fact...facts that were there all along but most of us ignore them because they don't factor in to problem at hand...for example.

Guns rule. Where do gun rules apply in politics? When the ones with the guns make the rules.

Anyone with me in voting to exile the 'murder posse'? [Zero irony that is the exact same number that would laugh in the face of an 'inquisitor' inquiring about your 'faith'...even you mentally finish that response with "and pigs fly too!"]

See, the gun toting law enforcers don't know the law, they only know what they are told and increasingly what they are told is 'wrong' because the people doing the telling don't have legal backgrounds either.


One factor and we have already opened Pandora's box but we can't stop here because there is a ton of ground to cover! You are going to have to mentally keep in mind that the ones with the guns make the rules while considering other aspects of this 'unspoken reality'.

Like our 'divided nation'. Where do we begin? It is (being mindful of gun rules) 'incorrect' to assume we all live here under the same laws, applied 'equally'. There is a set of laws for the majority of us and depending on who we are related to it affects how those laws are applied to the individual.

First rule of social dynamics: Without EQUALITY there can be NO JUSTICE!

This leads to the 2nd dynamic: without JUSTICE there can be NO PEACE...

Which leads to the 3rd dynamic: without PEACE there can be no PROSPERITY...which is why the feckless strictly follow gun rules (which is tyranny in case you weren't aware, it is also the very definition of Comply or Die.)

Gun rules has zero to do with JUSTICE and everything to do with POWER...and what do we know about POWER?

Power corrupts and ABSOLUTE POWER corrupts ABSOLUTELY!

Logically speaking, does the nation 'have to be' Equally Divided or is the fact that the ones with the guns say it is so enough?

STOP [again!]

The shit pot simmering on the fire of social dynamics is being brought to a boil as we approach an Election Year.

In light of GUN RULES, how confident are you that your vote 'COUNTS' given the 'evidence of history'? (I know, trick question. Most of you think history is that boring subject they taught you in school, once you finished you were done with remembering stuff, weren't you?)

If you think it counts at all chant the refrain and don't stop until I say 'when'. [You might have to go a couple of posts for that...]

I will once again 'echo' the unpopular opinion that neither the badges or the robes exist to 'serve' society, they exist solely to protect the feckless [from being brought to justice.]

Their job is to fight YOU off if an uprising breaks out. [Why do you 'logically' think the police draws heavily from the military and the cops are routinely 'gifted' military hardware designed to fight wars with?]

Does a 'JUST' society need the military to 'protect it' from its own citizens?

It's not logical good citizen so how unfortunate is it that logic problems make your head hurt?

Until next time, Head.



  1. Logically speaking, does the nation 'have to be' Equally Divided or is the fact that the ones with the guns say it is so enough?

    What's it take to drill through that cement that passes for your mind?

  2. See, the gun toting law enforcers don't know the law, they only know what they are told and increasingly what they are told is 'wrong' because the people doing the telling don't have legal backgrounds either.

  3. Guns rule. Where do gun rules apply in politics? When the ones with the guns make the rules.

    You are DELUSIONAL if you believe otherwise.

  4. Nothing more miserable than editing your own stuff, the eyeballs tend to slide right over the mistakes that you don't catch until later...then you're horrified!

  5. Like our 'divided nation'. Where do we begin? It is (being mindful of gun rules) 'incorrect' to assume we all live here under the same laws, applied 'equally'. There is a set of laws for the majority of us and depending on who we are related to it affects how those laws are applied to the individual.

    First rule of social dynamics: Without EQUALITY there can be NO JUSTICE!

  6. See, the gun toting law enforcers don't know the law, they only know what they are told and increasingly what they are told is 'wrong' because the people doing the telling don't have legal backgrounds either.

  7. Gun rules has zero to do with JUSTICE and everything to do with POWER...and what do we know about POWER?

    Power corrupts and ABSOLUTE POWER corrupts ABSOLUTELY!

  8. In light of GUN RULES, how confident are you that your vote 'COUNTS' given the 'evidence of history'? (I know, trick question. Most of you think history is that boring subject they taught you in school, once you finished you were done with remembering stuff, weren't you?)

    If you think it counts at all chant the refrain and don't stop until I say 'when'. [You might have to go a couple of posts for that...]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...