Greetings good citizen, the race for 'Commander-in-Chief' is in full swing so why does the media ignore the fact that it's not the job the public needs doing?
Oh, that's right. The media operates under the mandate of only telling the public what the commercial sector wants them to believe. Peace and security are both fabricated chimera brought to you by a media barred from telling the truth [which, ironically, is far more 'newsworthy'.]
There isn't an American alive that doesn't know the POTUS is also the 'Leader of the Free World' [why does numbnuts remain baffled that he is being impeached? He's not doing the job and only the lying media pretends his mythical 'base' is happy with him.]
There isn't a single late night TV host the audience didn't cheer [enthusiastically] when they announced 'the deplorables' president was indeed going to face impeachment...and our 'murdered' baby Trump balloon is imported from freedom loving Europeans who despise the self-centered schmuck as much as the disgruntled US public does.
Seriously good citizen, WHO likes this guy? Even the people at his rallies are paid actors!
Not that you should care but my money is still on the usurpers of the 'bloodless coup'. They MADE HIM take the job in exchange for not prosecuting him over his role in the fraudulent Trump University scandal...and what we see is what they got/wanted.
Doesn't matter if he is impeached, the 'damage' is done. Will we be able to 'reset' the laws he 'undid' using something that shouldn't exist [and didn't surface until W. was in office] Presidential Decree?
Democracy as it is currently practised (by our 'betters') is broken. This is not democracy but thinly veiled monarchy that the Robber Barons have been restoring via 'gradualism'.
A Leader is a problem solver, a ruler's sole interest is in maintaining the 'status quo'. Rulers don't give a f about your problems, you are beneath consideration. A leader uses their mandate to build a better society (for ALL) to solve the conflicts that plague our 'ruler' riddled populace.
The principal 'defect' of capitalism is the defacto premise that every 'Owner' is a KING...who is the defacto 'ruler' of their 'possession' and is entitled to behave as they wish, regardless of skill or ability because their only 'responsibility' is to THEMSELVES!
Are YOU a capitalist? [Shame on you!]
Speaking of 'facts' [especially inconvenient ones] NONE of us OWNS anything and we ALL have a responsibility to EACH OTHER AND Every other living thing on this planet (Except mosquitoes.)
The NEED to eradicate the Robber Barons is acute, civilization depends on removing them from the corridors of power after they have been permanently demolished.
Bureaucracy exists to stifle change. It even resists efforts to eradicate it! [How's that for freakishly effective?]
Checks and balances exist to preserve tyranny so the will of the few can't be overruled.
While the practiced bureaucrat dryly yawns they are only following 'procedure' what can't be observed is that they are making 'procedure' up on the spot as they hastily circle the threat back upon itself until it runs out of energy/urgency.
A nation needs (effective) leadership while it has almost zero use for a ruler, which is what the post Morning in America crowd keeps appointing to the Oval Office.
Ironic that those who deny that Morning in America marked the beginning of a worldwide bloodless coup by THE SAME PEOPLE THAT FUNDED THE NAZIS! [The 'infamous' Robber Barons, whose progeny is better known as our 'billionaire class'.]
Did the Nazi's/Axis powers 'lose' WWII?
Depends on how you define lose?
Sure doesn't look like it if you scrape away the veneer of propaganda the media piled on top of the smoking rubble.
Everybody knows you are being, er, 'herded' and that the media can't be trusted, which leave you (and yours) where?
We have to establish a working government beyond the reach of the feckless whose only goal is nothing less than undisputed obedience and the abject servitude of the lower classes.
Sort of expands your perception of what's going on when you realize that the media is not your Guardian but your Jailer.
In order to have accurate information we must first remove the influence of the self-interested and in order to make that happen we need to abolish OWNERSHIP in all its forms.
When will the idiots among us wake up to the fact that the ONLY thing ownership establishes is the direction the 'income stream' flows (if you're lucky, still a lot of 'owners on paper' that are getting skunked.)
The Nazis were both Christian and Capitalist...and nobody has a problem outside of the goose stepping and the swastikas...WTF? [White people, am I right?]
Abolish ownership, abolish cash and you literally eliminate corruption by eliminating the 'quid pro quo' cash for compliance results in...eliminate ownership and you remove 'payment in kind' from the equation. Left on the table is the planet's oldest profession which the elimination of cash will put a major dent in but it will NOT stop it entirely!
But I digress, albeit not by much because we MUST unite humanity under a 'viable' system or our species will eliminate itself from the historic record. That is not up for debate.
We are literally tap dancing on a land mine as the feckless work on undermining unity so they don't have to contribute. How's that for a self-centered?
Funny how when you start numbering the things that need to be addressed the picture becomes considerably clearer.
Try it and see where you land?
[Can't make ya do it but the idea is intriguing, ain't it?]
Until next time, Head.
Sometimes I try to cram too much into a single piece but it's all connected! [Arrggghh!]
Oh, that's right. The media operates under the mandate of only telling the public what the commercial sector wants them to believe. Peace and security are both fabricated chimera brought to you by a media barred from telling the truth [which, ironically, is far more 'newsworthy'.]
There isn't an American alive that doesn't know the POTUS is also the 'Leader of the Free World' [why does numbnuts remain baffled that he is being impeached? He's not doing the job and only the lying media pretends his mythical 'base' is happy with him.]
There isn't a single late night TV host the audience didn't cheer [enthusiastically] when they announced 'the deplorables' president was indeed going to face impeachment...and our 'murdered' baby Trump balloon is imported from freedom loving Europeans who despise the self-centered schmuck as much as the disgruntled US public does.
Seriously good citizen, WHO likes this guy? Even the people at his rallies are paid actors!
Not that you should care but my money is still on the usurpers of the 'bloodless coup'. They MADE HIM take the job in exchange for not prosecuting him over his role in the fraudulent Trump University scandal...and what we see is what they got/wanted.
Doesn't matter if he is impeached, the 'damage' is done. Will we be able to 'reset' the laws he 'undid' using something that shouldn't exist [and didn't surface until W. was in office] Presidential Decree?
Democracy as it is currently practised (by our 'betters') is broken. This is not democracy but thinly veiled monarchy that the Robber Barons have been restoring via 'gradualism'.
A Leader is a problem solver, a ruler's sole interest is in maintaining the 'status quo'. Rulers don't give a f about your problems, you are beneath consideration. A leader uses their mandate to build a better society (for ALL) to solve the conflicts that plague our 'ruler' riddled populace.
The principal 'defect' of capitalism is the defacto premise that every 'Owner' is a KING...who is the defacto 'ruler' of their 'possession' and is entitled to behave as they wish, regardless of skill or ability because their only 'responsibility' is to THEMSELVES!
Are YOU a capitalist? [Shame on you!]
Speaking of 'facts' [especially inconvenient ones] NONE of us OWNS anything and we ALL have a responsibility to EACH OTHER AND Every other living thing on this planet (Except mosquitoes.)
The NEED to eradicate the Robber Barons is acute, civilization depends on removing them from the corridors of power after they have been permanently demolished.
Bureaucracy exists to stifle change. It even resists efforts to eradicate it! [How's that for freakishly effective?]
Checks and balances exist to preserve tyranny so the will of the few can't be overruled.
While the practiced bureaucrat dryly yawns they are only following 'procedure' what can't be observed is that they are making 'procedure' up on the spot as they hastily circle the threat back upon itself until it runs out of energy/urgency.
A nation needs (effective) leadership while it has almost zero use for a ruler, which is what the post Morning in America crowd keeps appointing to the Oval Office.
Ironic that those who deny that Morning in America marked the beginning of a worldwide bloodless coup by THE SAME PEOPLE THAT FUNDED THE NAZIS! [The 'infamous' Robber Barons, whose progeny is better known as our 'billionaire class'.]
Did the Nazi's/Axis powers 'lose' WWII?
Depends on how you define lose?
Sure doesn't look like it if you scrape away the veneer of propaganda the media piled on top of the smoking rubble.
Everybody knows you are being, er, 'herded' and that the media can't be trusted, which leave you (and yours) where?
We have to establish a working government beyond the reach of the feckless whose only goal is nothing less than undisputed obedience and the abject servitude of the lower classes.
Sort of expands your perception of what's going on when you realize that the media is not your Guardian but your Jailer.
In order to have accurate information we must first remove the influence of the self-interested and in order to make that happen we need to abolish OWNERSHIP in all its forms.
When will the idiots among us wake up to the fact that the ONLY thing ownership establishes is the direction the 'income stream' flows (if you're lucky, still a lot of 'owners on paper' that are getting skunked.)
The Nazis were both Christian and Capitalist...and nobody has a problem outside of the goose stepping and the swastikas...WTF? [White people, am I right?]
Abolish ownership, abolish cash and you literally eliminate corruption by eliminating the 'quid pro quo' cash for compliance results in...eliminate ownership and you remove 'payment in kind' from the equation. Left on the table is the planet's oldest profession which the elimination of cash will put a major dent in but it will NOT stop it entirely!
But I digress, albeit not by much because we MUST unite humanity under a 'viable' system or our species will eliminate itself from the historic record. That is not up for debate.
We are literally tap dancing on a land mine as the feckless work on undermining unity so they don't have to contribute. How's that for a self-centered?
Funny how when you start numbering the things that need to be addressed the picture becomes considerably clearer.
Try it and see where you land?
[Can't make ya do it but the idea is intriguing, ain't it?]
Until next time, Head.
Sometimes I try to cram too much into a single piece but it's all connected! [Arrggghh!]
Sort of expands your perception of what's going on when you realize that the media is not your Guardian but your Jailer.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I try to cram too much into a single piece but it's all connected! [Arrggghh!]
ReplyDeleteAn 'apology' for posts that are all over the map.
Funny how when you start numbering the things that need to be addressed the picture becomes considerably clearer.
ReplyDeleteTry it and see where you land?