Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like most things in this life, dementia is 'relative' or you wouldn't spend a significant portion of you mental horse/(chipmunk/mouse/lizard) power trying to determine if someone is genuinely 'off their rocker' or simply yanking your crank.

Mental stability in our modern times is as simple as disagreeing with one another and as nuanced as the multiple dubious distinctions between major religions [usually defended with 'X million people CAN'T be wrong! (which doesn't, by default, make them 'right' either.)]

Just as sane is based on 'the behavior of the majority', the 'truth', regardless of the facts, is considered to be what [an unprovable] majority believes.

Worse, much of 'the World as, er, 'we' have come to know it' is handed to us (as gospel) by the fractal of a single percent.

So, how's your sanity holding up? YOU can believe what you like but if the fraction of a percent disagrees, guess who 'wins'?

Zero irony it is this distinction that makes undertakings like A Simple Plan so, er, 'dangerous'.

I am hardly 'obtuse', my motivations for writing what I share can be found in the day's headlines. Can you guess that I don't approve of Mr. Pompeo's latest blow against both equity and peace? [Could it be his boss or is he just another wind up toy, indistinguishable from the 'very stable genius'?]

Under ASP there are NO 'nations'. Land masses will be numbered and the number will be used to differentiate between locations. [Funny (and not 'ha-ha' funny) how humans get hung up on attaching significance to patches of ground...and what comes from this? (War.)

We all know war is for idiots and there's no shortage of those among us. Was there something you wanted to 'thank a soldier/veteran for?'

F'n dangerous shit coming from those free to manipulate 'public opinion' for their own purposes. Just sayin' ya know?

Hasn't happened in [the West] for a couple of hundred years but soldiers were the ones that took you to the slave camps after your, er, 'land' was defeated. THIS is what's 'incongruous' about 'thanking a soldier' for f'n anything.

[Like it or not we are ALL 'soldiers', if you want to thank someone for your life (I would say 'freedom' but you are NOT 'free', ironically only criminals are!), find a f'n mirror!]

Talk about the 'joys of capitalism' the African slave trade was largely a criminal enterprise conducted by 'freebooting' capitalists! [Justified by BOTH Christian churches because they were 'godless savages'...(WTF?)

So we return to the 'relativity' of sanity and the unfolding shitshow as various factions vie for control of the collective narrative.

Time to hit the reset button before the feckless few push the one that wrecks the planet for the foreseeable future and dooms our species to a fight it can't win.

Sane, it's a bigger question than you think [mostly because those who control the narrative are self-serving liars!]

Until next time, please TRY to dump some of the shit from between your ears. Seriously. Stop, examine and discard...if only for your own mental health.

The three filters of unity, justice and equality [never religion] are all you need. Neither sanity nor sense comes from a book, they come from the heart...which should be the first thing you check for...you might be surprised to find yours has been stolen, by some whack job out to murder their own demons via others. [Remember the X million can't be wrong? Oh yes they can and we have many examples!]

Keep it real, Head.



  1. Worse, much of 'the World as, er, 'we' have come to know it' is handed to us (as gospel) by the fractal of a single percent.

  2. Time to hit the reset button before the feckless few push the one that wrecks the planet for the foreseeable future and dooms our species to a fight it can't win.

  3. The three filters of unity, justice and equality [never religion] are all you need. Neither sanity nor sense comes from a book, they come from the heart...which should be the first thing you check for...you might be surprised to find yours has been stolen, by some whack job out to murder their own demons via others. [Remember the X million can't be wrong? Oh yes they can and we have many examples!]

  4. Talk about the 'joys of capitalism' the African slave trade was largely a criminal enterprise conducted by 'freebooting' capitalists! [Justified by BOTH Christian churches because they were 'godless savages'...(WTF?)

  5. The three filters of unity, justice and equality [never religion] are all you need. Neither sanity nor sense comes from a book, they come from the heart...which should be the first thing you check for...you might be surprised to find yours has been stolen, by some whack job out to murder their own demons via others. [Remember the X million can't be wrong? Oh yes they can and we have many examples!]

  6. Worse, much of 'the World as, er, 'we' have come to know it' is handed to us (as gospel) by the fractal of a single percent.


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