Saturday, November 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, bad enough you need a scorecard to keep track of all the players but now we are experiencing a repeat of the 2016 run up to the Presidential primaries with the number of candidates being incredibly lopsided literally 'diluting' support for any one candidate.

Who [Besides the media and the nitwit they handed the job to last time] thinks this is a 'good idea' when the incumbent has demonstrated for all to see that he has no plans for society's future...and that IS the job we are 'attempting' to fill.

As a resident of Massachusetts let me tell the voting public that Deval Patrick's disappointing gubernatorial service resulted in the election of Nevada native Mitt Romney who promptly used his statehouse win to run for the oval office, which he botched incredibly...and yet he is now a Senator for his home state.

Mike Bloomberg's hat barely touched the floor, announcing his entry into an already crowded field using his 4 terms as Mayor of NYC when the, er, 'controversy' surrounding 'stop and frisk' rose up to greet him.

Um, the convention narrows down the field to two but considering the expense [which keeps many 'better qualified' individuals OUT of the race] what purpose does this 'spectacle' really serve?

The 'illusion of participation'... and I won't dilute that observation with a question mark, there is no doubt.

Ever wonder why Election Day falls on the First f'n November? It was ORIGINALLY selected so as to not 'interfere' with the farmer's busy calendar but it's been a century since we were a majority 'agrarian' society, why wasn't it changed to A.) a Monday and B.) made a federal holiday everyone gets PAID for?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

No one knows? How about a wild ass guess? [Worse than it appears, isn't it?]

How about the answer that is right in front of your face? THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO VOTE AT ALL!

The now 2 year long election cycle serves no other purpose than the illusion of participation, this is a HOAX.

The collective 'WE' [the human race for those of you unfamiliar with thinking in terms beyond your immediate family] can NO LONGER AFFORD the 'luxury' of FAKE PARTICIPATION because the people doing the actual organizing that keeps the wheels of society spinning are INCOMPETENT COGS in a machine that isn't up to the job of protecting our species.

EVERY military on the planet needs to be dismantled. [Do I even need to put a time frame on that? (Didn't think so.)]

Then we NEED to establish a competition that asks the candidates for leadership to solve the problems that are causing society to tear itself to shreds. [Hint to the feckless, 'lock 'em up' is NEVER the answer!]

[See what I mean about no longer being able to afford the 'luxury' of being lead by morons?]


Remember the last fiasco and what came of an overcrowded field of candidates because EVERYBODY believed they could beat the sole opposition party candidate?

How the fuck did that happen, by the way? Is the DNC a front for the manipulators who call themselves 'our betters' (sometimes to our face like candidate Mitt did when he thought he wasn't being recorded?)

Is anyone out there dumb enough to believe this was an 'isolated incident'?

The feckless few think this ALL THE TIME! [Why do you think they make you go out to vote in sub-freezing temperatures every 4 years for no good reason but to laugh over YOUR STUPIDITY?

Confused? Mission Accomplished.

Like I keep reminding you, there ain't a lot of 'next times' left, Head.


PS: I see you still haven't cleaned up the mess in there...I didn't think it was possible to cram even more shit in there!


  1. Ever wonder why Election Day falls on the First f'n November? It was ORIGINALLY selected so as to not 'interfere' with the farmer's busy calendar but it's been a century since we were a majority 'agrarian' society, why wasn't it changed to A.) a Monday and B.) made a federal holiday everyone gets PAID for?

  2. How the fuck did that happen, by the way? Is the DNC a front for the manipulators who call themselves 'our betters' (sometimes to our face like candidate Mitt did when he thought he wasn't being recorded?)

    Is anyone out there dumb enough to believe this was an 'isolated incident'?

  3. Then we NEED to establish a competition that asks the candidates for leadership to solve the problems that are causing society to tear itself to shreds. [Hint to the feckless, 'lock 'em up' is NEVER the answer!]

  4. Remember the last fiasco and what came of an overcrowded field of candidates because EVERYBODY believed they could beat the sole opposition party candidate?

    an you spell 'manipulated'?

  5. How about the answer that is right in front of your face? THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO VOTE AT ALL!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...